Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Cranial Osteomyelitis
Diagnosis and Treatment
110,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is the first reference book covering exclusively all aspects of this challenging disease. It is designed to serve as a succinct appropriate resource for neurosurgeons, otorhinolaryngologists, neuroradiologists, researchers and infectious disease specialists with an interest in cranial infection. Cranial Osteomyelitis provides an in-depth review of knowledge of the management of skull osteomyelitis, with an emphasis on risk factors, causative pathogens, pathophysiology of dissemination, clinical presentations, neuroradiological findings and treatment modalities, medical and surgical. Sections on the prognosis and prevention of this illness are also included. The book will help the reader in choosing the most appropriate way to manage this challenging bone infection. In addition, it supplies clinicians and investigators with both basic and more sophisticated information and procedures relating to the complications associated with skull osteomyelitis. It also considers future areas of investigation and innovative therapeutic philosophies. The book is richly illustrated to provide readers with unparalleled access to a comprehensive collection of cranial osteomyelitis images (biological, clinical, neuroradiological, and surgical) taken directly from the author’s collection and experience in the field.

  • Introduction, Definitions and Historical Aspects

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 3-15

  • Epidemiology and Risk Factors

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 19-43

  • Different Pathogens Involved

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 45-61

  • Histopathologic Changes

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 63-75

  • Pathophysiology and Anatomical Spreads of Infection

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 77-100

  • Main Clinical Presentations

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 103-119

  • Laboratory Findings

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 121-128

  • Imaging Studies

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 129-158

  • Differential Diagnoses: Clinical and Imaging

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 159-188

  • General Considerations and Surgical Therapy

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 191-223

  • Antimicrobial and Medical Therapy

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 225-235

  • Adjuvant Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 237-247

  • Outcomes and Prognoses

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 249-256

  • Unusual Pathogens

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 259-283

  • Special Clinical Situations

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 285-307

  • Preventive Measures Against Cranial Bone Infection

    Akhaddar, Ali

    Pages 311-317



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