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Cutaneous Drug Hypersensitivity
Clinical Features, Mechanisms, Diagnosis, and Management
Bircher, Maibach, Brockow, Barbaud
200,00 €


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This book covers all aspects of hypersensitivity to drugs, providing practical information for non-specialist physicians as well as addressing issues of interest to practitioners in different specialties and presenting the expert knowledge required by specialist allergists and immunologists. The opening, general section discusses basics such as clinical manifestations, histopathology, mechanisms, risk factors, drug hypersensitivity in particular populations, and the full range of diagnostic methods. The second part of the book provides concise information on the most important drug classes and guides the reader on how to proceed when patients present with a suspected reaction. For each drug class, the current level of evidence for use of the different diagnostic tools, including skin tests, provocation tests, and in vitro tests, is clarified, and management options, outlined. The inclusion of helpful tables and algorithms is designed to aid in decision making. Drug hypersensitivity is among the more complex allergological issues, and this book will meet the needs of general practitioners, internists, and specialists.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxxii


  2. General Aspects of Drug Hypersensitivity

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Classification and Terminology of Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions

      • Andreas J. Bircher

      Pages 3-9

    3. Epidemiology

      • Noel Frey, Julia Spoendlin

      Pages 11-19

    4. Cutaneous Signs and Syndromes of Drug Hypersensitivity

      • Knut Brockow

      Pages 21-27

    5. Systemic Organ Manifestations of Drug Allergy

      • Marianne Lerch, Thomas Harr

      Pages 29-42

    6. Danger Signs in Drug Hypersensitivity

      • Andreas J. Bircher, Kathrin Scherer Hofmeier

      Pages 43-45

    7. Pathomechanisms of Drug Hypersensitivity Targeting the Liver and Skin

      • Paul Thomson, Dean Naisbitt, Monday Ogese

      Pages 47-57

  3. Diagnostic Methods

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 59-59


    2. Skin Tests

      • Annick Barbaud

      Pages 61-68

    3. Serological Tests

      • Maria I. Montañez, Adriana Ariza, Cristobalina Mayorga, Maria J. Torres

      Pages 69-78

    4. T-Cell Assays for the Investigation of Drug Hypersensitivity

      • Ying Teo, Michael R. Ardern-Jones

      Pages 79-90

    5. Basophil Activation Tests

      • Cristobalina Mayorga, Tahia Diana Fernández, Ruben Fernandez-Santamaría, Alba Rodriguez-Nogales

      Pages 91-97

    6. Histopathology of Drug-Induced Exanthemas

      • Katrin Kerl, Helmut Kerl

      Pages 99-105

  4. Management

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 107-107


    2. Drug Desensitization in Immediate-Type Hypersensitivity

      • Mariana Castells, Sahar Hamadi, Maria Sanchez Sanchez

      Pages 109-126

    3. Documentation for Patients with Drug Hypersensitivity: Allergy Pass and Allergy Card

      • Knut Brockow

      Pages 127-131

  5. Drug Hypersensitivity in Specific Populations

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 133-133


    2. Cutaneous Drug Hypersensitivity: Clinical Features, Mechanism, Diagnosis, and Management in Children and Adolescent

      • Marcel Bergmann, Eva Gomes, Jean-Christoph Caubet

      Pages 135-146

    3. HIV-Infection and AIDS

      • Brigitte Milpied-Homsi

      Pages 147-154

    4. Drug Hypersensitivity in Specific Populations

      1. Oncology: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

        • Peter Arne Gerber

        Pages 155-159

      2. Drug Hypersensitivity and Clonal Mast Cell Disorders

        • Patrizia Bonadonna, Knut Brockow

        Pages 161-165

    5. Eliciting Drugs

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 167-167


      2. Penicillins

        • Maria J. Torres, Inmaculada Doña, Tahia Diana Fernández, Gador Bogas

        Pages 169-176

      3. Cephalosporins

        • Antonino Romano, Rocco Luigi Valluzzi, Francesco Gaeta

        Pages 177-186

      4. Other Antibiotics

        • Josefina Cernadas

        Pages 187-191

      5. Other Anti-Infectious Drugs

        • Werner Aberer

        Pages 193-195

      6. Cutaneous Hypersensitivity Reactions to Analgesics and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

        • Marek L. Kowalski, Aleksandra Wardzynska

        Pages 197-205

      7. Peri-Interventional Hypersensitivity: Anesthetic Drugs and Materials

        • Andreas J. Bircher, Knut Brockow

        Pages 207-214

      8. Muscle Relaxants

        • Paul Michel Mertes, Charles Tacquard

        Pages 215-222

      9. Anticoagulants

        • Kathrin Scherer Hofmeier

        Pages 223-231

      10. Biological Drugs

        • Alessandra Vultaggio

        Pages 233-237

      11. Corticosteroids

        • Marie Baeck, An Goossens

        Pages 239-250

      12. Vaccines

        • Giovanna Zanoni, Mariasole Migliorini

        Pages 251-256

      13. Antiepileptic and Psychotropic Drugs

        • Andreas J. Bircher, Knut Brockow

        Pages 257-266

      14. Antiacid drugs: Proton Pump Inhibitors and H2 Receptor Antagonists

        • Patrizia Bonadonna, Carla Lombardo

        Pages 267-272

      15. Diagnostic Agents

        • Knut Brockow

        Pages 273-278

      16. Blood Pressure Agents

        • Shira Rosenberg-Bezalel, Keren Mahlab-Guri, Zev Sthoeger

        Pages 279-286

      17. Iron Preparations

        • Esther Helen Steveling-Klein

        Pages 287-290

      18. Vitamins and Supplements

        • Stefan Wöhrl

        Pages 291-295

      19. Eliciting Drugs

        1. Antitumor/Cytostatic Drugs

          • Mauro Pagani

          Pages 297-304

        2. Additives: Preservatives, Antioxidants, Dyes, and Others

          • Annick Barbaud

          Pages 305-312

        3. Photosensitizing Drugs

          • Margarida Gonçalo

          Pages 313-319

        4. Topically Applied Drugs

          • Liesbeth Gilissen, An Goossens

          Pages 321-327

      20. Back Matter

        Pages 329-337


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