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The Biology of Defects, Disease, and Treatments
Pages 3-6
Esophageal anomalies and disorders in infancy and childhood include a wide spectrum of different diseases. These range from emergencies immediately after birth such as esophageal atresia (EA), necessitating an experienced team of neonatologists and pediatric surgeons, up to gastro-esophageal reflux disease in elder children, necessitating the pediatric gastroenterologist and visceral surgeon. In the last few years some fascinating pediatric surgical techniques have evolved, such as the thoracoscopic correction of EA or the FOKER technique for elongation in cases of long-gap, EA. Prof. Foker has developed this special traction technique and is the world's leading expert in long-gap EA.
The Biology of Defects, Disease, and Treatments
Pages 3-6
The Genetics and Molecular Biology of Oesophageal Development
Pages 9-27
Swallowing and the Upper Esophageal Sphincter
Pages 29-39
Esophageal Motility
Pages 41-71
Vascular, Neurological and Functional Development of the Oesophagus
Pages 73-76
The Spectrum of Esophageal Atresia
Pages 79-89
Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula: The Clinical Spectrum, Diagnosis, and Evaluation
Pages 91-105
Oesophageal Atresia Associations
Pages 107-111
Congenital Esophageal Stenosis Associated with Esophageal Atresia
Pages 113-123
Choanal Atresia, Esophageal Atresia, Facial Anomalies, and Dysautonomia
Pages 125-134
Skeletal Anomalies Associated with Esophageal Atresia
Pages 135-153
History of the Treatment of Esophageal Atresia
Pages 157-162
Preoperative Evaluation
Pages 163-166
Thoracotomy Incisions
Pages 167-170
The Current Repair Techniques of Short-Gap EA/TEF
Pages 171-177
Thoracoscopic Repair of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula
Pages 179-187
Repair of Other Congenital Esophageal Anomalies
Pages 189-195
Evaluation and Repair of Laryngotracheoesophageal Clefts
Pages 197-201
Postoperative Management of Routine Esophageal Atresia Cases
Pages 203-210
The Long-Gap Esophageal Atresia Problem
Pages 213-219
Delayed Primary Anastomosis in the Management of Long-Gap Esophageal Atresia
Pages 221-227
Surgical Methods to Increase Esophageal Length in Long (Wide)-Gap Esophageal Atresia with and Without Tracheoesophageal Fistula
Pages 229-242
Thoracoscopic Repair of Pure Esophageal Atresia
Pages 243-255
Growth Induction (the Foker Procedure) and a Flexible Approach for the Repair of Long-Gap Esophageal Atresia
Pages 259-284
Thoracoscopic Elongation of the Esophagus in Long-Gap Esophageal Atresia
Pages 285-294
Perioperative Management of the Esophageal Growth Procedure
Pages 295-302
The Growth Potential (Form and Function): The International Esophageal Growth Experience
Pages 303-309
Gastric Transposition in Infants and Children
Pages 313-320
The Gastric Tube
Pages 321-346
Colon (Including Ileum) Interposition
Pages 347-360
Esophageal Replacement with Jejunum in Children
Pages 361-370
Oesophagus Tissue Engineering: Future Options in Oesophageal Replacement Through Regenerative Medicine
Pages 371-385
Overview: The Post-repair Issues and the Active Pursuit of Normalcy
Pages 389-400
Evaluation After EA Repair: Endoscopy, Ultrasound, and Function
Pages 401-413
Complications Following Pediatric Esophageal Surgery
Pages 415-440
The Biology of Stricture Formation After Esophageal Atresia Repair
Pages 441-447
Strictures: Bougienage and Balloon Dilation
Pages 449-457
The Dynamic Stent in the Treatment of Oesophageal Strictures
Pages 459-465
Mitomycin C Application on Caustic Esophageal Strictures
Pages 467-470
Reoperations After Esophageal Atresia Repair (for Significant Leaks, Recurrent Fistulas, Strictures, Residual Tracheal Pouches, Large Diverticula, Partially Intrathoracic Stomachs, and Failed Repairs)
Pages 471-488
Growth Induction to Treat Long Esophageal Strictures
Pages 489-495
The Esophagogastric Junction, Reflux, and Esophageal Atresia
Pages 497-509
Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux After Esophageal Atresia Repair
Pages 511-518
The Stomach and Esophageal Atresia Repair
Pages 519-526
Learning to Eat After Esophageal Atresia Repair: In Infancy and Childhood
Pages 527-534
Apparent Life-Threatening Event (ALTE) in Infants with Esophageal Atresia
Pages 537-548
New Insights and Applications in the Treatment of Nerve Injuries
Pages 549-570
Tracheomalacia and the Effective Aortopexy
Pages 571-580
Thoracoscopic Aortopexy
Pages 581-594
Long-Term Results: Prognosis, Developmental Milestones, and Quality of Life After Surgery for Esophageal Atresia
Pages 597-602
Outcomes of Oesophageal Atresia Beyond Childhood: Helsinki Experience
Pages 603-613
The Minnesota Experience
Pages 615-622
Long-Term Follow-Up and Quality of Life After Gastric Transposition
Pages 623-629
The Follow-Up of the Gastric Tube
Pages 631-643
Long-Term Follow-Up After Gastric Reconstruction of the Esophagus
Pages 645-661
Late Follow-Up of Colon Interpositions
Pages 663-673
The Long-Term Follow-Up from the Parents’ and Patient’s Perspective
Pages 675-691
Esophageal Injuries and Foreign Bodies
Pages 695-699
Caustic Ingestions
Pages 701-711
Esophagitis: Causes Other Than Reflux
Pages 713-722
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (North America)
Pages 723-737
Eosinophilic Esophagitis (Europe)
Pages 739-747
Effect of Systemic Illness, Medication, Radiation, and Infection on the Esophagus
Pages 749-764
Oesophageal Varices
Pages 765-774
Laparoscopic Heller-Dor Procedure for the Treatment of Esophageal Achalasia
Pages 775-780
Esophageal Tumors in Childhood and Adolescence: Benign and Malignant
Pages 781-799
Epidermolysis Bullosa: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Complications, and Treatment
Pages 801-814
Lower Esophageal Sphincter: Normal Structure and Function
Pages 817-822
Gastroesophageal Junction: The Mucosa – Anatomy and Cell Types
Pages 823-827
Epidemiology of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Pages 829-834
The Genetics of GER and GERD
Pages 835-844
Pathophysiology of Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease
Pages 845-854
The Oesophageal Mucosa: To Barrett’s and Beyond – The Genesis of Oesophageal Injury and Cellular Mutations
Pages 855-868
GERD: History and Examination
Pages 871-873
GER: The Place of pH Testing
Pages 875-877
pH and Impedance Measurements in Infants and Children
Pages 879-895
Assessment of GE Reflux: Esophageal Motility Studies
Pages 897-905
Esophageal Intraluminal Impedance
Pages 907-911
Endoscopy with Biopsy for Esophagitis
Pages 913-924
Barium Contrast Radiography and Scintigraphy
Pages 925-934
Assessment of GERD: Ultrasound
Pages 935-937
Ear, Lung, and Esophageal Fluid Evaluation in GER Diagnosis
Pages 939-954
Feeding Changes and Positioning Therapy for Infants
Pages 957-961
Lifestyle Changes in Children and Adolescents
Pages 963-968
Pharmacological Reflux Therapies
Pages 971-978
Mucosal Protective Agent: Sucralfate in the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Children
Pages 979-981
Antacids and Alginates in the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Pages 983-986
Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonist in the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Pages 987-994
Proton Pump Inhibitors
Pages 995-1013
Prokinetic Therapy
Pages 1015-1016
Gastroesophageal Reflux: Issues from a Surgeon’s Perspective
Pages 1019-1062
The Spectrum of Surgical Anti-reflux Procedures: Which Operations Work?
Pages 1063-1068
Fundoplication in Infants and Children
Pages 1069-1083
Reoperative MIS Fundoplication
Pages 1085-1091
Endoscopic Approaches to the Treatment of GERD
Pages 1093-1104
Repair of Hiatus Hernia
Pages 1105-1118
Endoscopic Treatment of Benign Esophageal Strictures with Removable or Biodegradable Stents
Pages 1119-1125
Oesophagogastric Dissociation: When Is It Relevant?
Pages 1127-1132
Gastrostomy Feeding and Gastroesophageal Reflux
Pages 1133-1138
Regurgitation in Infants
Pages 1141-1147
Recurrent Regurgitation and Vomiting in Children
Pages 1149-1159
Reflux Esophagitis and the Child with Heartburn
Pages 1161-1165
Food Refusal, Dysphagia, and Odynophagia
Pages 1167-1185
The Child with Apnoea or ALTE
Pages 1187-1200
Children with Pulmonary Disorders
Pages 1201-1209
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and Dental Erosion (DE)
Pages 1211-1214
The Child with Neuromotor Impairment
Pages 1217-1228
The Obese Child and Reflux
Pages 1229-1238
Children at High Risk for GERD: The Premature Infant
Pages 1239-1250
Embryology of the Stomach
Pages 1253-1261
Normal and Pathologic Mucosa
Pages 1263-1272
Upper GI Endoscopy in the Diagnosis of Gastropathy
Pages 1275-1294
Radiology of the Stomach in Infants and Children
Pages 1295-1311
Gastric Motility and Electrogastrography (EGG)
Pages 1313-1321
Anatomical Gastropathology
Pages 1325-1335
Congenital Gastric Anomalies
Pages 1337-1351
Congenital Pyloric Stenosis, Webs and Strictures
Pages 1353-1354
Gastric Volvulus
Pages 1355-1360
Helicobacter-Related Gastritis and Ulceration and Investigation of Helicobacter pylori
Pages 1363-1373
Non-Helicobacter pylori Gastritis, Ulceration, and Drug-Related Gastropathies
Pages 1375-1385
Long-Term Effects of Achlorhydria on the Stomach (Helicobacter pylori and PPI Therapy)
Pages 1387-1395
Gastric Bleeding and Perforation
Pages 1397-1405
Ménétrier’s Disease
Pages 1407-1409
Inflammatory Bowel Disease and the Stomach
Pages 1411-1416
Autoimmune Gastropathy
Pages 1417-1423
Systemic Disease Affecting the Stomach
Pages 1425-1445
Mucosa-Related Gastropathology: The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract and the Microbiome
Pages 1447-1462
Duodeno-Gastric Reflux and Duodeno-Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux
Pages 1465-1480
Gastric Pacing
Pages 1481-1486
Dermatology and the Oesophagus
Pages 1487-1499
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