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Incidental Findings of the Nervous System
Turgut, Guo, Turgut, Behari
140,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Written and edited by leading international authorities in the field, this book provides an in-depth review of knowledge of the incidental findings of the nervous system, with emphasis on asymptomatic brain and spinal lesions that have the potential to cause illness. It includes very informative chapters, organized into four main groups: first, incidental findings of the brain and cranium, including intracranial, intraventricular and skull base lesions, infarcts and calcification; secondly, incidental findings of the spine and spinal cord, including spinal cord tumors, syringomyelia, arteriovenous malformations and craniovertebral junction anomalies; thirdly, incidental findings of the spinal nerves and peripheral nerves, including tumors of the plexi and peripheral nerves; and fourthly, other lesions, including acquired incidental lesions of the brain and spine as well as the medicolegal and psychiatric aspects related to these lesions. The uniqueness of this compilation lies in the fact that several abnormalities exist in the nervous system that have the potential to cause life threatening illness; yet because they are asymptomatic and incidental, this leads to major management dilemmas related to whether or not to surgically the lesion. The proponents of an early surgical management subscribe to the philosophy that getting rid of an entity earlier on when it is asymptomatic, leads to an early cure and obviates any risk of it becoming aggressive and incurable later on; those opting for a ‘wait and watch’ policy subscribe to the view that no intervention (as well as subjecting the patient to the risk of surgery) is mandated until the lesion becomes symptomatic. This may subject a person to a lifetime of anxiety related to how that lesion is going to evolve, when in all likelihood, the subject may remain asymptomatic throughout his/her life. The psychological aspects of the patient who is extremely disturbed by the presence of this incidental lesion; and, who cannot adjust to the reality that the treating doctor actually does not have a well-defined plan for it, are issues that are adequately addressed with clinical illustrations and examples. This comprehensive reference book will be an ideal source for neuroscientists at all levels, from graduate students to researchers in specific disciplines studying this region, including neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuroradiologists, neuropathologists and psychiatrists, who seek both basic and more advanced information regarding the incidental findings of the nervous system.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xii


  2. Incidental Findings of the Brain and Cranium

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Benign Enlargement of the Subarachnoid Spaces and Subdural Collections

      • Saurav Samantray, Chandrashekhar Deopujari, Sheena Ali, Foram Gala

      Pages 3-17

    3. Incidental Intracranial Calcifications

      • Bal Krishna Ojha, Chhitij Srivastava, Anit Parihar

      Pages 19-33

    4. Intracranial Arachnoid Cysts

      • Mehmet Turgut, Kaan Özalpay, Walter A. Hall

      Pages 35-42

    5. Choroid Plexus Cyst

      • Kanwaljeet Garg, Deepak Agrawal, Ajay Garg

      Pages 43-47

    6. Choroidal Fissure Cyst

      • Meng Wang, Fuyou Guo

      Pages 49-53

    7. Dermoid and Epidermoid Cyst

      • Fuyou Guo

      Pages 55-70

    8. Incidental Brain Tumors

      • Prakash Nair, Sanjay Honavalli Murali, Gowtham Matham, Darshan Hirisave Ravi, Easwer Harihara Venkat

      Pages 71-87

    9. Unruptured Incidental Intracranial Aneurysms

      • Qichang Fu, Fuyou Guo

      Pages 89-102

    10. Incidental Cavernous Malformations

      • Meng Wang, Fuyou Guo

      Pages 103-106

    11. Incidental Intracranial Arterial Dolichoectasia

      • Yuchao Zuo, Fuyou Guo

      Pages 107-111

    12. Incidental Benign Developmental Venous Anomaly

      • Yan Hu, Fuyou Guo

      Pages 113-121

    13. Incidental Intracranial Large Vessel Occlusion

      • Qichang Fu, Fuyou Guo

      Pages 123-131

    14. Pituitary Abnormalities

      • Xueyou Liu

      Pages 133-139

    15. Pineal Cyst

      • Mehmet Turgut, Menekşe Aygün, Steffen Fleck

      Pages 141-149

    16. Chiari Malformation

      • Mehmet Turgut, Ahmet Kürşat Kara, R. Shane Tubbs

      Pages 151-158

    17. Agenesis of Corpus Callosum

      • Arad Iranmehr, Sara Hanaei, Ahmet Tuncay Turgut

      Pages 159-166

    18. Dandy–Walker Variant: A Continuum of Dandy–Walker Complex

      • Dattatraya Muzumdar, Sarvender Rai

      Pages 167-176

    19. Subdural Hematoma

      • Mehmet Turgut, Sinan Sağıroğlu, Ali Akhaddar

      Pages 177-190

    20. Incidental Findings of the Brain and Cranium

      1. Asymptomatic Craniofacial Fibrous Dysplasia

        • Ashutosh Kumar, Ashish Sharma, Sanjay Behari

        Pages 191-195

      2. Incidental Lacunar and Cortical Infarcts

        • Harsh Deora, Dwarakanath Srinivas

        Pages 197-206

      3. Incidental Findings in Intracranial Lipoma

        • Fuyou Guo

        Pages 207-214

    21. Incidental Findings of the Spine, Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 215-215


      2. Spinal Arachnoid Cysts

        • Rajesh Nair, Girish Menon

        Pages 217-229

      3. Lipoma of the Filum Terminale

        • Yuchao Zuo

        Pages 231-236

      4. Incidental Spinal Cysts of Lumbosacral Region

        • Anita Jagetia, Shaam Bodeliwala, Prashant Bipinchandra Lakhe

        Pages 237-246

      5. Incidental Spinal Tumors

        • Batuk Diyora, Kavin Devani

        Pages 247-258

      6. Incidental Spinal Vascular Malformations

        • Parth A. Jani, Manjul Tripathi, Chirag K. Ahuja, Sunil K. Gupta

        Pages 259-272

      7. Asymptomatic Hydromyelia and Syringomyelia

        • Suyash Singh, Amit Shukla, Ashutosh Kumar Mishra, Sanjay Behari

        Pages 273-282

      8. Intraspinal Lipoma

        • Yan Hu

        Pages 283-289

    22. Incidental Findings of the Craniovertebral Junction, and Spinal Nerves and Peripheral Nerves

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 291-291


      2. Incidental Atlanto Axial Dislocation

        • Jayesh Sardhara, Ashutosh Kumar, Abhirama Chandra Gabbita, Sanjay Behari

        Pages 293-305

      3. Incidentalomas of Spine and Peripheral Nervous System

        • Ketan Desai, Sanjeev Pattankar, Rohan Roy, Alay Khandhar

        Pages 307-313

    23. Others

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 315-315


      2. Acquired Incidental Findings of the Brain and Spine

        • Namita Mohindra, Vivek Singh

        Pages 317-332

      3. Incidental Lesions of the Brain with Potential Clinical Implications in Psychiatry

        • Sena Kısa Koç, Ayla Uzun Çiçek, Yavuz Yılmaz

        Pages 333-337

      4. Medicolegal and Ethical Aspects of Incidental Neurological Findings

        • Mehmet Turgut

        Pages 339-347

    24. Back Matter

      Pages 349-359


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