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Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Hand
Pages 3-22
Accurate assessment of hand function is critical to any treatment regimen of the hand compromised patient. Hand Function is a practical, clinical book which provides the knowledge needed to distinguish the different dimensions of hand function, particularly impairment, disability and handicap. Beginning with an overview of basic principles and examination, subsequent chapters evaluate the hand function in specific afflicted populations, including the rheumatoid patient, the stroke patient, the trauma patient, the geriatric patient and the pediatric patient, as well as special populations such as diabetes mellitus patients and musicians. An appendix containing hand function scales essential to the assessment of disability is also included. Rheumatologists, physiatrists, hand surgeons, orthopedists, occupational therapists and physical therapists will all find Hand Function a useful and valuable addition to their clinical references.
Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Hand
Pages 3-22
Physical Examination of the Hand
Pages 23-40
Assessment of Hand Functions
Pages 41-51
Hand Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Pages 55-62
Hand Function in Osteoarthritis
Pages 63-69
Hand Function in Scleroderma
Pages 71-89
Functional Assessment in Hand with Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries
Pages 91-105
Hand Function in Stroke
Pages 107-114
Hand Function in Tetraplegia
Pages 115-132
Hand Function in Parkinson’s Disease
Pages 133-149
Hand Function in Children with Congenital Disorders
Pages 151-161
Hand Function in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Pages 163-170
Hand Function in Geriatric Conditions
Pages 171-183
Hand Function in Common Hand Problems
Pages 185-199
Hand Function in Metabolic Disorders: Hemodialysis, Diabetes Mellitus, and Gout
Pages 201-207
Hand Function and Imaging Outcomes
Pages 211-224
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