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Laparoscopic Urogynaecology
Principles and Practice
Phillips, Jeffery, O'Reilly
Cambridge University Press
175,00 €


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Laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of disorders such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse is evolving rapidly with few resources available for clinicians. This text will act as a gold standard reference in the field of laparoscopic urogynaecological surgery. The introductory section covers the basics of laparoscopy, including patient selection, surgical set up and the prevention and management of complications. Further sections focus on different “gold standard” techniques and the procedural steps needed to perform the surgery, including chapters on colposuspension, paravaginal repair, laparoscopic hysterectomy as well as apical suspensory surgery such as sacrocolpopexy and sacrohysteropexy. The final section includes debates and opinion pieces on newer techniques as well as discussion on the use of mesh in treating pelvic organ prolapse. There is also a section addressing the current rise in robotic surgery. The editors and contributors are all experts in the field, providing an authoritative and global view on techniques. Highly illustrated, with videos demonstrating the techniques, this is an eminently practical guide to the use of laparoscopy in urogynaecology.

  • The text is structured clearly, with an introductory section on the basics of the technique and strategies for improving competence, followed by chapters with a focus on the practicalities of performing a wide range of procedures
  • Videos of the techniques are available on the webpage for the book, reinforcing the practical techniques explained in the book and aiding in teaching the methods used
  • A readable and well-illustrated reference for clinicians and scientists, the book is fully updated with the latest research leaving readers confident they are following the most recent guidelines for treatment

Section 1. The Basics of Urogynecology:
1. Patient selection and assessment for laparoscopic urogynecology Graham Chapman and Robert Pollard
2. Patient counseling and the consent process for laparoscopic urogynecology Swati Jha
3. Measuring outcomes in urogynecologic surgery Philip M. Toozs-Hobson, Dudley Robinson and Ilias Liapis
4. Surgical set-up, ergonomics, entry techniques, port placement and instrumentation for laparoscopic urogynecology Gemma Nightingale and Christian Phillips
5. Surgical dissection and mesh attachment techniques for laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy Olivia Chang, Katie Propst and Tonya N. Thomas
6. Surgical anatomy for laparoscopic urogynecology Eric S. Chang and Kristie A. Greene
7. Learning curve in laparoscopic urogynecologic surgery: strategies to optimize training and acquiring competence Claire McCarthy, Barry O'Reilly and Orfhlaith O'Sullivan
8. Prevention and management of the complications of laparoscopic urogynecologic surgery Martino Zacche and Rohna Kearney
9. Mesh: types and indications for use for laparoscopic urogynecology Amy Park, Graham Chapman and Marie Fidela Paraiso
10. Medicolegal issues in laparoscopic urogynecology Swati Jha
Section 2. Procedureal Steps and Evidence:
11. Total and subtotal laparoscopic hysterectomy at sacrocolpopexy: procedure steps and evidence Tsung Mou and Kimberly Kenton
12. Laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy: Oxford technique: procedure steps and evidence Matthew Izett-Kay, Rufus Cartwright and Natalia Price
13. Laparoscopic hysteropexy: procedure steps and evidence Yara Abdelkhalek, Nikolaus Veit-Rubin and Bruno Deval
14. Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy: procedure steps and evidence Christopher Maher and Zhuroan Chen
15. Laparoscopic native tissue repair: procedure steps and evidence Guenter K. Noé
16. Laparoscopic pectopexy: procedure steps and evidence Igor But and Tamara Serdinšek
17. Laparoscopic colposuspension: procedure steps and evidence Matthew Izett-Kay, Alfred Cutner and Arvind Vashisht
18. Laparoscopic paravaginal repair: procedure steps and evidence Bobby Garcia, John Miklos and Robert Moore
19. Choice of sacrocolpopexy route including vaginal mesh attachment Emily Davidson and Karl Jallad
20. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy: procedure steps and evidence Lisa Hickman and Katie Propst
21. Vaginal hysterectomy and ligamentopexy for apical prolapse Yara Abdelkhalek, Nikolaus Veit-Rubin and Bruno Deval 3
22. Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy for rectal prolapse: steps and evidence Yara Abdelkhalek, Gluck Ohad and Bruno Deval 3
Section 3. Opinion and Debate:
23. Hysterectomy versus uterine preservation in the management of uterine prolapse Vladimír Kališ, Zdenek Rusavy and Khaled Ismail
24. Laparoscopic hysterectomy: total or subtotal debate Kim van Delft and Steven Schraffordt
25. Evidence-based approach to concomitant incontinence surgery at the time of sacrocolpopexy Anna Rosamilia
26. Management of the posterior compartment in laparoscopic urogynecology: role of rectopexy, vaginal rectocele repair and perineorhaphy Angela Yuan and Sarah Vogler
27. The role of meshes in the treatment of female pelvic organ prolapse Yara Abdelkhalek, Christian Phillips and Bruno Deval
Section 4. Robotic Surgery:
28. The rise of robotic surgery in benign gynecology Viviana Casas, Lisa Hickman and Cecile Ferrando
29. Unique advantages of robotics in urogynecology Siri Drangsholt and Patrick Culligan
30. Troubleshooting for robotic laparoscopic surgery: tips and tricks Matt Hewitt.


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