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Introduction to Statistical Methods in Pathology
Momeni, Pincus, Libien
110,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Provides a comprehensive and practical review of the main statistical methods in pathology
  • Provides unique applications of statistical methods in pathology
  • Written by experts in the field

This text provides a comprehensive and practical review of the main statistical methods in pathology and laboratory medicine. It introduces statistical concepts used in pathology and laboratory medicine. The information provided is relevant to pathologists both for their day to day clinical practice as well as in their research and scholarly activities. The text will begins by explaining the fundamentals concepts in statistics. In the later sections, these fundamental concepts are expanded and unique applications of statistical methods in pathology and laboratory medicine practice are introduced. Other sections of the text explain research methodology in pathology covering a broad range of topics from study design to analysis of data. Finally, data-heavy novel concepts that are emerging in pathology and pathology research are presented such as molecular pathology and pathology informatics.
Introduction to Statistical Methods in Pathology will be of great value for pathologists, pathology residents, basic and translational researchers, laboratory managers and medical students.

Table of contents (14 chapters)

  • Why Every Pathologist Needs to Know Statistics

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 1-5

  • Assessing Diagnostic Tests

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 7-37

  • Probability and Probability Distribution

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 39-73

  • Linear Correlations

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 75-91

  • Cross Tabulation and Categorical Data Analysis

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 93-120

  • Comparing Sample Means

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 121-157

  • Multivariate Analysis

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 159-184

  • Imputation and Missing Data

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 185-200

  • Survival Analysis

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 201-218

  • Validation of New Tests

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 219-242

  • Statistical Concepts in Laboratory Quality Control

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 243-257

  • Critical Appraisal of Diagnostic Studies

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 259-277

  • Designing Diagnostic Studies

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 279-292

  • Statistical Concepts in Modern Pathology Practice

    Momeni, Amir (et al.)

    Pages 293-299



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