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Feldman and Pike’s Vitamin D, 5th Edition
Volume Two: Disease and Therapeutics
Hewison et al
195,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem linked to numerous diseases affecting men, women, and children of all ages. Enormous progress in the study of vitamin D has been made since the first edition of this highly-acclaimed book was published nearly 20 years ago, and current research continues to draw headlines. Feldman and Pike’s Vitamin D, Fifth Edition continues to build on the successful formula from previous editions, taking the reader from the basic elements of fundamental research to the most sophisticated concepts in therapeutics. The two comprehensive volumes provide investigators, clinicians, and students with a comprehensive, definitive, and up-to-date compendium of the diverse scientific and clinical aspects of vitamin D, where each area is covered by both basic and clinical experts in the field.


In Volume I: Biochemistry, Physiology and Diagnostics, international experts in endocrinology, bone biology, and human physiology take readers through the basic research of vitamin D. This impressive reference presents a comprehensive review of the multi-faceted actions of vitamin D relating both to skeletal and extra-skeletal action. Researchers from all areas of vitamin D will gain insight into how clinical observations and practices can feed back into the research cycle and will, therefore, be able to develop more targeted genomic and proteomic insights into the mechanisms of disease.


Volume II: Health, Disease and Therapy authoritatively covers the evidence for new roles of vitamin D, ranging from organ transplantation to cancer, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, and renal disease. The coverage is appropriately broad, drawing on aspects of internal medicine, pediatrics, nutrition, orthopedics, oncology, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, and immunology, as well as, new areas for vitamin D including sports medicine, opthalmology, veterinary medicine and ICU care – including COVID-19. Clinical researchers will gain a strong understanding of the molecular basis for a particular disease and better understand future directions for research in this still-growing field.

  • A comprehensive reference ranging from basic biochemistry, cell biology, and physiology principles to the clinical diagnostic and management implications of vitamin D
  • Saves researchers and clinicians time in quickly accessing the very latest details on the diverse scientific and clinical aspects of vitamin D, as opposed to searching through thousands of journal articles
  • Chapters written by the most prominent and well-published names in the field

51. Defining thresholds for vitamin D I: scientific rationale for serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D cutoffs of 25 and 50 nmol/L;
52. Defining thresholds for vitamin D II;
53. Methods of evaluating population studies of vitamin D: strengths and weaknesses;
54. Worldwide vitamin D status;
55. Vitamin D in fooddCompounds, stability, sources;
56. Determinants of vitamin D levels from sun exposure: a global perspective;
57. Vitamin D supplement use as a public health strategy to augment diet and sustain population adequacy;
58. Vitamin D and food fortification;
59. Bariatric surgery, vitamin D, and bone loss;
60. Genetic determinants of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations;
61. Effect of vitamin D on health and disease: evidence from Mendelian randomization;
62. Growth plate histology, bone histomorphometry, and radiologic features of nutritional rickets and osteomalacia;
63. Vitamin D deficiency and nutritional rickets in infants and children;
64. Clinical disorders of phosphate homeostasis;
65. The hypocalcemic disorders;
66. Vitamin D hydroxylationedeficient rickets, type 1A;
67. The role of genetic variation in CYP2R1, the principal vitamin D 25- hydroxylase, and CYP3A4 in vitamin D homeostasis;
68. Hereditary 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D resistant rickets (VDDR-2A);
69. Infantile hypercalcemia and CYP24A1 mutations;
70. Vitamin D and osteoporosis;
71. Adult vitamin D deficiencydfracture and fall prevention: findings from randomized controlled trials;
72. Randomized clinical trials of vitamin D and bone health;
73. Calcifediol as a therapeutic;
74. Vitamin D and organ transplantation;
75. Vitamin D, obesity, the metabolic syndrome and its sequelae;
76. The role of vitamin D in type 2 diabetes;
77. Liver metabolism and disease;
78. Vitamin D, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease;
79. Vitamin D and renal disease;
80. Vitamin D and kidney stones;
81. Hypercalcemia due to vitamin D toxicity;
82. Vitamin D and Paget’s disease;
83. Vitamin D metabolism and disorders in companion animals;
84. Overview of vitamin D actions in cancer;
85. Vitamin D status and cancer incidence, mortality, and prognosis;
86. Antiproliferative and immunoregulatory actions of vitamin D derivatives on hematological malignancies: control of differentiation, proliferation, and cell death;
87. Vitamin D, inflammation, and cancer;
88. Vitamin D actions in mammary gland and breast cancer;
89. Vitamin D and colorectal cancer;
90. Vitamin D in the management of lung cancer: influence of tumor stage, tumor genotype, and treatment modality;
91. Vitamin D and prostate cancer;
92. Vitamin D and pancreatic cancer;
93. Sunlight, skin cancer and vitamin D;
94 . Vitamin D and antibacterial immunity;
95. Vitamin D and antiviral immunity;
96. Vitamin D and adaptive immunity in health and disease;
97. Vitamin D, microbiota, and inflammatory bowel disease;
98. Vitamin D and tuberculosis;
99. The role of vitamin D in COVID-19;
100 . Vitamin D and type 1 diabetes;
101. Vitamin D mechanisms of protection in multiple sclerosis;
102. Vitamin D and the epidemiology of multiple sclerosis;
103. Vitamin D and rheumatoid arthritis;
104. Psoriasis and other skin disorders;
105. Vitamin D, acute respiratory infection, and Asthma/COPD;
106. Vitamin D and acute illness;
Index for Volume 2


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