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Dysphagia, 2nd Edition
Clinical Management in Adults and Children
Groher, Crary
78,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Get all the information you need to confidently manage dysphagia in professional practice with Dysphagia: Clinical Management in Adults and Children, 2nd Edition! This logically organized, evidence-based resource reflects the latest advancements in dysphagia in an approachable and user-friendly manner to help you master the clinical evaluation and diagnostic decision-making processes. New coverage of the latest insights and research along with expanded information on infant and child swallowing will help prepare you for the conditions you’ll face in the clinical setting. Plus, the realistic case scenarios and detailed review questions threaded throughout the book will help you develop the clinical reasoning skills needed for professional success.

  • Reader-friendly learning features throughout the book include chapter outlines, learning objectives, and bullet-pointed summaries at chapter ends to help readers focus their attention on mastering important content.
  • Case histories throughout the book promote critical thinking in realistic clinical situations.
  • Critical thinking questions help readers determine their understanding on the content and reinforce learning.
  • Emphasis on evidence-based practice prepares readers to properly support their diagnostic and treatment decisions.
  • NEW! Expanded content on infant and child swallowing will help readers learn the insights needed for this growing area of practice.
  • NEW! Updated content and references throughout reflect the most up to date research in existence.



Part I: Foundations 1. Dysphagia Unplugged 

Part II: Dysphagia in Adults 2. Normal Swallowing in Adults  Section 1: Causes and Characteristics of Dysphagia 3. Adult Neurologic Disorders    4. Dysphagia and Head and Neck Cancer 5. Esophageal Disorders 6. Respiratory and Iatrogenic Disorders Section 2: Evaluation of Swallowing 7. Clinical Evaluation of Adults 8. Imaging Swallowing Examinations: Videofluoroscopy and Endoscopy Section 3: Approaches to Treatment 9. Treatment Considerations, Options, and Decisions 10. Treatment for Adults 11. Ethical Considerations

Part III: Dysphagia in Infants and Children 12. Typical Feeding and Swallowing Development in Infants and Children 13. Disorders Affecting Feeding and Swallowing in Infants and Children 14. Evaluating Feeding and Swallowing in Infants and Children 15. Treatment of Feeding and Swallowing Difficulties in Infants and Children




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