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Esophageal Cancer 2nd edition
Diagnosis and Treatment
Schlottmann, Ferri, Molena, Patti
110,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book provides comprehensive and practical guidance for the management of esophageal cancer. It presents a detailed review of the pathophysiology, clinical staging, treatment, and outcomes of patients with esophageal cancer. Chapters cover the epidemiology of the disease, latest diagnostic and staging tools, systemic therapies, and the current open and minimally invasive surgical techniques including transhiatal, Ivor Lewis and McKeown esophagectomy. 

Esophageal Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment compiles experience gained across a variety of medical disciplines, with contributions from world renowned surgeons, gastroenterologists, and medical oncologists.  Thanks to its multidisciplinary authorship, this book represents a unique resource for anybody who takes care of patients with esophageal cancer.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-viii


  2. Esophageal Anatomy

    • Mariano A. Menezes, Francisco Schlottmann, Fernando A. M. Herbella

    Pages 1-14

  3. Esophageal Squamous Cell Cancer: Pathogenesis and Epidemiology

    • Claudia Wong, Simon Law

    Pages 15-22

  4. Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: Pathogenesis and Epidemiology

    • Manuela Monrabal Lezama, Francisco Schlottmann, Marco G. Patti

    Pages 23-30

  5. Endoscopy and Endoscopic Ultrasound for Esophageal Cancer

    • Stephen Gowing

    Pages 31-45

  6. Radiologic Evaluation of Esophageal Cancer

    • Manuela Monrabal Lezama, Antonella Kovic, Emilia Martínez, Silvina De Luca

    Pages 47-59

  7. Staging of Esophageal Cancer: Implications for Therapy

    • Camila Bras Harriott, Manuela Monrabal Lezama, Marco G. Patti, Francisco Schlottmann

    Pages 61-67

  8. Endoscopic Management of Early Esophageal Cancer

    • Noel E. Donlon, Lorenzo Ferri

    Pages 69-80

  9. Multimodal Therapy for Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer

    • James Tankel, Lorenzo Ferri

    Pages 81-92

  10. Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer

    • Ailén Martiarena, Mercedes Tamburelli, Javier Castillo

    Pages 93-98

  11. Immunotherapy in Esophageal Cancer

    • Federico Esteso, Berenice Freile

    Pages 99-111

  12. Anesthesia for Esophageal Surgery

    • Jacob Jackson, Alessia Pedoto

    Pages 113-126

  13. Transhiatal Esophagectomy

    • Francisco Schlottmann, Manuela Monrabal Lezama, Fernando A. M. Herbella, Marco G. Patti

    Pages 127-132

  14. McKeown Esophagectomy

    • Ian Wong, Simon Law

    Pages 133-142

  15. Hybrid (Laparoscopy—Thoracotomy) Esophagectomy

    • Francisco Schlottmann, Manuela Monrabal Lezama, Fernando A. M. Herbella, Marco G. Patti

    Pages 143-149

  16. Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy

    • Simon R. Turner, Daniela Molena

    Pages 151-162

  17. Robotic Assisted Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy

    • Kunal J. Patel, Christopher D. Scott

    Pages 163-172

  18. Minimally Invasive McKeown Esophagectomy

    • Yehonatan Nevo, Lorenzo Ferri

    Pages 173-182

  19. Colonic Interposition After Esophagectomy

    • Michele Valmasoni, Stefano Merigliano

    Pages 183-191

  20. Perioperative Care and Management of Post-operative Complications

    • Darren S. Bryan, Mark K. Ferguson

    Pages 193-209

  21. Quality of Life After Esophagectomy

    • Francisco Schlottmann, Fernando A. M. Herbella, Marco G. Patti

    Pages 211-215

  22. Palliative Treatment of Esophageal Cancer

    • Simon Y. W. Che, Michael B. Ujiki

    Pages 217-223

  23. Back Matter

    Pages 225-230


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