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Integrative Oncology in Breast Cancer Care
Kechagioglou, Fuller-Shavel
75,00 €


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Integrative Oncology (IO) is an evolving evidence-informed field of medicine with little high-quality professional literature currently available to support clinical practice. This book provides a robust introduction to integrative oncology and a practical toolkit for clinicians working with breast cancer patients. 

Breast cancer is the commonest cancer in women globally with growing incidence, and breast cancer patients are the most frequent users of integrative oncology practices. This book addresses the whole person journey from prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. The approaches and tools discussed can help guide clinicians on how to support better quality of life, improve patient resilience, minimise the side effects of treatment and optimise clinical outcomes for people impacted by breast cancer. 

Healthcare professionals are asking for further education on Integrative Oncology, as evidenced by the BSIO (British Society for Integrative Oncology) survey results, webinars and conference engagements. Our growing BSIO membership highlights the need to educate and train healthcare professionals, and this book is written by clinicians for clinicians.


    Front Matter
    Pages i-xxvii
    Breast Cancer Prevention and Diagnosis
        Front Matter
        Pages 1-1
        Prevention Is Better Than Treatment
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 3-8
        Personalised Breast Screening: A Mammogram for All?
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 9-13
        The Diagnosis Dilemma: Do We Know the Why
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 15-17
        Integrative Oncology Matters: Building the Foundations
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 19-38
    Early Breast Cancer
        Front Matter
        Pages 39-39
        Before and After Breast Surgery
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 41-45
        Living with, Not Just Surviving Chemotherapy
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 47-55
        Radiotherapy, When, What and How
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 57-62
        Managing the Impact of Hormone Therapy
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 63-77
        Targeted Therapies and Immunotherapy
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 79-85
    Living Well with Advanced Breast Cancer
        Front Matter
        Pages 87-87
        No Cure Versus Chronic Illness: Shifting the Paradigm
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 89-93
        Integrating Therapies: A Rational, Personalised Approach to Metastatic Disease
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 95-112
        Symptomatic Care Is a Whole Team Approach
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 113-116
        Experiencing the End-of-Life
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 117-119
        Front Matter
        Pages 121-121
        Early Survivorship: Rehabilitation and Reintegration
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 123-132
        Managing Long-Term Health Risks for Breast Cancer Survivors
            Penny Kechagioglou, Nina Fuller-Shavel
        Pages 133-141

Back Matter

Pages 143-143


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