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Intestinal Failure
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I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This is the second and fully updated edition of the successful volume on intestinal failure in adults and children. The book provides a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of intestinal failure: from acute and chronic intestinal failure management and treatment, to outcomes, consequences and problems of treatment. In addition, 20 new chapters have been added, covering acute and chronic pancreatitis, critical care and abdominal pain among other topics.

Each of the chapters contains a section with top tips on the topic, summarizing the essential take-home messages. Highly educational, this book is a must have for gastroenterologists but is of use for all members of a hospital nutrition support team including nurses, dietitians and pharmacists, whom it will serve as a practical guide for management of intestinal failure both in the hospital and in an outpatient setting.

Written by a multidisciplinary author team, this book brings this important subject to a wide readership. With extensive referencing the book provides a detailed overview of the topic, discussing the latest research in the subject and how this relates to current clinical practice and potential future treatments.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxvi


  2. Introduction

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Historical Overview of Intestinal Failure

      • John E. Lennard-Jones, Gil Hardy, Khursheed N. Jeejeebhoy

      Pages 3-11

    3. Normal Intestinal Anatomy and Physiology

      • Jeremy M. D. Nightingale, Robin Spiller

      Pages 13-33

    4. Definitions, Classification and Severity of Intestinal Failure

      • Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 35-39

  3. Acute (Short and Medium Term Reversible) Intestinal Failure

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 41-41


    2. Postoperative Ileus

      • Ian Bissett, Dileep N. Lobo

      Pages 43-51

    3. Acute Surgical Intestinal Failure. Sepsis and Enterocutaneous Fistula(s)

      • Akash Mehta, Carolynne Vaizey, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale, Gordon Carlson

      Pages 53-67

    4. Mesenteric Ischemia

      • Alexandre Nuzzo, Yves Castier, Olivier Corcos

      Pages 69-86

    5. Crohn’s Disease

      • Mattias Soop, Simon Lal

      Pages 87-94

    6. Peritoneal Adhesions and Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis

      • Titus Augustine, Alison Culkin, Mattias Soop

      Pages 95-120

    7. Bone Marrow and Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

      • Jennifer Clay, Maria Gilleece, Clare Donnellan

      Pages 121-129

    8. Non-surgical Cancer Treatments

      • Mary Booth, Fiona James, Andrew Viggars, Clare Shaw, Mark Teo

      Pages 131-147

    9. Bacterial Overgrowth and Enteric Infections

      • Eamonn M. M. Quigley

      Pages 149-159

    10. Extensive Mucosal Disease: Coeliac Disease and Eosinophilic Enteritis

      • Suzanne C. Donnelly

      Pages 161-175

    11. Intestinal Failure in Critical Care

      • Moran Hellerman Itzhaki, Pierre Singer

      Pages 177-189

    12. Eating Disorders in Adults

      • Paul Robinson, David Russell

      Pages 191-206

    13. Intestinal Failure in Children: A Paediatric Surgical Perspective

      • Alexander L. Macdonald, Hannah Thompson, Mark Davenport

      Pages 207-220

  4. Chronic (Long-Term) Intestinal Failure

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 221-221


    2. Physiology and Problems of a Short Bowel

      • Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 223-242

  5. Chronic (Long-Term) Intestinal Failure

    1. Chronic Small Bowel Dysfunction

      • Jeremy M. D. Nightingale, Peter Paine

      Pages 243-268

    2. Pelvic Radiation Disease and the Gastrointestinal Tract

      • Darren Fernandes, Jervoise Andreyev

      Pages 269-287

    3. Problems After Gastric Surgery

      • Alastair Forbes, Alistair McIntyre

      Pages 289-299

    4. Surgery for Obesity and Its Consequences

      • Cynthia-Michelle Borg, Jean Deguara

      Pages 301-312

    5. Intestinal Failure in Childhood

      • Olivier Goulet, Cécile Lambe

      Pages 313-335

  6. Consequences of Intestinal Failure

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 337-337


    2. Consequences of Undernutrition and Dehydration

      • Pete Turner, Simon Alison, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 339-351

    3. Refeeding Problems

      • Aminda De Silva, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 353-361

    4. Intestinal Failure Associated Liver Disease

      • Sue V. Beath, Alan L. Buchman

      Pages 363-375

    5. Acid-Base Disturbances

      • Barry J. M. Jones

      Pages 377-390

    6. Gallstones in Intestinal Failure

      • Jeremy M. D. Nightingale, Mattias Soop

      Pages 391-402

    7. Nephrolithiasis and Nephrocalcinosis

      • Charles R. V. Tomson, Matthew Bultitude

      Pages 403-423

    8. Bone and Joint Disease

      • Loris Pironi, Anna Simona Sasdelli

      Pages 425-433

    9. Intestinal Adaptation

      • Julie Bines, Jason Yap, Kelly Tappenden, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 435-449

  7. Assessment and Treatment of Intestinal Failure

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 451-451


    2. Assessment of Nutritional and Fluid Status

      • Kirstine Farrer, Sorrel Burden

      Pages 453-468

    3. Radiology in Intestinal Failure

      • Arun Gupta, Alex Fitzhugh, Chun Wah So, Aia Mehdi, Anmol Gangi, Michele Marshall et al.

      Pages 469-488

    4. Insertion, Types and Care of Enteral Feeding Tubes

      • Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 489-512

    5. Formulation and Administration of Enteral Feeds

      • Gil Hardy, Hazreen Abdul Majid

      Pages 513-522

    6. Access for Parenteral Support

      • Arun Abraham, Geert Wanten, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 523-543

  8. Assessment and Treatment of Intestinal Failure

    1. Formulation of Parenteral Nutrition Regimens

      • Gil Hardy, Michael Charles Allwood

      Pages 545-558

    2. Designing Parenteral and Enteral Regimens

      • Nicola Vernon, Beth Rye, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 559-572

    3. Nursing Care of Patients Receiving Home Parenteral Support

      • Cathy Cawley, Mia Small

      Pages 573-618

    4. Care of Intestinal Stoma and Enterocutaneous Fistula(s)

      • Louise Williams, Gordon L. Carlson

      Pages 619-630

    5. Management of a High Output Stoma, Jejunotomy or Uncomplicated Enterocutaneous Fistula

      • Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 631-649

    6. Dietary Treatment of Patients with a Short Bowel

      • Morag Pearson, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 651-679

    7. Pro-adaptive Hormones in the Rehabilitation of Adult Patients with a Short Bowel

      • Palle Bekker Jeppesen

      Pages 681-697

    8. Drug Absorption in Patients with a Short Bowel

      • Uchu Meade, Nadia Gabriel, Roshni Patel, Maryam Clark, Pritha Singh, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale et al.

      Pages 699-716

    9. Distal Feeding and Hydration

      • Laurence Lacaze, Denis Picot, Ronan Thibault

      Pages 717-725

    10. Chronic Abdominal Pain

      • Peter Paine, Justin Turner

      Pages 727-740

    11. Psychological Aspects of Intestinal Failure

      • Yoram Inspector

      Pages 741-749

  9. Outcome of Intestinal Failure

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 751-751


    2. Home Enteral Nutrition in Adults: Indications and Outcomes

      • André Van Gossum, Asuncion Ballarin, Marianna Arvanitakis, Xavier Hébuterne, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 753-759

    3. Home Parenteral Support for Adults

      • Laura Cohen, Francisca Joly, Simon Gabe, Jeremy Woodward

      Pages 761-771

    4. Home Enteral and Parenteral Support for Children

      • Theodoric Wong, Gabriela Jiménez-Arguedas

      Pages 773-782

    5. Home Parenteral Support for Patients with Incurable Advance Cancer

      • Mani Naghibi, Federico Bozzetti

      Pages 783-792

    6. Monitoring of Parenteral Nutrition at Home

      • N. M. Clermont Dejean, N. Somlaw, D. Brundrett, J. P. Allard

      Pages 793-798

    7. Quality of Life

      • Ashley Bond, Simon Lal

      Pages 799-805

    8. The Patient’s Requirements

      • Carolyn Wheatley, Monika Malickova, Joanne Shepherd, Steven Brown

      Pages 807-816

    9. Nutritional Support Services

      • Simon Lal, Simon Gabe, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale

      Pages 817-826

  10. Outcome of Intestinal Failure

    1. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Nutritional Support

      • Andrew Rochford

      Pages 827-836

  11. Problems of Treatment

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 837-837


    2. Enteral Nutrition

      • Timothy Bowling

      Pages 839-847

    3. Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infections

      • Simon Lal, P. Chadwick, M. Gompelman, G. Wanten

      Pages 849-856

    4. Central Vein Thrombosis

      • Cristina Cuerda, Yaser Naji

      Pages 857-866

  12. Surgical Treatment of Chronic Intestinal Failure

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 867-867


    2. Surgery for Patients with a Short Bowel and Tissue Engineering

      • Mattias Soop, Laween Meran, Jeremy M. D. Nightingale, Jon S. Thompson

      Pages 869-882

    3. Intestinal Transplantation

      • Lisa M. Sharkey, Stephen J. Middleton, Irum Amin, Andrew J. Butler

      Pages 883-900

    4. Abdominal Wall Repair in Intestinal Failure

      • Akash Mehta, Ciaran Walsh

      Pages 901-920

  13. Pancreatitis

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 921-921


    2. Intestinal Dysfunction and Failure in Acute Pancreatitis

      • John A. Windsor, Stephen A. McClave

      Pages 923-934

    3. Medical, Nutritional and Surgical Management of Chronic Pancreatitis

      • John S. Leeds

      Pages 935-946

  14. Back Matter

    Pages 947-971


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