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Libreria medica internazionale
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Heart Failure Management: The Neural Pathways
Gronda, Vanoli, Costea
80,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book describes the most recent insights into heart failure and the role played by autonomic nervous system pathophysiology in it, discussing the therapeutic implications. While current therapeutic approaches are able to control the effects of excessive adrenergic activation in heart failure syndrome, the underlying abnormalities of adrenergic control remain unaltered and can still cause progression to unmanageable end-stage heart failure. New therapeutic pathways are therefore being explored with a view to developing interventions that can directly modulate adrenergic over-activity and restore a more appropriate balance in neural control of the cardiovascular system. The book opens by examining current heart failure therapies. Advances in our understanding of autonomic regulation/dysregulation in heart failure are then discussed in detail, in the context of the search for more effective therapies. A concluding section addresses the role of autonomic nervous system denervation in heart failure. The authors are top scientists from leading research centers.

  • Introduction

    Vorovich, Esther (et al.)

    Pages 3-9

  • Therapies in Heart Failure, Tomorrow May Be Too Late

    Gronda, Edoardo (et al.)

    Pages 11-23

  • Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure, and the Autonomic Nervous System

    Zardkoohi, Omeed (et al.)

    Pages 25-41

  • Current Therapies for Ventricular Tachycardia: Are there Autonomic Implications of the Arrhythmogenic Substrate?

    Costea, Alexandru (et al.)

    Pages 43-60

  • “The Autonomic Nervous System Symphony Orchestra”: Pathophysiology of Autonomic Nervous System and Analysis of Activity Frequencies

    Montano, Nicola (et al.)

    Pages 63-72

  • Autonomic Pathophysiology After Myocardial Infarction Falling into Heart Failure

    D’Elia, Emilia (et al.)

    Pages 73-85

  • Cardiovascular Serenade: Listening to the Heart

    Adamson, Philip B. (et al.)

    Pages 87-100

  • Whispering During Sleep: Autonomic Signaling During Sleep, Sleep Apnea, and Sudden Death

    Rovere, Maria Teresa (et al.)

    Pages 101-113

  • Cerebral Aging: Implications for the Heart Autonomic Nervous System Regulation

    Pascale, Alessia (et al.)

    Pages 115-127

  • The Autonomic Cardiorenal Crosstalk: Pathophysiology and Implications for Heart Failure Management

    Costanzo, Maria Rosa (et al.)

    Pages 131-164

  • Vagal Stimulation in Heart Failure: An Anti-inflammatory Intervention?

    Ferrari, Gaetano M. (et al.)

    Pages 165-182

  • Baroreflex Activation Therapy in Heart Failure

    Grassi, Guido (et al.)

    Pages 183-197

  • Renal Reflexes and Denervation in Heart Failure

    Pieruzzi, Federico

    Pages 199-213

  • Back to the Future

    Vanoli, Emilio (et al.)

    Pages 215-216



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