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Intensive Care Medicine
The Essential Guide
96,00 €


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Exams are an essential component of one's training pathway in the quest to become a Consultant. For trainees undertaking a career in Intensive Care Medicine (ICM), sadly this is no exception, however, herewith is a suitable text to aid you upon that arduous journey towards the completion of your training – hurrah! Written in an accessible style, chapters follow a consistent layout throughout, including numerous images and tables, key learning points, and further reading. Experts in all of the main specialties provide specific and detailed knowledge of individual subject areas considered to be fundamental to one's ICM knowledge base. The authors cover a broad spectrum of topics including therapeutic interventions and organ support, paediatric care, comfort and recovery, psychiatric disorders, and end of life care. An essential preparation textbook and revision aid for exam candidates in Intensive Care Medicine, the book is a useful guide for mentors and trainees too.

  • A valuable learning and reference tool for those undertaking and having passed all Intensive Care Medicine examinations
  • Chapters follow a consistent layout including key learning points, information on further reading, and uniform table format, providing accessibility for the reader
  • The original language and style of the individual authors has been preserved in each chapter, offering a more varied and interesting read to cater to different styles of learning

Domain 1. Resuscitation and management of the acutely ill patient:
1.1 General introduction to the recognition, assessment and stabilisation of the acutely ill patient with disordered physiology Claire Moorthy
1.2 Management of cardiopulmonary resuscitation – advanced life support Jonny Coppel
1.3 Principles of management of the patient post resuscitation Jonny Coppel
1.4 Principles of triaging and prioritising patients appropriately, including timely admission to ICU Claire Moorthy
1.5 Initial assessment and management of the trauma patient Anil Dhadwal
1.6 Principles of assessment and initial management of the patient with burns Behrad Baharlo
1.7 Description and the management of mass casualties Jonny Price and Scott Grier
Domain 2. Diagnosis, assessment, investigation, monitoring and data interpretation:
2.1 Principles of obtaining a history Claire Moorthy
2.2 Principles of performing an accurate clinical examination Claire Moorthy
2.3 How to undertake timely and appropriate investigations Claire Moorthy
2.4 General principles of performing and interpretation of electrocardiography (ECG) results Ky Chambers
2.5 General principles of obtaining appropriate microbiological samples and interpretation of results Tom Bottomley
2.6 Obtaining and interpretation of the results from blood gas samples (acid base balance and disorders) Ed Mcilroy
2.7 Principles of interpreting imaging studies (X-ray/CT/MRI) Chun Wah So and Matthew Gale
2.8 Imaging of the chest Chun Wah So and Matthew Gale
2.9 Imaging of the head Chun Wah So and Matthew Gale
2. 10 Imaging of the abdomen Chun Wah So and Matthew Gale
2.11 Importance of monitoring and responding to trends in physiological variables (MEWs/NEWs etc) Claire Moorthy
2.12 How to integrate clinical findings with laboratory investigations to form a differential diagnosis Claire Moorthy
Domain 3. Disease management: recognition, causes and management:
3.1 Cardiac and circulatory failure
3.1.1 Acute coronary syndromes Mike Hoy
3.1.2 Cardiac pacing, implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation therapy Paul Harris
3.1.3 Acute heart failure Paul Harris
3.1.4 Valvular heart disease Katarina Lenartova
3.1.5 Congenital heart disease Anne-Marie Leo
3.1.6 Endocarditis Mike Hoy and Selina Ho
3.1.7 Management of a hypertensive crises Anne-Marie Leo and Katka Lenartova
3.1.8 Atrial fibrillation in ICU Paul Harris
3.1.9 Myocarditis Nik Tapper
3.1.10 Pericardial disease Nik Tapper
3.1.11 Shock Mike Hoy
3.1.12 Aortic dissection Simon Mattison
Domain 3.2. Acute renal failure:
3.2.1 Acute Kidney Injury Nuttha Lumlertgul, Alistair Connell and Marlies Ostermann
Domain 3.3: Acute liver failure:
3.3.1 Acute-on-chronic liver failure Mike Spiro and Jez Fabes
3.3.2 Jaundice Mike Spiro and Jez Fabes
3.3.3 Ascites Mike Spiro and Jez Fabes
3.3.4 Portal hypertension Mike Spiro and Jez Fabes
3.3.5 Hepatorenal syndrome and hepatopulmonary syndrome Mike Spiro and Jez Fabes
3.3.6 Encephalopathy Mike Spiro and Jez Fabes
Domain 3.4: Neurological impairment and injury:
3.4.1 Decreased consciousness Chris Whitehead and Ian Tweedie
3.4.2 Seizures and status epilepticus Chris Whitehead
3.4.3 Acute cerebrovascular accident and its complications Chris Whitehead
3.4.4 Meningitis Arun Krishnamurthy
3.4.5 Tetanus Sachin Mehta and Manpreet Bahra
3.4.6 Delirium Tamas Bakonyi and Valerie Page
3.4.7 Neuromuscular disorders Sachin Mehta and Manpreet Bahra
3.4.8 Non-traumatic spinal cord injury Manpreet Bahra and Sachin Mehta
Domain 3.5. Acute gastrointestinal failure:
3.5.1 Gastrointestinal haemorrhage Megan Fahy and Liza Keating
3.5.2 Acute pancreatitis Mike Peters and Liza Keating
3.5.3 Peritonitis and the acute abdomen Shona Johnson and Liza Keating
3.5.4 Ileus and bowel obstruction Charles Rich and Liza Keating
3.5.5 Intra-abdominal hypertension and abdomi


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