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Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing 4th Edition
Berryman Reese, Bandy
74,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Gain the skills you need to accurately measure joint range of motion and muscle length! Joint Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing, 4th Edition provides a comprehensive guide to the techniques and devices used in measuring range of motion for the joints of the spine and extremities. Clear, step-by-step instructions show how to make reliable measurements with instruments such as the goniometer, inclinometer, tape measure, and even smartphone apps. Written by noted educators Nancy Berryman Reese and William D. Bandy for physical therapy and occupational therapy students, this manual includes a fully searchable eBook version with each print purchase.

1 Measurement of Range of Motion and Muscle Length: Background, History, and Basic Principles
2 Measurement of Range of Motion and Muscle Length: Clinical Relevance
3 Measurement of Range of Motion of the Shoulder
4 Measurement of Range of Motion of the Elbow and Forearm
5 Measurement of Range of Motion of the Wrist and Hand
6 Muscle Length Testing of the Upper Extremity
7 Reliability and Validity of Measurements of Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing of the Upper Extremity
8 Measurement of Range of Motion of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
9 Measurement of Range of Motion of the Cervical Spine and Temporomandibular Joint
10 Reliability and Validity of Measurement of Range of Motion of the Spine and Temporomandibular Joint
11 Measurement of Range of Motion of the Hip
12 Measurement of Range of Motion of the Knee
13 Measurement of Range of Motion of the Ankle and Foot
14 Muscle Length Testing of the Lower Extremity
15 Reliability and Validity of Measurements of Range of Motion and Muscle Length Testing of the Lower Extremity
16 Pediatric Range of Motion
Appendix A: Sample Data Recording Forms
Appendix B: Normative Range of Motion of the Extremities and Spine in Adults


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