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Essential Ultrasound Anatomy Second edition
Loukas, Burns
Wolters Kluwer
52,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Ultrasound Anatomy, 2nd Edition, offers practical, comprehensive coverage of the ultrasound images and important structures that are most frequently encountered in daily practice  and during point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS). This approachable text integrates concise text, detailed ultrasound images with corresponding cadaver photographs, full-color anatomical and technique illustrations, and videos to provide a solid foundation in regional ultrasound anatomy.
The enhanced 2nd Edition features reorganized content for improved learning, with chapter Q&As now conveniently placed at the end of each section. More than 30 new figures, additional pathologies, and new content on central venous catheterization and joint aspiration make this an indispensable resource for today's ultrasound practitioners.

  • NEW! Content on central venous catheterization and joint aspiration broaden students’ mastery of clinical sonography practices.
  • UPDATED! Photos, illustrations, and ultrasound images clarify patient positioning, probe positioning, and surface anatomy in vibrant detail.
  • Clinical Applications provide a clinical context for the types of structures and cases students will encounter on rotations.
  • Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) exam chapter familiarizes students with the protocols used by surgeons, emergency physicians, and some paramedics to screen for certain conditions after trauma.
  • Ultrasound videos and USMLE-style review questions available online reinforce critical content and strengthen test-taking confidence.  

Brachial Plexus 48
Review of the Anatomy 48
Technique 49
Arm 53
Review of the Anatomy 53
Technique 55
Elbow 61
Review of Anatomy 61
Technique 63
Forearm, Wrist, and Hand 72
Review of the Anatomy 72
Technique 74
Introduction 1
Ultrasound Basics 2
Different Probes for Different Applications 2
Using US Probes 3
Appearance of Tissues in US Images 5
Basic “Knobology” and Image Optimization 7
Basic Ultrasound
Physics 9
Sound Waves 10
Attenuation 13
US Probes 15
Producing an Image 18
Specular and Diffuse Reflection 20
Bioeffects of US Energy 24
Lower Limb 91
Proximal Thigh and Inguinal Region 92
Review of the Anatomy 92
Technique 95
Gluteal Region 103
Review of the Anatomy 103
Technique 105
Thigh 110
Review of the Anatomy 110
Technique 112
Knee 123
Review of the Anatomy 123
Technique 126
Leg 136
Review of the Anatomy 136
Technique 139
Ankle and Foot 147
Review of the Anatomy 147
Technique 151
Back 25
Lumbar Spine 26
Review of the Anatomy 26
Technique 27
Cervical Spine and Greater Occipital Nerve 32
Review of the Anatomy 32
Technique 33
Upper Limb 37
Shoulder 38
Review of the Anatomy 38
Technique 40

Thorax: Chest Wall and
Pleura; Breast 165
Female Pelvis 237
Review of the Anatomy 238
Technique 240
Chest Wall and Pleura 166
Review of the Anatomy 166
Technique 168
Breast 173
Review of the Anatomy 173
Technique 174
Male Pelvis 245
Review of the Anatomy 246
Erection and Ejaculation 249
Technique 250
Heart 179
Neck, Face and Eye 257
Review of the Anatomy 180
Technique 184
Neck 258
Review of the Anatomy 258
Technique 264
Viscera of the Neck 271
Review of the Anatomy 271
Technique 273
Face 278
Review of the Anatomy 278
Technique 282
Eye and Orbit 283
Review of the Anatomy 283
Technique 284
Abdomen 193
Abdominal Wall 194
Review of the Anatomy 194
Technique 196
Peritoneum, Gastrointestinal Tract, and Liver 199
Review of the Anatomy 199
Technique 203
Gallbladder 212
Review of the Anatomy 212
Technique 213
Focused Assessment with
Sonography for Trauma
(FAST) 291
Spleen and Kidneys 216
Review of the Anatomy 216
Technique 218
Pancreas 222
Review of the Anatomy 222
Technique 223
Abdominal Vessels 225
Review of the Anatomy 225
Technique 228
Overview of Focused Assessment With Sonography for
Trauma 292
Review of the Anatomy 293
Right Upper Quadrant 294

Technique 294
Left Upper Quadrant 297
Technique 297
Suprapubic Views of Abdomen/Pelvis 299
Technique 299
Heart and Pericardial Space 303
Answers to Multiple Choice
Questions 327
Clinical Applications 307
Central Venous Catheterization 308
Lumbar Puncture 311
Pericardiocentesis 314
Procedure (Parasternal Approach) 316
Alternative Method: Subxiphoid and Apical
Approach 317
Knee Joint Aspiration 318
Shoulder Aspiration 320
Elbow Joint Aspiration 323


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