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Herpes Zoster: Postherpetic Neuralgia and Other Complications
Focus on Treatment and Prevention
Watson, Gershon, Oxman
170,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Representing a state-of-the-art appraisal of this viral infection and its complications, this book comprises contributions from international authorities in infectious diseases, varicella-voster virus infections, and neuropathic pain. Important new information is presented on the role of the virus in terms of vascular risk, notably in heart attack, stroke and granulomatous angiitis (temporal arteritis). Similarly, new information on gastrointestinal involvement, often in the absence of rash and as seen with vasculopathies, is covered. The reader will benefit from new research into the pathology, pathophysiology and treatment of postherpetic neuralgia and its complications, and special attention is paid to prevention through zoster vaccination using the current zoster vaccine, and a novel, broader option that can be used in immunocompromised patients.

This book follows the two editions of the book, Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia, and is divided into sections for the convenience of the reader.  A section on herpes zoster includes epidemiology and natural history of the varicella zoster virus, herpes zoster ophthalmicus, neurological complications, the role of varicella zoster virus  in giant cell arteritis, concern about increased vascular risk of heart attack and stroke, antiviral therapy, and treatment of skin manifestations.  A section on postherpetic neuralgia includes important information on the effect of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia on quality of life, the neuropathology and pathophysiological mechanisms in postherpetic neuralgia, and the new concept of persistent ganglionitis as the cause of postherpetic neuralgia.  A comparison is made between facial postherpetic neuralgia and trigeminal neuralgia.  There is an extensive section on treatment, including the role of opioids, the general treatment of postherpetic neuralgia, intervention and neurosurgical approaches, and covering guidelines for clinical trial designs in postherpetic neuralgia.  A final section addresses the questions of whether aggressive treatment of acute herpes zoster can prevent postherpetic neuralgia and includes a critically important chapter on herpes zoster vaccines.

  • Introduction

    Watson, C. Peter N.

    Pages 1-4

  • Varicella

    Gershon, Anne A.

    Pages 7-15

  • Herpes Zoster: A Patient’s Perspective

    Tuzi, Anne (et al.)

    Pages 19-23

  • The Epidemiology and Natural History of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia

    Schmader, Kenneth E. (et al.)

    Pages 25-44

  • Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

    Davies, Emma (et al.)

    Pages 45-59

  • Neurological Complications of Herpes Zoster

    Haanpää, Maija

    Pages 61-75

  • The Role of Varicella Zoster Virus in Giant Cell Arteritis

    Nagel, Maria A. (et al.)

    Pages 77-84

  • Herpes Zoster and Vascular Risk

    Warren-Gash, Charlotte (et al.)

    Pages 85-96

  • Antiviral Therapy and Local Treatment for Herpes Zoster

    Gershon, Anne A.

    Pages 97-102

  • Dermatologic Manifestations of Herpes Zoster

    Somayaji, Ranjani (et al.)

    Pages 103-115

  • The Effect of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia on Health-Related Quality of Life, Function, Employment-Related Productivity, and the Cost-Effectiveness of the Vaccine

    Drolet, Melanie

    Pages 119-140

  • The Pathology of Postherpetic Neuralgia and Postherpetic Itch

    Oaklander, Anne Louise

    Pages 141-156

  • Neural Basis of Pain in Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia: The Ectopic Pacemaker Hypothesis

    Devor, Marshall

    Pages 157-187

  • Persistent VZV Ganglionitis May Be the Cause of Postherpetic Neuralgia

    Gilden, Don (et al.)

    Pages 189-195

  • A Comparison of Clinical Features and Mechanisms of Trigeminal Postherpetic Neuralgia and Trigeminal Neuralgia

    Sessle, Barry J. (et al.)

    Pages 197-226

  • Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia: Subtypes and a Mechanism-Based Treatment

    Baron, Ralf (et al.)

    Pages 229-238

  • Interventional Approaches to Postherpetic Neuralgia

    Brogan, Shane E. (et al.)

    Pages 239-251

  • Treatment of Postherpetic Neuralgia: The Role of Opioids

    Ballantyne, Jane C.

    Pages 253-277

  • Postherpetic Neuralgia: Difficult to Treat, Easier to Prevent

    Watson, C. Peter N.

    Pages 279-296

  • Postherpetic Neuralgia: Are There Neurosurgical Options?

    Watson, C. Peter N.

    Pages 297-313

  • Designing Randomized Controlled Trials of Oral Analgesics for Chronic Postherpetic Neuralgia

    Gilron, Ian (et al.)

    Pages 315-331

  • The Importance of Zoster Prevention Vaccines

    Watson, C. Peter N.

    Pages 335-339

  • Aggressive Noninvasive Treatment of Acute Herpes Zoster for the Prevention of Postherpetic Neuralgia

    Schmidt, Sigrun Alba Johannesdottir (et al.)

    Pages 341-364

  • Herpes Zoster Vaccines

    Oxman, Michael N. (et al.)

    Pages 365-418

  • Conclusion: “All Roads Lead to Rome”

    Watson, C. Peter N.

    Pages 419-419



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