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Hemostasis and Thrombosis - Basic Principles and Clinical Practice
Marder, Aird, Bennett, Schulman, White
336,00 €
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Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Sixth Edition


 Since publication of the First Edition in 1982, Hemostasis and Thrombosis has established itself as the pre-eminent book in the field of coagulation disorders. No other book is as inclusive in scope, with coverage of the field from the standpoint of both basic scientists and clinicians. This comprehensive resource details the essentials of bleeding and thrombotic disorders and the management of patients with these and related problems, and delivers the most up-to-date information on normal biochemistry and function of platelets or endothelial cells, as well as in-depth discussions of the pharmacology of anticoagulant, fibrinolytic, and hemostatic drugs.  


NEW to the Sixth Edition…

• A new team of editors, each a leader in his field, assures you of fresh, authoritative perspectives.

• Full color throughout

• A companion website that offers full text online and an image bank.

• A new introductory section of chapters on basic sciences as related to the field

• Entirely new section on Hemostatic and Thrombotic Disorders Associated with Systemic Conditions includes material on pediatric patients, women's health issues, cancer, sickle cell disease, and other groups.

• Overview chapters preceding each section address broad topics of general importance.




Part 1: Introduction to the Field of Hemostasis and Thrombosis



Chapter 1.  History of the Field

William C. Aird and Gilbert C. White, II


Chapter 2.  Molecular Evolution of the Vertebrate Blood Coagulation System

Marianne A. Grant and William C. Aird


Chapter 3.  Molecular and Clinical Genetics

Lesley Everett, Karl C. Desch, and David Ginsburg


Chapter 4:  Coagulation Enzymology

Sriram Krishnaswamy


Chapter 5: Cell Biology, Protein Processing, and Cell Signaling

Randal J. Kaufman and Laura Popolo


Chapter 6: Cellular and Molecular Immunology

Andrew H. Lichtman


Chapter 7:  Biostatistics and Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Clinical Research

Kerry L. Lee





Chapter 8: Overview of Basic Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Gilbert C. White, II, Victor J. Marder, Sam Schulman, William C. Aird, and Joel S. Bennett


Chapter 9:  The Blood Coagulation Factors and Inhibitors: Complementary DNAs, Genes and Expression

Dominic W. Chung, Wengfeng Xu, and Earl W. Davie


Chapter 10: Genetics of Coagulation Proteins

Rodney M. Camire and Paris Margaritis


Chapter 11: Tissue Factor and the Initiation and Regulation (TFPI) of Coagulation

George J. Broze, Jr. and James H. Morrissey


Chapter 12: Factors V and VIII

Randal J. Kaufman, Philip J. Fay, Laura Popolo, and Thomas L. Ortel


Chapter 13: Structure and Function of von Willebrand Factor

Sandra L. Haberichter and Robert R. Montgomery


Chapter 14: Structure and Function of Vitamin K-Dependent Coagulant and Anticoagulant Proteins

Kanagasabai Vadivel, Amy E. Schmidt, Victor J. Marder, Sriram Krishnaswamy, and S. Paul Bajaj


Chapter 15A:  Factor XI

Peter N. Walsh and David Gailani


Chapter 15B: The Factor XII-driven Plasma Contact System

Thomas Renne


Chapter 16:  Fibrinogen Structure and Function

John W. Weisel and Carl-Erik Dempfle

Chapter 17: Factor XIII

Cédric Duval, Helen Philippou, and Robert A. S. Ariëns


Chapter 18: Antithrombin and the Serpin Family

Susan C. Bock


Chapter 19:  Protein C and S and Thrombomodulin System

Laurent O. Mosnier and John H. Griffin

Chapter 20: Plasminogen Activation and Regulation of Fibrinolysis

Nuala A. Booth and Nicola J. Mutch


Chapter 21:  Inhibitors of Fibrinolysis

Björn Wiman and Anna Ågren




Chapter 22: Overview of Platelet Structure and Function

Joel S. Bennett and Gilbert C. White, II


Chapter 23:  Platelet Production: Cellular and Molecular Regulation

Elisabeth Cramer Bordé and William Vainchenker


Chapter 24: Megakaryocyte Structure and Platelet Biogenesis

Joseph E. Italiano, Jr. and John H. Hartwig


Chapter 25:  Thrombopoietin

Kenneth Kaushansky and Ian Hitchcock 


Chapter 26A: Major Platelet Glycoproteins: GPIb-IX-V

Michael C. Berndt, and Robert K. Andrews


Chapter 26B: Major Platelet Glycoproteins: GPIIb/IIIa

Feng Ye and Mark H. Ginsberg


Chapter 27:  Platelet Glycoprotein Polymorphisms and Relationship to Function and Immunogenicity

Thomas J. Kunicki and Diane J. Nugent


Chapter 28: The Basis for Platelet Adhesion

Brian Savage and Zaverio M. Ruggeri


Chapter 29: Shear Effects on Platelets and the Vessel Wall in the Pathogenesis of Atherothrombosis

David L. Bark Jr., Warwick S. Nesbitt, Angus K.T. Wong, and Shaun P. Jackson


Chapter 30: Platelets and Collagen

Steve P Watson, Richard W Farndale, Masaaki Moroi, and Stephanie M Jung


Chapter 31: Integrin αIIb β3 and Platelet Aggregation

Ana Kasirer-Friede, Kamila Bledzka, Jun Qin, , Edward F. Plow, and Sanford J. Shattil


Chapter 32:  Molecular Basis for Platelet Secretion

Shaojing Ye and Sidney W. Whitehart


Chapter 33: Platelet Signal Transduction

Charles S. Abrams and Lawrence F. Brass 


Chapter 34:  Platelet Prostaglandin Metabolism

Tilo Grosser and Garret A. FitzGerald


Chapter 35:  The Role of Platelets in Blood Coagulation

Peter N. Walsh


Chapter 36:  Blood-Borne Microparticles

José López and Swaminathan Murugappan



William C. Aird


Chapter 37:  Overview of Vascular Biology

William C. Aird


Chapter 38: Development of the Vasculature, Angiogenesis, Lymphangiogenesis

Aernout Luttun and Peter Carmeliet


Chapter 39: Rheology and Vessel Wall Stress

Peter F. Davies, Larry V. McIntire, and Juan M. Jiménez


Chapter 40:  Nitric Oxide

Bradley A. Maron and Thomas Michel

Chapter 41:  Blood Vessel Wall in Health and Disease

Keith R. Brunt, Sonya Hui, Jagdish Butany, and Mansoor Husain


Chapter 42:  Endothelial Cell Function

William C. Aird


Chapter 43:  Role of Endothelium in Hemostasis

Michael J. Krisinger and Edward M. Conway


Chapter 44:  Coagulation-Independent Signaling of the Extrinsic Coagulation Pathway

Wolfram Ruf


Chapter 45:  Heparin and Vascular Proteoglycans

Douglas M. Tollefsen and Lijuan Zhang


Chapter 46: Endothelial Cell-Blood Cell Interactions

Klaus Ley


Chapter 47:  Leukocyte Function and Contribution to Disease

Edith van de Vijver and Taco W. Kuijpers


Chapter 48: Laboratory Markers of Endothelial Cell Activation and Dysfunction

Eduard Shantsila, Gregory Y.H. Lip, and Robert P. Hebbel





Chapter 49: Overview of Inherited Hemorrhagic Disorders

Gilbert C. White, II, Harold R. Roberts, and Victor J. Marder


Chapter 50:  Differential Diagnosis of the Bleeding Patient

Jill M. Johnsen and Barbara A. Konkle 


Chapter 51: Clinical Manifestations and Therapy of Inherited and Acquired Hemophilia

Edward G.D. Tuddenham


Chapter 52: von Willebrand Disease: Diagnosis, Classification, and Treatment

J. Evan Sadler and David Lillicrap


Chapter 53:  Rare Inherited Coagulation Disorders Other than Hemophilia

Pier Mannuccio Manucci, Massimo Franchini, and Flora Peyvandi


Chapter 54: Afibrogenemias and Dysfibrogenemias

Dennis K. Galanakis


Chapter 55: Familial Multiple Coagulation Factor Deficiencies

Bin Zhang and David Ginsburg


Chapter 56:  Clinical Disorders of Fibrinolysis

Daphne Stewart, Charles W. Francis, and Victor J. Marder


Chapter 57: Acquired Disorders of Coagulation: The Immune Coagulopathies

Charles RM Hay


Chapter 58:  Laboratory Markers of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Kenneth A. Bauer and Helen A. Ireland




Chapter 59: Overview of Acquired and Inherited Clinical Platelet Disorders

Joel S. Bennett


Chapter 60: Differential Diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia

Joel S. Bennett and Charles S. Abrams


Chapter 61:  Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpuraand Posttransfusion Purpura

Howard A. Liebman, Douglas B. Cines, and James B. Bussel


Chapter 62: Drug-Induced Thrombocytopenia

Richard H. Aster and James N. George


Chapter 63: Inherited Thrombocytopenias

Paquita Nurden and Alan T. Nurden


Chapter 64: Acquired Nonimmune Thrombocytopenia

Andreas Greinacher and Theodore E. Warkentin


Chapter 65:  Hereditary Disorders of Platelet Function

Joel S. Bennett and A. Koneti Rao


Chapter 66: Acquired Disorders of Platelet Function

A. Koneti Rao and Joel S. Bennett


Chapter 67: Laboratory Markers of Platelet Activation

Paul Harrison and Alan D. Michelson




Chapter 68: Overview of Primary Disorders of Blood Vessels

William C. Aird


Chapter 69: Disorders of Connective Tissue and Extracellulara Matrix

Fransiska Malfait and Anne dePaepeChapter 70: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

Michelle Letarte and Claire L. Shovlin


Chapter 71: Arteriovenous Malformations and Hemangiomas and Cerebral Cavernous Malformations

Douglas A. Marchuk and Mark L. Kahn


Chapter 72: Aneurysms (Large and Small Arteries)

Carlos E. Sanchez, Sangita Kapur, and Neal L. Weintraub


Chapter 73: Intracranial Hemorrhage

Timolaos Rizos and Thorsten Steiner 


Chapter 74: Retinopathy

Jing Chen, , Andreas Stahl, and Lois E.H. Smith




Chapter 75: Overview to Therapy of Bleeding Disorders

Gilbert C. White II


Chapter 76: Management of Acute Hemorrhage

Nigel S. Key, Micah J. Mooberry, and Rommer Lu


Chapter 77: Therapy with Antifibrinolytic Agents

Daphne B. Stewart and Victor J. Marder


Chapter 78: Transfusion Medicine

Thomas S. Kickler


Chapter 79: New Approaches for the Therapy of Bleeding Disorders, Including Gene Therapy

Gilbert C. White II and Harold R. Roberts






Chapter 80.  Overview of Venous Thromboembolism

Sam Schulman, Victor J. Marder, and Gilbert C. White II


Chapter 81: Thrombophilia Genetics

Joseph Emmerich, Martine Aiach, and Pierre-Emmanuel Morange


Chapter 82: Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Venous Thromboembolism

John A. Heit


Chapter 83: Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Venous Thromboembolism

Henri Bounameaux and Arnaud Perrier


Chapter 84: Venous Thrombosis in Unusual Sites

Victor J. Marder, Hylton V. Joffe, and Sam Schulman


Chapter 85: Sequelae of Venous Thromboembolic Disease: Postthrombotic Syndrome and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension

Vittorio Pengo and Susan R. Kahn


Chapter 86: Prevention of Venous Thromboembolic Disease

Menno V. Huisman, Ajay Kakkar, Pasha, and Patrick Mismetti


Chapter 87: Treatment of Venous Thromboembolic Disease

Sam Schulman, Jeffrey Ginsberg, and James Douketis




Chapter 88: Overview of Arterial Thrombotic Disorders

Sam Schulman and Victor J. Marder


Chapter 89: Pathophysiology of Atherosclerosis

Peter Libby, Paul M. Ridker, and Kevin Croce


Chapter 90: Acute Coronary Syndromes: Manifestations and Management

John Paul Vavalle, John H. Alexander, and Matthew T. Roe


Chapter 91: Pathophysiology of Thromboembolic Stroke

Emer R. McGrath and Martin J. O'Donnell


Chapter 92: Prevention of Thromboembolic Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation, Valvular Heart Disease, Cardiomyopathy

Thomas Kawano and Jonathan L. Halperin


Chapter 93: Acute Stroke: General Management, Anticoagulant, and Thrombolytic Therapy

Gregory J. del Zoppo and Jeffrey L. Saver  


Chapter 94: Medical and Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease

Phillip Joseph, Saurabh Kalra, and Sonia Anand


Chapter 95: Unusual Sites of Arterial Occlusion

Philip A. Kalra, Jon G. Moss, and Peter Wiedemann


Chapter 96: Pathogenesis and Treatment of Biomaterial-Associated Thrombosis

Maud B. Gorbet and Michael V. Sefton




Chapter 97: Overview of Microvascular and Complex Thrombotic Disorders

Theodore E. Warkentine and Victor J. Marder


Chapter 98: Consumptive Thrombohemorrhagic Disorders

Marcel Levi, Donald I. Feinstein, Robert W. Colman, and Victor J. Marder


Chapter 99: Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura-Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome-Microangiopathies



Chapter 100: Vasculitides

James R. Stone and John H. Stone


Chapter 101: Antiphospholipid Antibodies and the Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Jacob H. Rand and Lucia R. Wolgast


Chapter 102: Thrombohemorrhagic Complications of Myeloproliferative Disorders

Ayalew Tefferi


Chapter 103:  Thrombotic and Hemorrhagic Complications Associted with Stem Cell Transplantation

Yona Nadir and Benjamin Brenner




Chapter 104: Overview of Therapeutic Agents used in Thrombotic Disorders

Sam Schulman and Victor J. Marder


Chapter 105: Pharmacology and Mode of Action of Heparin and Glycosaminoglycans

Meyer Michael Samama, Jeanine M. Walenga, Evi Kalodiki, and Jawed Fareed


Chapter 106: Vitamin K Antagonists: Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Management

Nirmish Shah, Thomas L. Ortel, and Sam Schulman


Chapter 107: Hemorrhagic Complications of Anticoagulation

Sam Schulman and Mark A. Crowther


Chapter 108: Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia

Theodore E. Warkentin and Andreas Greinacher


Chapter 109: Coumarin-Induced Skin Necrosis and Venous Limb Gangrene

Theodore E. Warkentin


Chapter 110: New Antithrombotic Drugs

Jeffrey I. Weitz and Peter L. Gross


Chapter 111: Antiplatelet Therapy

Carlo Patrono


Chapter 112: Thrombolytic Therapy

Victor J. Marder and Daphne B. Stewart


Chapter 113: Anticoagulant and Procoagulant Proteinsin the Animal Kingdom

Angelina Wei Ling Tan, Shiyang Kwong, and R. Manjunatha Kinia


Chapter 114: Mechanical Devices and Embolectomy

Hervé Decousus, Patrick Mismetti, and Nicolas Meneveau


PART V:Hemostatic and Thrombotic Disorders Associated with Systemic Conditions


Chapter 115: Overview of Special Clinical Groups

Victor J. Marder


Chapter 116: VTE during Pregnancy and with Hormonal Contraceptives

Saskia Middeldorp, Mathilde Nijkeuter, and Michiel Coppens


Chapter 117: Gestational Vascular Complications

Benjamin Brenner, Anat Aharon, Jean-Christophe Gris


Chapter 118: Maternal Hemostatic Disorders and Obstetric Hemorrhage

Philippe De Moerloose, Françoise Boehlen, and Jean Christophe Gris


Chapter 119: Developmental Hemostasis

Paul Monagle, Vera Ignatovic, and Leslie Roy Berry


Chapter 120: Bleeding in Neonates and Children

Anthony K. Chan, Elizabeth A. Chalmers, Sam Schulman, and Alan Michelson


Chapter 121: Venous and Arterial Thromboembolism in Children

Paul Monagle, M. Patricia Massicotte, and Anthony K. Chan


Chapter 122: Thrombotic Complications of Sickle Cell Disease

Kenneth I. Ataga and Elliott P. Vichinsky


Chapter 123: Thrombohemorrhagic Complications of Sepsis

Marcel Levi


Chapter 124: Hemorrhagic Fevers: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Features

Gayani Tillekeratne, Jennifer Cohn, and Hillary Dunlevy


Chapter 125: Cancer-related Thrombosis

Anna Falanga, Agnes Y. Y. Lee, Frederick R. Rickles


Chapter 126: Hemostatic Abnormalities in Liver Disease

Charles S. Eby and Stephen H. Caldwell


Chapter 127: Hemostatic Abnormalities in Renal Disease

Miriam Galbusera, Giuseppe Remuzzi, and Patrizia Ondei


Chapter 128: Multtrauma Derangements in Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Diane A. Schwartz, Lucy Z. Kornblith, John B. Holcomb, and Mitchell Jay Cohen


Chapter 129: Blood Management in the Cardiovascular Surgery Patient

Lawrence Tim Goodnough and L. Henry Edmunds Jr.


Chapter 130: Thrombo-Hemorrhagic Events in the Elderly

Isabelle Mahe and Ludovic Drouet


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