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This essential guide continues to provide invaluable information on using medications safely and effectively in the intensive care setting. Split into two sections, the first being an A-Z guide to the drugs available and concise notes on the key topics and scenarios faced on a daily basis. This section provides succinct information on each drug including uses, administration directions and adverse effects. The second section details practice guidelines on areas such as drug dosing in renal failure and haemofiltration, Parkinson's disease therapy when nil-by-mouth and insulin therapy. This new edition features an array of new drug monographs alongside thorough updates to existing monographs, guidelines and the unique IV compatibility table, which allows readers to identify compatible and non-compatible drugs combinations. Presented in a concise, compact format, this book is an invaluable resource for doctors, pharmacists, nurses, advanced clinical practitioners, and other professionals caring for critically ill patients.
How to use this book
Drugs: An A-Z Guide
Prescribing using generic or brand names
Routes of administration
Loading dose
Drug metabolism
Enzyme systems
Drug excretion
Drug tolerance
Drug interactions
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Target range of concentration
Pharmacology in the critically ill
Body weight
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Drugs in advanced life support
Management of acute major anaphylaxis
Management of acute severe hyperkalaemia
Management of malignant hyperthermia (MH)
Sedation, analgesia and neuromuscular blockade
Opioid conversion table
Antiretroviral drugs: alternatives for swallowing difficulties
Management of status epilepticus
Prevention of delirium tremens and alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Prevention of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome
Anti-arrhythmic drugs
Inotropes and vasopressors
Anti-ulcer drugs
Heparin induced thrombocytopaenia
Guidelines for patients with absent or dysfunctional spleen
Anti-microbial drugs
Bacterial gram staining
Antibiotics: sensitivities
Alterations to drug dosing in renal dysfunction and Haemo(dia)filtration
Chemical pleurodesis of malignant pleural effusion
Hyponatraemia & SIADH Diagnosis and Management
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: new restrictions and precautions for use
Suspected sepsis
Appendix A: creatinine clearance
Appendix B: citrate based anticoagulation for renal replacement therapy
Appendix C: body mass index (BMI) calculator
Appendix D: lean body weight charts
Appendix E: estimated height from ulna length
Appendix F: infusion rate/dose calculation
Appendix G: drug compatibility chart
Appendix H: sodium content of oral medications
Appendix I: drug management of the brain-stem-dead donor
Appendix J: vancomycin by continuous infusion
Appendix K: Child-Pugh score
Appendix L: insulin guidelines
Drug index
Compatibility chart.
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