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Disorders of Movement
A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
Martino, Espay, Fasano, Morgante
120,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Ideal aid to the differential diagnosis and management of movement disorders Pays detailed attention to the phenomenology of the disorders Numerous diagrams, algorithms, tables, summary boxes, and illustrations to facilitate solution of clinical problems at the bedside This concise but comprehensive book will help interested readers in the health care professions to navigate their way through the jungle of movement disorders, including the potentially complex differential diagnosis and management. The different disorders are discussed in individual sections that explain how to examine the patient and recognize the disorder from its basic phenomenology, how to confirm a diagnosis, how to distinguish a particular disorder from related conditions, and how to treat each disorder effectively. The book makes liberal use of diagrams, algorithms, tables, summary boxes, and illustrations to facilitate solution of clinical problems at the bedside and to solidify previously learned clinical and therapeutic concepts. It will be of interest to a broad audience of health professionals, scientists, and medical students.


This concise but comprehensive book will help interested readers in the health care professions to navigate their way through the jungle of movement disorders, including the potentially complex differential diagnosis and management. The different disorders are discussed in individual sections that explain how to examine the patient and recognize the disorder from its basic phenomenology, how to confirm a diagnosis, how to distinguish a particular disorder from related conditions, and how to treat each disorder effectively. The book makes liberal use of diagrams, algorithms, tables, summary boxes, and illustrations to facilitate solution of clinical problems at the bedside and to solidify previously learned clinical and therapeutic concepts. It will be of interest to a broad audience of health professionals, scientists, and medical students.

Table of contents (8 chapters)

Poverty and Slowness of Voluntary Movement Martino, Davide (et al.) Pages 1-47

Abnormalities of Muscle Tone Martino, Davide (et al.) Pages 49-95

Unvoluntary Motor Behaviours Martino, Davide (et al.) Pages 97-153

Lack of Organization or Coordination of Voluntary Muscle Activity Martino, Davide (et al.) Pages 155-205

Rhythmical Involuntary Movements (Tremor and Tremor-Like Conditions) Martino, Davide (et al.) Pages 207-263

Patterned or Repetitive Movements and/or Abnormal Posturing Martino, Davide (et al.) Pages 265-303

Rapid Intermittent Involuntary Movements Martino, Davide (et al.) Pages 305-359

Axial Disorders of Movement Martino, Davide (et al.) Pages 361-435


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