Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
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Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Hemostasis Management of the Pediatric Surgical Patient
Guzzetta, Faraoni
131,00 €


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Hemostasis Management of the Pediatric Surgical Patient provides knowledge on the emerging area of pediatric hemostasis and its management. It discusses aspects of perioperative blood management in the pediatric population, including how to accurately estimate and monitor bleeding and determine optimal treatment regimens for bleeding in pediatric surgical patients. It also provides information on the implementation of intraoperative blood conservation strategies, goal-directed transfusion therapy, and postoperative estimation of bleeding and thrombotic risks. This book is a valuable resource to pediatric practitioners and researchers who need comprehensive information on pediatric hematology, from basic physiology to pre-, intra- and postoperative care of pediatric patients.

The coagulation system of children evolves with age as evidenced by marked physiological differences in the concentration of hemostatic proteins between children of different age groups and adults. Consequently, there are distinct differences in hemostatic management between adult and pediatric patients.

Section 1: Basics of Hemostasis

1. Mechanisms of Hemostasis
2. Developmental Hemostasis
3. Measuring and Monitoring of Hemostasis

Section 2: Disorders of Hemostasis in Children

4. Congenital Bleeding and Thrombotic Disorders
5. Acquired Disorders of Hemostasis

Section 3: Blood Bank Management for Pediatric Patients

6. Pediatric Blood Banking: Blood Components, Derivatives, Modifications, and Pre-Transfusion Testing
7. Consent and an Approach to the Management of Acute and Chronic Transfusion Reactions

Section 4: Perioperative Pediatric Blood Management

8. Guidelines and Administration of Patient Blood Management Programs
9. Preoperative Optimization
10. Blood Conservation Strategies and Alternatives to Blood Products

Section 5: Hemostatic Management for Specific Surgical Procedures

11. Major Spine and Orthopedic Surgery
12. Neurosurgical Prcedures
13. Cardiac Surgery and Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB)
14. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) and Other Extracorporeal Devices
15. Major Abdominal Surgery
16. Pediatric Trauma
17. Biomaterials and Other Adjuncts for Pediatric Hemostasis

Section 6: Postoperative Challenges in Hemostasis

18. Bleeding Management in the ICU
19. Postoperative Thrombosis and Prophylaxis


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