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Libreria medica internazionale
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Histology: A Text and Atlas, 7e
With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology
Ross, Pawlina
54,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.


Now in its seventh edition, Histology: A Text and Atlas is ideal for medical, dental, health professions, and undergraduate biology and cell biology students. This best-selling combination text and atlas includes a detailed textbook, which emphasizes clinical and functional correlates of histology fully supplemented by vividly informative illustrations and photomicrographs. Separate, superbly illustrated atlas sections follow almost every chapter and feature large-size, full-color digital photomicrographs with labels and accompanied descriptions that highlight structural and functional details of cells, tissues, and organs.
Updated throughout to reflect the latest advances in the field, this “two in one” text and atlas features an outstanding art program with all illustrations completely revised and redrawn as well as a reader-friendly format including red highlighted key terms, blue clinical text, and folders that cover clinical correlations and functional considerations.

  • NEW! All illustrations are now completely revised and redrawn for a consistent art program.
  • NEW! Histology 101 sections provide students with a reader-friendly review of essential information covered in the preceding chapters.
  • NEW! Updated cellular and molecular biology coverage reflects the latest advances in the field.
  • More than 100 atlas plates that incorporate 435 full-color, high-resolution photomicrographs.
  • Reader-friendly highlights including red bold terms, blue clinical text, and folders featuring clinical and functional correlations that increase student understanding and facilitates efficient study.
  • Easy-to-understand tables aid students in learning and reviewing information (such as staining techniques) without having to rely on rote memorization.
  • Features of cells, tissues, and organs and their functions and locations are presented in easy-to-locate, easy-to-review bulleted lists.
  • Additional clinical correlation and functional consideration folders have been added providing information related to symptoms, photomicrographs of diseased tissues or organs, short histopathological descriptions, and molecular basis for clinical intervention.

Table of Contents

  1. Methods
  2. Cell Cytoplasm
  3. The Cell Nucleus
  4. Tissues: Concept and Classification
  5. Epithelial Tissue
  6. Connective Tissue
  7. Cartilage
  8. Bone
  9. Adipose Tissue
  10. Blood
  11. Muscle Tissue
  12. Nerve Tissue
  13. Cardiovascular System
  14. Lymphatic System
  15. Integumentary System
  16. Digestive System I: Oral Cavity and Associated Structures
  17. Digestive System II: Esophagus and Gastrointestinal Tract
  18. Digestive System III: Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
  19. Respiratory System
  20. Urinary System
  21. Endocrine Organs
  22. Male Reproductive System
  23. Female Reproductive System
  24. Eye
  25. Ear



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