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Fundamentals of Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology
A Practical, Case-Based Approach to Diagnosis and Management
Heidary, Phillips
90,00 €


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Fundamentals of Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology is the first case-based textbook dedicated to pediatric neuro-ophthalmology.  Fundamentals is a must-have resource for ophthalmologists, neurologists, emergency medicine physicians, and pediatricians who are seeking a practical guide for the diagnosis and management of pediatric neuro-ophthalmologic disease.  With contributions from experts in the Consortium of Pediatric Neuro-ophthalmologists, the text is an important educational reference for trainees and established physicians alike.


Key Features

·         Fifty-two real-world clinical cases that examine presenting symptoms and signs, differential diagnosis, approach to evaluation, treatment considerations, visual outcomes, and novel insights into disease management

·         Broad coverage of important topics in pediatric neuro-ophthalmology including


Congenital optic nerve anomalies

Optic disc edema

Optic nerve tumors

Optic atrophy


Disorders of the extraocular muscles


Other abnormal eye movements

Pupillary disorders

Neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations in neurologic and systemic diseases

Higher order visual processing disorders


·         Video library of important clinical signs of neuro-ophthalmologic disease

·         Discussion of decision making and interpretation of ancillary testing by experts in the field of pediatric neuro-ophthalmology

Easy to follow format that will serve as a concise, practical guide with clinical pearls and references for further reading

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xvii


  2. Optic Nerve Anomalies and Associated Disorders

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Optic Nerve Hypoplasia: An Infant with Poor Fixation and Pituitary Dysfunction

      • Mark Borchert

      Pages 3-6

    3. Optic Nerve Coloboma: A Boy with Poor Vision and Microphthalmos

      • Hilda Capó

      Pages 7-10

    4. Morning Glory Disc Anomaly: A Baby with Strabismus and an Abnormal Optic Disc

      • Maamoun Abdul Fattah, Y. Arun Reginald

      Pages 11-16

    5. Optic Nerve Pit: A Woman with Acquired Vision Loss

      • Cameron F. Parsa

      Pages 17-22

    6. Myelinated Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer: A Girl with an Abnormal Fundus Appearance

      • Rob Pintwala, Maryam Aroichane, Claire A. Sheldon

      Pages 23-25

  3. Optic Nerve Edema

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 27-27


    2. Optic Nerve Drusen: A Child with an Abnormal Optic Disc and Vitreous Hemorrhage

      • Melinda Y. Chang

      Pages 29-34

    3. Papilledema from Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Girl with Headaches and Diplopia

      • Grant T. Liu

      Pages 35-38

    4. Papilledema from Secondary Pseudotumor Cerebri: A Teenager with Blurred Vision and Diplopia

      • Ellen B. Mitchell, Ricardo Couso

      Pages 39-41

    5. Papilledema from Dural Sinus Thrombosis: A Teenager with Headaches and Diplopia

      • Lauren C. Ditta, Jane C. Edmond

      Pages 43-46

    6. Optic Neuritis Associated with Multiple Sclerosis: A Teenager with Painful Vision Loss

      • Jennifer H. Yang, Jennifer S. Graves

      Pages 47-51

    7. Optic Neuritis Associated with MOG-IgG Positivity: A Child with Decreased Vision and Optic Nerve Swelling

      • Ryan A. Gise

      Pages 53-59

    8. Optic Neuritis Associated with Neuromyelitis Optica: A Teenager with Painful Blurred Vision

      • Mays A. El-Dairi, Karim Sleiman

      Pages 61-69

    9. Neuroretinitis: A Teenager with Painless Vision Loss

      • Nina Boal, Crandall E. Peeler

      Pages 71-75

  4. Tumors Involving the Optic Nerve

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 77-77


    2. Optic Nerve Glioma in Neurofibromatosis Type I: A Girl with an Enlarging Optic Nerve

      • Robert A. Avery

      Pages 79-81

    3. Optic Nerve Glioma (Sporadic): A Baby with Monocular Nystagmus

      • Michael X. Repka

      Pages 83-85

    4. Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma in the Setting of Neurofibromatosis Type II: A Boy with Painless Proptosis

      • Michael D. Richards

      Pages 87-91

      1. Optic Nerve Infiltration in the Setting of a Brain Tumor: A Teenager with a Brain Tumor and Newly Decreased Vision

        • Alon Zahavi, Helen Toledano, Nitza Goldenberg-Cohen

        Pages 93-99

    5. Optic Atrophy

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 101-101


      2. Dominant Optic Atrophy: A Teenager with Progressive Painless Vision Loss

        • Eric D. Gaier

        Pages 103-110

      3. Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: A Teenager with Painless Sequential Vision Loss

        • Aubrey L. Gilbert

        Pages 111-116

      4. Nutritional Optic Neuropathy from Vitamin A Deficiency: A Boy with Autism and Decreased Vision

        • Stacy L. Pineles

        Pages 117-120

    6. Strabismus and Disorders of the Extraocular Muscles

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 121-121


      2. Congenital Fibrosis of the Extraocular Muscles (CFEOM): A Baby with Poor Tracking and Exotropia

        • Mary C. Whitman, Elizabeth C. Engle

        Pages 123-126

      3. Duane Syndrome: An Infant with Crossed Eyes

        • Lauren C. Ditta

        Pages 127-130

      4. Moebius Syndrome: A Baby with Limited Abduction Bilaterally

        • Sarah MacKinnon, David G. Hunter

        Pages 131-135

      5. Third Cranial Nerve Palsy: A Child with Ptosis and Exotropia

        • Paul H. Phillips

        Pages 137-143

      6. Fourth Nerve Palsy: A Boy with Vertical Misalignment

        • Alexander de Castro-Abeger, Sean P. Donahue

        Pages 145-148

      7. Sixth Nerve Palsy: A Boy with Acquired Bilateral Abduction Deficits

        • Cristian M. Salgado, Diego I. Paredes

        Pages 149-152

      8. Acute Acquired Comitant Esotropia: A Teenager with Acute-Onset Diplopia

        • Ryan R. House, Timothy W. Winter

        Pages 153-155

      9. Ocular Myasthenia Gravis: A Child with an Acquired Ptosis

        • Shannon Beres

        Pages 157-160

      10. Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (CPEO): A Teenager with Progressive Ptosis, Strabismus, and Nyctalopia

        • Helena Lee, Rachel Leary

        Pages 161-164

      11. Ocular Neuromyotonia: A Woman with Intermittent Diplopia

        • Emily A. McCourt, Prem S. Subramanian

        Pages 165-167

      12. Infantile-Onset Saccade Initiation Delay (ISID, Congenital Ocular Motor Apraxia): A Child with Abnormal Head Movements

        • Michael S. Salman, Martin Bunge

        Pages 169-172

    7. Nystagmus and Other Abnormal Eye Movements

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 173-173


      2. Infantile Nystagmus: A Baby with Abnormal Eye Movements

        • Agnes Wong

        Pages 175-179

      3. Paroxysmal Tonic Downgaze in Infancy: A Baby with Abnormal Downward Eye Movements

        • Virender Sachdeva, Ramesh Kekunnaya

        Pages 181-183

        1. Spasmus Nutans: A Child with Abnormal Head and Eye Movements

          • Mitchell B. Strominger

          Pages 185-187

        2. Russell Diencephalic Syndrome of Infancy with Monocular Nystagmus: A Baby with Monocular Nystagmus and Failure to Thrive

          • Michael C. Brodsky

          Pages 189-191

        3. Nystagmus Associated with a Retinal Dystrophy: A Teenager with Vision Loss and Eye Shaking

          • Hersh Varma, Veeral S. Shah

          Pages 193-197

        4. Downbeat Nystagmus: A Teenager with Downbeat Nystagmus

          • Loulwah Mukharesh, Joseph F. Rizzo

          Pages 199-202

        5. Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome: A Child with “Jumping Vision”

          • James O’Brien, R. Michael Siatkowski

          Pages 203-207

      4. Pupillary Abnormalities

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 209-209


        2. Horner Syndrome: A Baby with Anisocoria

          • Seema Emami, Michael J. Wan

          Pages 211-214

        3. Anisocoria from a Third Nerve Palsy: A Child with Abnormal Pupils

          • Gad Dotan

          Pages 215-218

      5. Neurologic Diseases with Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 219-219


        2. Craniopharyngioma: A Teenager with Decreased Vision, Peripheral Visual Field Defects, and Diplopia

          • Mehdi Tavakoli

          Pages 221-225

        3. Dorsal Midbrain Syndrome: A Teenager with Diplopia, Headache, and Vomiting

          • Saprina Truong, Gena Heidary

          Pages 227-230

        4. Posterior Fossa Tumor: A Child with Blurry Vision and Headaches

          • Jason H. Peragallo

          Pages 231-234

        5. Craniosynostosis: A Child with Recurrent Papilledema

          • Abdelrahman M. Elhusseiny, Linda R. Dagi

          Pages 235-241

        6. Ataxia Telangiectasia: A Child with Abnormal Eye Movements and Ataxia

          • Jinu Han

          Pages 243-247

        7. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis: A Boy with Seizures and a Change in Visual Behavior

          • Steven F. Stasheff

          Pages 249-257

        8. Adrenoleukodystrophy: A Child with Progressive Vision Loss

          • Marc Dinkin

          Pages 259-263

        9. Joubert Syndrome with Congenital Fibrosis of the Extraocular Muscles: A Child with Exotropia, Ptosis, and an Abnormal MRI

          • Lingwei William Tao, Shivanand J. Sheth

          Pages 265-270

        10. KIFF11 Mutation: A Boy with Painless, Progressive Vision Loss, and Nyctalopia

          • Maja Kostic, Carlos Mendoza-Santiesteban

          Pages 271-274

      6. Higher Order Visual Dysfunction

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 275-275


        2. Cortical Visual Impairment: A Baby with Poor Visual Behavior and Prematurity

          • Batool Sahar Emadi, Gena Heidary

          Pages 277-282

          1. Hallucinogen-Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD): A Teenage Boy with Hallucinations

            • Christopher C. Glisson

            Pages 283-285

          2. Non Organic Visual Loss: A Boy with Progressive, Unexplained Vision Loss

            • Hana Leiba

            Pages 287-290

        3. Back Matter

          Pages 291-296


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