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Liver Diseases
A Multidisciplinary Textbook
90,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book provides an in-depth coverage not only of liver pathology but also of diagnosis of the numerous types of liver disease, placing specific emphasis on current treatments of liver pathology including the most up-to-date information on liver transplantation.

The first part of provides an in-depth account of the liver pathology in different conditions such as Hepatits, liver ischaemia reperfusion injury, Lyme disease, cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and hepatocellular carcinoma. The second part provides a comprehensive overview of diagnostic methods. Of particular interest are chapters on the latest techniques in Patient-specific 3D printing and transient elastography (FibroScan). The final part focuses on treatment and provides a step-by step guide to the therapeutic management of liver diseases starting with pharmacological treatment and techniques including surgery and liver transplantation.

This is an invaluable book  for clinicians, practitioners including academics, scientists/researchers and postgraduates to provide the newest knowledge in the field of liver pathogenesis. It is written by a multidisciplinary team of experts in hepathology, gastroenterology, and surgery especially from liver transplantation.

Florentina Radu-Ionita, MD, PhD is Consultant of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Associated Professor to Gastroenterology Department, Faculty of Medicine, ”Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest, Romania and from 2014 is the Director of Central Military Emergency University Hospital “Dr. Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania. Author and co-author of 3 books, 4 chapters in specialty books, over 280 articles and scientific works, published in Romania and abroad in specialty journals or in the brochures of scientific manifestations. Moreover, is co-author of the Patent for invention no. RO 001/2017 „Method for Obtaining Fydroxyapatite Scaffolds with Predetermined Physico-Chemical Characteristics for Major Bone Reconstruction”. She is Editor-in-Chief of Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, CNCSIS C, ISSN-L1222-5126; eISSN 2501-2312; pISSN 1222-5126. She is mainly investigator and sub-investigator in over 25 international multicentric clinical studies. Associate Professor Ionita received multiple awards for his work. More important, she is supervisor in specialized training for resident doctors in gastroenterology, having numerous national  universitary lectures for students and residents.

Nikolaos T. Pyrsopoulos, MD, PhD, MBA, FACP, AGAF, FAASLD, FRCP (Edin) currently serves as Professor of Medicine and Chief of Gastroenterology & Hepatology at New Jersey Medical School, Professor of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience and the Medical Director of Liver Transplantation for University Hospital. In addition, he one of the Editors in Chief for the World Journal of Hepatology and of other well-known journals in the field of Hepatology and Gastroenterology. Moreover, he has numerous publications in various scientific journals, including the Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Transplantation and is one of the authors in the book devoted to the unique field of abdominal transplantation: Intestinal and Multivisceral Transplantation. He has served in numerous national and institutional committees. In addition, he served as the Region 2 Review Board Chair for UNOS and as the Liver and Intestinal committee representative of UNOS region 2. A notorious speaker, Dr. Pyrsopoulos has given national and international talks and lectures on a variety of topics within Hepatology and Gastroenterology. He has served as Activity Director for ten annual national conferences sponsored by Rutgers, Update on Liver Disease and Digestive Disease: New Advances. Furthermore, Dr. Pyrsopoulos has participated in numerous international and national multicenter clinical research projects. He has been elected as the Rutgers NJMS Faculty Organization president. His vision is excellence in patient care, providing outstanding education to the fellows, residents and students and promoting the science of medicine by conducting research.

Mariana Jinga MD, MPH, PhD is Professor of Medicine, Head of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Consultant of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at ”Dr. Carol Davila” Central Military Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest; Professor of Faculty of Medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania. She is member of Editorial Board of Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, and reviewer of many journals. She has participated in more than 280 scientific events and national and international training courses. More than 400 articles and scientific papers published or communicated in the country and abroad, 28 books and chapters in specialized books, in national and international publishing houses, as author, coordinator or co-author. She was principal investigator and co-investigator in 37 international clinical studies and in 13 national clinical studies, researcher in 19 national projects and in 5 international projects (EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research - FP 7).



Ion C. Tintoiu MD, PhD, FESC is Consultant of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Professor of Cardiology Faculty of Medicine, “Titu Maiorescu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest and  presently Chief of Interventional Cardiology Department, ”Carol Davila” Central Military Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest.

Professor Tintoiu received multiple awards and honors for his work, being author and co-author of 12 specialized monographs, 421 journals from multiple medical specialties. He has lectured extensively during his activity, and is a member of Editorial Board of 10 cardiology journals. Moreover, is a member of numerous PhD program committees and member of boards for Consultant examination degree.

Zhonghua Sun MD, PhD is a Professor and discipline lead of medical radiation sciences at Curtin University, Australia.  His research interests include diagnostic imaging, 3D medical image visualization and processing, hemodynamic analysis of cardiovascular disease and 3D printing in medicine. He has extensive research experience in cardiovascular imaging with prolific publications in refereed journals. His research outputs include publications of 5 books, 13 book chapters and more than 250 refereed journal article publications. He is involved in many international professional societies including prestigious ones such as American Heart Association (Premium Plus Professional Member), Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (Fellow of SCCT), Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (Member and Auditor of ASCI), Asian Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP), International Society of Digital Medicine (Foundation & Council Member). He serves as an academic/associate editor in five journals and editorial board member in more than 30 international journals. Furthermore, he is an invited speaker at many international conferences.

Ecaterina Bontas, MD, MSc is Specialist Physician of Internal Medicine, Specialized in Lyme Chronic Diseases and co-infections, Resident of Cardiology, Cardiology Department "Prof. C.C. Iliescu" Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Bucharest, Romania. In addition, she is Microsoft Certified in Repair PC and Web Designer (HTML, DHTML). Her Master & DIC Certificate of Echocardiography was completed at Imperial College of London. She has received numerous awards and fellowships during her training of Internal Medicine. She published one book as co-author, 14 chapters in specialized Publishing Houses, and 40 articles as author/co-author. In addition, she is member on life of Working Group on Myocardial Function from European Society of Cardiology - WG04/120885/20080314 and member of ILADS (The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society).

  • Anatomy and Embryology of the Liver

    Pages 3-16

    Morini, Sergio (et al.)

  • Liver Histology

    Pages 17-28

    Carotti, Simone (et al.)

  • Hepatic Progenitor Cells and Biliary Tree Stem Cells

    Pages 29-35

    Carpino, Guido (et al.)

  • Hepatocellular Death: Apoptosis, Autophagy, Necrosis and Necroptosis

    Pages 37-52

    Radu-Ionita, Florentina (et al.)

  • Liver Inflammation: Short Uptodate

    Pages 53-63

    Mihaila, Mariana (et al.)

  • Molecular Basis of Fibrogenesis and Angiogenesis During Chronic Liver Disease: Impact of TGF-β and VEGF on Pathogenic Pathways

    Pages 65-74

    Mizuno, Shinya (et al.)

  • Hepatotoxicity: Mechanisms of Liver Injury

    Pages 75-84

    Neuman, Manuela G.

  • Crosstalk of Molecular Signaling in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Pages 85-94

    Chen, Huarong (et al.)

  • Drug Induced Liver Injury: Mechanisms, Diagnosis, and Clinical Management

    Pages 95-105

    Teschke, Rolf (et al.)

  • Acquired Metabolic Disorders

    Pages 107-116

    Pardo Lameda, Ivanesa L. (et al.)

  • Vascular Disorders of the Liver

    Pages 117-128

    Vintilă, Vlad Damian (et al.)

  • Liver Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury

    Pages 129-141

    Froghi, Farid (et al.)

  • Autoimmune Hepatitis

    Pages 143-151

    Liaskos, Christos (et al.)

  • Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

    Pages 153-159

    Koutsoumpas, Andreas L. (et al.)

  • Parasitic Liver Diseases

    Pages 161-172

    Hawash, Yousry

  • Viral Hepatitis B

    Pages 173-180

    Tai, Dar-In

  • Viral Hepatitis C

    Pages 181-195

    Adinolfi, Luigi Elio (et al.)

  • Non-B, Non-C Viral Hepatitis

    Pages 197-204

    Blum, Hubert E.

  • The Microbiome in Liver Diseases

    Pages 205-210

    Blum, Hubert E.

  • Polycystic Liver Diseases

    Pages 211-217

    Fierbinteanu-Braticevici, Carmen (et al.)

  • Hepato- and Porto-pulmonary Hypertension

    Pages 219-229

    Nanea, Ioan Tiberiu (et al.)

  • Hepatic Abscesses

    Pages 231-237

    Dorobanţu, Bogdan

  • Liver Cirrhosis

    Pages 239-245

    Hou, Feifei (et al.)

  • Primary Biliary Cholangitis

    Pages 247-259

    Rigopoulou, Eirini I.

  • The Paucity of Interlobular Bile Ducts

    Pages 261-272

    Sergi, Consolato M.

  • Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Wide Spectrum Disease

    Pages 273-284

    Rosso, Natalia (et al.)

  • Alcoholic Liver Disease

    Pages 285-292

    Vatsalya, Vatsalya (et al.)

  • Liver Disease in Pregnancy

    Pages 293-304

    Eswaran, Sheila (et al.)

  • Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy

    Pages 305-318

    Rimbas, Roxana Cristina (et al.)

  • Benign Liver Tumours

    Pages 319-340

    Raffele, Emilio

  • Liver Cancer

    Pages 341-368

    Raffele, Emilio

  • Acute Liver Failure

    Pages 369-380

    Toma, Diana (et al.)

  • Chronic Liver Failure and Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

    Pages 381-394

    Garcia-Martinez, Rita (et al.)

  • History and Physical Examination

    Pages 397-406

    Vintilă, Ana-Maria (et al.)

  • Assessment of Liver Function

    Pages 407-426

    Moosvi, Zain (et al.)

  • Noninvasive Biomarkers for Liver Fibrosis

    Pages 427-441

    Shiha, Gamal (et al.)

  • Peritoneal Fluid Analysis

    Pages 443-446

    Tosetti, Giulia (et al.)

  • Measurement of the Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient (HVPG)

    Pages 447-450

    Reiberger, Thomas

  • Liver Biopsy for Histopathology

    Pages 451-458

    Kinkel, Horst (et al.)

  • Liver Ultrasonography

    Pages 459-471

    Iliescu, Laura

  • Endoscopy in Hepatic Diseases

    Pages 473-478

    Jagtap, Nitin (et al.)

  • Dynamic and Multi-phase Contrast-Enhanced CT Scan

    Pages 479-491

    Boraschi, Piero (et al.)

  • Patient-Specific 3D Printing in Liver Disease

    Pages 493-501

    Sun, Zhonghua

  • Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography of the Liver

    Pages 503-512

    Iliescu, Laura

  • Ultrasound Elastography

    Pages 513-521

    Jeong, Woo Kyoung

  • MR Elastography and Functional MRI of the Liver

    Pages 523-531

    Lupescu, Ioana G. (et al.)

  • Contrast Enhanced MR imaging of Liver

    Pages 533-543

    Chen, Ran-Chou (et al.)

  • Transient Elastography in Chronic Liver Diseases

    Pages 545-552

    Shiha, Gamal El-Sayed (et al.)

  • Portal Venography

    Pages 553-558

    Wei, Haokang (et al.)

  • Minilaparoscopy and Conventional Laparoscopy

    Pages 559-565

    Fiorentini, Guido (et al.)

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy in Liver Disease

    Pages 569-586

    Stoian, Anca Pantea (et al.)

  • Molecular Targets in Liver Disease

    Pages 587-598

    Ferrigno, Andrea (et al.)

  • Specific Medications for Chronic Viral Hepatitis

    Pages 599-609

    Gabbia, Daniela (et al.)

  • Portal Vein Embolization (PVE) and Partial TIPE ALPPS: Beyond the Limitations of PVE

    Pages 611-616

    Suzuki, Yutaka (et al.)

  • Endoscopic and Pharmacological Treatment of Esophageal Varices

    Pages 617-626

    Facciorusso, Antonio (et al.)

  • Procedure for Gastric Variceal Bleeding: From BRTO to PARTO to CARTO, Three Decades of Progress

    Pages 627-635

    Lee, Edward Wolfgang (et al.)

  • Endoscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound for the Evaluation and Treatment of Gastric and Ectopic Varices

    Pages 637-649

    Rimbaș, Mihai (et al.)

  • Portacaval Shunting for Portal Hypertension

    Pages 651-660

    Celii, Francis G. (et al.)

  • Systemic Therapy of Advanced Liver Cancer

    Pages 661-666

    Ocker, Matthias

  • Embolization Therapy for Liver Cancer

    Pages 667-672

    Luerken, Lukas (et al.)

  • Ablation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    Pages 673-678

    Beyer, Lukas (et al.)

  • Laparoscopic Liver Resection

    Pages 679-686

    Memeo, Riccardo (et al.)

  • New Loco Regional Approaches to Treat Liver Cancer

    Pages 687-694

    Afaq, Shaikh (et al.)

  • Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Pages 695-706

    Riordan, Stephen M.

  • Management of Ascites

    Pages 707-714

    Triolo, Michela (et al.)

  • Extracorporeal Non cellular Liver Assisted Devices

    Pages 715-720

    Shah, Mehul (et al.)

  • Extracorporeal Cellular Liver Assisted Devices

    Pages 721-726

    Patel, Pavan (et al.)

  • Liver Transplantation for Acute and Chronic Liver Failure

    Pages 727-739

    Apfel, Tehilla (et al.)

  • Surgical Complications Following Liver Transplant and Their Management

    Pages 741-756

    Koti, Rahul S. (et al.)

  • Anaesthesia for Liver Transplantation

    Pages 757-767

    Milliken, Donald M. (et al.)

  • Surgery in Liver Disease

    Pages 769-783

    Froghi, Saied (et al.)

  • Robotic Liver Resection

    Pages 785-797

    Abbas, Amr I. (et al.)

  • Cardiac Surgery Risks in Liver Dysfunction

    Pages 799-810

    Tinica, Grigore (et al.)

  • Future Approaches in Liver Disorders: Regenerative Medicine

    Pages 811-827

    Jinga, Mariana (et al.)


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