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Clear, step-by-step guidelines show how to perform Physical Therapy procedures! Joint Mobilization/Manipulation: Extremity and Spinal Techniques, 3rd Edition is your go-to resource for evidence-based Interventions treating conditions of the spine and extremities. New full-color photos and illustrations show detail with added realism, and 192 online videos demonstrate the major techniques described in the book. Written by rehabilitation and movement sciences educator Susan Edmond, this text provides current, complete information ranging from the principles of examination and evaluation to making effective manual therapy interventions.
Features: |
New To This Edition: |
1. Introduction
2. Principles of Examination, Evaluation and Intervention
The Appendicular Skeletal System
3. The Shoulder
4. The Elbow
5. The Wrist and Hand
6. The Hip
7. The Knee and Lower Leg
8. The Ankle and Foot
The Axillary Skeletal System
9. Introduction to the Axillary Skeletal System
10. The Temporomandibular Joint
11. The Cervical Spine
12. The Thoracic Spine
13. The Lumbar Spine
14. The Pelvic Joints
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