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Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy
Principles and Practices
Noland, Drisko, Wagner
140,00 €


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This textbook is a practical guide to the application of the philosophy and principles of Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT) in the practice of medicine, and the key role nutrition plays in restoring and maintaining wellness. The textbook provides an overview of recent reviews and studies of physiological and biochemical contributions to IFMNT and address nutritional influences in human heath overall, including poor nutrition, genomics, environmental toxicant exposures, fractured human interactions, limited physical movement, stress, sleep deprivation, and other lifestyle factors. Ultimately, this textbook serves to help practitioners, healthcare systems, and policy makers better understand this different and novel approach to complex chronic disorders. It provides the reader with real world examples of applications of the underlying principles and practices of integrative/functional nutrition therapies and presents the most up-to-date intervention strategies and clinical tools to help the reader keep abreast of developments in this emerging specialty field. Many chapters include comprehensive coverage of the topic and clinical applications with supplementary learning features such as case studies, take-home messages, patient and practitioner handouts, algorithms, and suggested readings.

Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy: Principles and Practices will serve as an invaluable guide for healthcare professionals in their clinical application of nutrition, lifestyle assessment, and intervention for each unique, individual patient.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages I-XX


  2. Global Healthcare Challenge of the Twenty-First Century and the Future of Chronic Disease

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. The History and Evolution of Medicine

      • Jeanne A. Drisko

      Pages 3-16

    3. Influences of the Nutrition Transition on Chronic Disease

      • Sudha Raj

      Pages 17-29

    4. Nutritional and Metabolic Wellness

      • Diana Noland

      Pages 31-37

    5. Nutritional Ecology and Human Health

      • David Raubenheimer, Stephen J. Simpson

      Pages 39-55

    6. The Radial: Integrative and Functional MNT

      • Kathie M. Swift, Elizabeth Redmond, Diana Noland

      Pages 57-71

    7. The Power of Listening and the Patient’s Voice: “Please Hear Me”

      • Carolyn L. Larkin

      Pages 73-83

  3. Metabolic Characteristics and Mechanisms of Chronic Disease

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 85-87


    2. Metabolic Correction Therapy: A Biochemical–Physiological Mechanistic Explanation of Functional Medicine

      • Michael J. Gonzalez

      Pages 89-97

    3. The Nutrition Assessment of Metabolic and Nutritional Balance

      • Margaret Gasta

      Pages 99-122

    4. IFMNT NIBLETS Nutrition Assessment Differential

      • Robyn Johnson, Lauren Hand

      Pages 123-133

    5. Nutritional Role of Fatty Acids

      • Vishwanath M. Sardesai

      Pages 135-149

    6. Lipidomics: Clinical Application

      • Diana Noland

      Pages 151-172

    7. Structure: From Organelle and Cell Membrane to Tissue

      • David Musnick, Larissa Severson, Sarah Brennan

      Pages 173-190

    8. Protective Mechanisms and Susceptibility to Xenobiotic Exposure and Load

      • Robert H. Verkerk

      Pages 191-203

    9. Detoxification and Biotransformation

      • Janet L. Black

      Pages 205-212

    10. Drug–Nutrient Interactions

      • Mary Demarest Litchford

      Pages 213-220

    11. The Enterohepatic Circulation

      • Robert C. Barton Jr.

      Pages 221-233

    12. A Nutritional Genomics Approach to Epigenetic Influences on Chronic Disease

      • Christy B. Williamson, Jessica M. Pizano

      Pages 235-268

      1. Nutritional Influences on Methylation

        • Jessica M. Pizano, Christy B. Williamson

        Pages 269-284

      2. The Immune System: Our Body’s Homeland Security Against Disease

        • Aristo Vojdani, Elroy Vojdani, Charlene Vojdani

        Pages 285-302

      3. Nutritional Influences on Immunity and Infection

        • Joel Noland, Diana Noland

        Pages 303-321

      4. Body Composition

        • Sue Ward, Diana Noland

        Pages 323-334

      5. The Therapeutic Ketogenic Diet: Harnessing Glucose, Insulin, and Ketone Metabolism

        • Miriam Kalamian

        Pages 335-365

      6. The GUT-Immune System

        • Elizabeth Lipski

        Pages 367-377

      7. Centrality of the GI Tract to Overall Health and Functional Medicine Strategies for GERD, IBS, and IBD

        • Ronald L. Hoffman

        Pages 379-389

      8. The Microbiome and Brain Health

        • Sharon L. Norling

        Pages 391-406

      9. The Role of Nutrition in Integrative Oncology

        • Cynthia Henrich

        Pages 407-436

      10. The Microenvironment of Chronic Disease

        • Steven Gomberg

        Pages 437-446

      11. Chronic Pain

        • Jena Savadsky Griffith

        Pages 447-471

      12. Nutrition and Behavioral Health/Mental Health/Neurological Health

        • Ruth Leyse Wallace

        Pages 473-492

      13. Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children

        • Mary Anne Morelli Haskell

        Pages 493-515

      14. Nutritional Influences on Hormonal Health

        • Filomena Trindade

        Pages 517-532

      15. Nutritional Influences on Reproduction: A Functional Approach

        • Brandon Horn, Wendy Yu

        Pages 533-561

      16. Lifestyle Patterns of Chronic Disease

        • Sarah Harding Laidlaw

        Pages 563-575

      17. Circadian Rhythm: Light-Dark Cycles

        • Corey B. Schuler, Kate M. Hope

        Pages 577-594

      18. Nutrition with Movement for Better Energy and Health

        • Peter Wilhelmsson

        Pages 595-612

      19. Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Imbalances

        • Muffit L. Jensen

        Pages 613-617

    13. IFMNT Nutrition Care Process

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 619-619

        1. The IFMNT Practitioner

          • Robin L. Foroutan

          Pages 621-631

        2. The Patient Story and Relationship-Centered Care

          • Leigh Wagner

          Pages 633-636

        3. The Nutrition-Focused Physical Exam

          • Mary R. Fry

          Pages 637-694

        4. Modifiable Lifestyle Factors: Exercise, Sleep, Stress, and Relationships

          • Margaret Christensen

          Pages 695-713

        5. Developing Interventions to Address Priorities: Food, Dietary Supplements, Lifestyle, and Referrals

          • Aarti Batavia

          Pages 715-742

        6. Therapeutic Diets

          • Tracey Long, Leigh Wagner

          Pages 743-754

        7. Dietary Supplements: Understanding the Complexity of Use and Applications to Health

          • Eric R. Secor

          Pages 755-767

        8. Clinical Approaches to Monitoring and Evaluation of the Chronic Disease Client

          • Cynthia Bartok, Kelly Morrow

          Pages 769-782

        9. Ayurvedic Approach in Chronic Disease Management

          • Sangeeta Shrivastava, Pushpa Soundararajan, Anjula Agrawal

          Pages 783-798

      2. Cases & Grand Rounds

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 799-799


        2. Cardiometabolic Syndrome

          • Anup K. Kanodia, Diana Noland

          Pages 801-822

        3. Revolutionary New Concepts in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease

          • Mark C. Houston

          Pages 823-841

        4. Immune System Under Fire: The Rise of Food Immune Reaction and Autoimmunity

          • Aristo Vojdani, Elroy Vojdani, Charlene Vojdani

          Pages 843-862

        5. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): The Application of Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT)

          • Coco Newton

          Pages 863-912

        6. Gastroenterology

          • Jason Bosley-Smith

          Pages 913-926

        7. Respiratory

          • Julie L. Starkel, Christina Stapke, Abigail Stanley-O’Malley, Diana Noland

          Pages 927-968

        8. The Skin, Selected Dermatologic Conditions, and Medical Nutrition Therapy

          • P. Michael Stone

          Pages 969-1002

        9. Movement Issues with Chronically Ill or Chronic Pain Patients

          • Judy Hensley, Julie Buttell, Kristie Meyer

          Pages 1003-1012

      3. Practitioner Practice Resources

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 1013-1013


        2. Systems Biology Resources

          • Jeanne A. Drisko, Diana Noland, Leigh Wagner

          Pages 1015-1017

          1. Initial Nutrition Assessment Checklist

            • Leigh Wagner, Diana Noland, Jeanne A. Drisko

            Pages 1019-1041

          2. Nutritional Diagnosis Resources

            • Leigh Wagner, Diana Noland, Jeanne A. Drisko

            Pages 1043-1044

          3. Specialized Diets

            • Leigh Wagner, Diana Noland, Jeanne A. Drisko

            Pages 1045-1050

          4. Motivational Interviewing

            • Leigh Wagner, Diana Noland, Jeanne A. Drisko

            Pages 1051-1053

          5. Authorization for the Release of Information

            • Leigh Wagner, Diana Noland, Jeanne A. Drisko

            Pages 1055-1056

          6. Patient Handouts

            • Leigh Wagner, Diana Noland, Jeanne A. Drisko

            Pages 1057-1071

        3. Back Matter

          Pages 1073-1101


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