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Digital Eye Care and Teleophthalmology
A Practical Guide to Applications
Yogesan, Goldschmidt, Cuadros, Ricur
130,00 €


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This book describes digital ophthalmology and telemedicine applications for both front of the eye and retina. It includes technical issues, digital imaging, what clinical parameters to use, which technologies are suitable, and collective experiences of practitioners in different parts of the world practicing a wide range of digital eye care delivery. The main purpose of this book is to provide adequate information to clinicians and other health professionals who are involved in eye care delivery to assess how digital health in ophthalmology might be applied to their working practice, how digital screenings are performed, and to learn about virtual image reading. Many of the chapters are also helpful to health service managers, imaging specialists, and information technology staff.

Digital Eye Care and Teleophthalmology: A Practical Guide to Applications examines digital eye care to provide state of art ophthalmic services. It is an essential resource for professionals involved in eye care seeking to develop or improve their digital applications in daily practice.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xii


  2. Current State of the Art

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Teleophthalmology and COVID

      • Terri-Diann Pickering, Sunita Radhakrishnan

      Pages 3-11

    3. A Practical Guide to Telehealth in Ophthalmology

      • Vazquez-Membrillo Miguel, García-Roa Marlon, Anurag Shrivastava, Arias-Gómez Alejandro, López-Star Ellery, López-Star Bethania et al.

      Pages 13-35

    4. Smartphone Technology for Teleophthalmology

      • Nergis Khan, David Myung

      Pages 37-53

    5. Ethical Recommendations for Online Medical Consultation and Teleophthalmology

      • Arturo E. Grau, Paulina Ramos Vergara, Sebastián Valderrama

      Pages 55-62

    6. The Use of Telehealth in Optometry: Present and Future Clinical Applications

      • Thomas A. Wong, Gary Chu, Timothy Bossie, Susy Yu, Delaram Shirazian, Ken Lawenda et al.

      Pages 63-72

    7. Low Vision TeleEye Rehabilitation

      • Carolyn Ihrig

      Pages 73-80

    8. Best Practices: Telemedicine-Diabetic Retinopathy

      • Mark B. Horton, Jerry D. Cavallerano

      Pages 81-87

    9. Teleretinal Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Primary Care Settings—Considerations for Safety Net Organizations

      • Jorge Cuadros, Lauren P. Daskivich

      Pages 89-96

  3. Digital Imaging and Artifical Intelligence

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 97-97


    2. Image Processing in Retinal Imaging

      • T. M. A. Rehana Khan, Vitthal Bhandari, Sundaresan Raman, Abhishek Vyas, Akshay Raman, Maitreyee Roy et al.

      Pages 99-118

    3. OCT Imaging and Applications in the Retina

      • Ziyuan Wang, Delia Cabrera DeBuc, Mirza Faisal Beg, SriniVas Reddy Sadda, Zhihong Jewel Hu

      Pages 119-144

    4. Ultrawide Field Imaging in Retinal Diseases

      • Aditya Verma, Chitralekha S. Devishamani, Rekha Priya Kalluri Bharat, Sashwanthi Mohan, Rupak Roy, Rajiv Raman

      Pages 145-160

    5. Digital Glaucoma

      • Georg Michelson, Folkert Horn, Elisabeth Grau, Stefan Andrae, David Kara, Matthias Ring et al.

      Pages 161-174

    6. Digital Tools for Visual Acuity Self-Assessment

      • Aline Lutz de Araujo, Cristina Cagliari, Daniel Diniz, Paulo Schor

      Pages 175-179

    7. Transfer Learning for Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology

      • Paisan Ruamviboonsuk, Natsuda Kaothanthong, Varis Ruamviboonsuk, Thanaruk Theeramunkong

      Pages 181-198

    8. Beyond Predictions: Explainability and Learning from Machine Learning

      • Chih-Ying Deng, Akinori Mitani, Christina W. Chen, Lily H. Peng, Naama Hammel, Yun Liu

      Pages 199-218

    9. Artificial Intelligence in Predicting Systemic Disease from Ocular Imaging

      • Bjorn Kaijun Betzler, Tyler Hyungtaek Rim, Carol Y. Cheung, Tien Yin Wong, Ching-Yu Cheng

      Pages 219-242

    10. Natural Language Processing (NLP) in AI

      • J. K. Wang, S. K. Wang, E. B. Lee, R. T. Chang

      Pages 243-249

    11. Global Experiences

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 251-251


      2. Smartphone Telemedicine Networks for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) in Latin America

        • Alejandro Vazquez de Kartzow, Pedro J. Acevedo, Gabriela Saidman, Vanina Schbib, Claudia Zuluaga, Guillermo Monteoliva et al.

        Pages 253-295

      3. Cataract and Refractive Surgery: Teleophthalmology’s Challenge in Argentina, 20 Years Later

        • Giselle Ricur, Roger Zaldivar, Roberto Zaldivar, Raul Guillermo Marino

        Pages 297-314

      4. Teleophthalmology in Brazil

        • Alexandre Chater Taleb

        Pages 315-319

      5. Veteran Affairs (VA) Ocular Telehealth Programs

        • April Maa, Timothy Elcyzyn, Robert Morris, Leonard Goldschmidt

        Pages 321-349

      6. Retinal Screening of Patients with Diabetes in Primary Care Clinics Why Has Uptake of This Promising Idea Been So Low?

        • Kanagasingam Yogesan, Andrew Wilcock, Ateev Mehrotra

        Pages 351-353

      7. Tele-Ophthalmology for Diabetic Retinopathy in the UK

        • Peter H. Scanlon

        Pages 355-366

      8. Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy in Denmark

        • Jakob Grauslund

        Pages 367-377

      9. Diabetic Eye Screening Using a Hand-Held Non-mydriatic Digital Retinal Camera: Experience from a Lower Middle-Income Country

        • Prabhath Piyasena, Tunde Peto, Nathan Congdon

        Pages 379-391

      10. More Than Retinopathy. Has the Time Come to Recognize Diabetic Retinopathy as Neuro-vasculopathy? Would This Change Your Practice?

        • Stephen Cook

        Pages 393-433

      11. Teleglaucoma: Tools for Enhancing Access to Glaucoma Care for At-Risk and Underserved Populations

        • Stuti M. Tanya, Abeba T. Giorgis, Sheila Marco, Karim F. Damji

        Pages 435-461

      12. Teleophthalmology for Vision Centres

        • Kim Ramasamy, Dhivya Ramasamy, Usha Kim

        Pages 463-469

      13. Teleophthalmology—LVPEI Eye Health Pyramid Program Experience

        • Padmaja Kumari Rani, Ranganath Vadapalli, Nabeel Quadri, Beula Christy, Anthony Vipin Das, Rohit C. Khanna et al.

        Pages 471-483

      14. Teleophthalmology in Timor-Leste: A Journey

        • Manoj Sharma, Nathan Chin, Christian Mich, Nitin Verma

        Pages 485-493

      15. Teleophthalmology in Nepal

        • Anil Parajuli, Sean Collon, David Myung, Suman Thapa

        Pages 495-503

      16. Developing a Comprehensive Diabetic Eye Service Model with Telemedicine—The CREST (Comprehensive Rural Eye Service and Training) Project in Rural China

        • Tingting Chen, Nathan Congdon

        Pages 505-510

    12. Back Matter

      Pages 511-534


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