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Essential Epidemiology, 5th Edition
An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals
Webb, Bain, Page
Cambridge University Press
65,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Epidemiology is fundamental to public health, providing the tools required to detect and quantify health problems and identify and evaluate solutions. Essential Epidemiology is a clear, engaging and methodological introduction to the subject. Now in its fifth edition, the text has been thoroughly updated. Its trademark clear and consistent pedagogical structure makes challenging topics accessible, while the local and international examples, including from the COVID-19 pandemic, encourage students to apply theory to real-world cases. Statistical analysis is explained simply, with more challenging concepts presented in optional advanced boxes. Each chapter includes information boxes, margin notes highlighting supplementary facts and question prompts to enhance learners' understanding. The end-of-chapter questions and accompanying guided solutions promote the consolidation of knowledge. Written by leading Australian academics and researchers, Essential Epidemiology remains a fundamental resource and reference text for students and public health practitioners alike.

  • comprehensive introduction to Epidemiology
  • includes examples from local and international cases
  • incorporates both public health and clinical epidemiology
  • complex maths presented as an optional extra
  • clear and consistent learning and assessment features throughout each chapter

1. Epidemiology is…
2. How long is a piece of string? Measuring disease frequency
3. Who, what, where and when? Descriptive epidemiology
4. Healthy research: study designs for public health
5. Why? Linking exposure and disease
6. Heads or tails: the role of chance
7. All that glitters is not gold: the problem of error
8. Muddied waters: the challenge of confounding
9. Reading between the lines: reading and writing epidemiological papers
10. Who sank the boat? Association and causation
11. Assembling the building blocks: reviews and their uses
12. Public health surveillance: collecting data for public health action Martyn Kirk, Penelope Webb and Chris Bain
13. Clusters, outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics Martyn Kirk and Penelope Webb
14. Prevention: better than cure?
15. Early detection: what benefits at what cost?
16. Epidemiology and the public's health.


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