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Controversies in Critical Care
Chacko , Pawar , Seppelt , Brar
140,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The book covers vigorously debated controversial topics in the field of critical care medicine over the years. It provides the reader with a balanced approach and guidance based on historical and currently available evidence in dealing with contentious clinical scenarios. The book reviews the most relevant, contemporaneous evidence on each topic and provides practical guidelines for clinical practice.

The book includes chapters that follow a structured approach to controversies related to specific organ systems. The topics covered provide a summary of the most relevant, practice-changing studies in the field of critical care medicine. Each topic describes the basic applied physiology, points of controversy, the evidence base, and summarizes the key points at the end. It includes brief description of landmark studies on each controversial topic.

The book serves as an important clinical guide to practitioners of critical care medicine when confronted with challenging clinical scenarios. Besides, it is a useful source of information to postgraduate trainees in various medical specialties. The topics addressed are among the most widely discussed during postgraduate examinations. It is also relevant for practitioners in general medicine and specialized areas of practice, including pulmonology (respiratory medicine), cardiology, neurology, nephrology, gastroenterology, and surgical specialties.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxvi


  2. Respiratory Support in the Critically Ill

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Oxygenation Targets in the ICU: Conservative or Liberal?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 3-11

    3. The Hypoxic Drive, Supplemental Oxygen, and Hypercapnia

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 13-18

    4. Noninvasive Respiratory Support in Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 19-25

    5. PEEP Titration by the Bedside: How Do We Set It Right?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 27-35

    6. Do Vigorous Spontaneous Respiratory Efforts Lead to Patient Self-Inflicted Lung Injury (P-SILI)?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 37-45

    7. Prone Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 47-54

    8. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Benefit or Harm?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 55-61

    9. Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Newer Definitions, Controversies, and Perspectives

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 63-73

    10. Lung-Protective Ventilation and Hypercapnia: How Much Is Permissible?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 75-83

    11. Tracheostomy in the ICU: Early or Late?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 85-93

    12. Diaphragmatic Dysfunction in Critical Illness

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 95-102

    13. Weaning and Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation: Is My Patient Ready?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 103-110

    14. When to Decannulate a Tracheostomy?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 111-118

    15. Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Pulmonary Embolism

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 119-128

  3. Shock and Circulatory Support

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 129-129


    2. Corticosteroids in Sepsis: The Enduring Debate

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 131-137

    3. Hyperlactatemia in Critical Illness: Time for Reappraisal?

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 139-149

    4. Permissive Hypotension in Severe Trauma

      • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

      Pages 151-157

    5. Shock and Circulatory Support

      1. Assessment of Volume Responsiveness in the Critically Ill

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 159-166

      2. Getting Rid of Excess Fluid: The Strategy of De-resuscitation

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 167-172

      3. Are We Done with Early Goal-Directed Therapy?

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 173-178

      4. Normal Saline Versus Balanced Crystalloids Revisited

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 179-187

      5. Liberal Fluid Resuscitation Vs. Early Vasopressors in Septic Shock

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 189-197

      6. Epinephrine and Outcomes Following Cardiac Arrest

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 199-205

      7. Targeted Temperature Management in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 207-214

    6. Acute Kidney Injury and Renal Replacement Therapy

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 215-215


      2. Augmented Renal Clearance: When Supranormal Renal Function May Cause Harm

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 217-223

      3. Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury: Is Timing All Important?

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 225-231

      4. Optimizing the Dose of Renal Replacement Therapy

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 233-239

      5. Renal Replacement Therapy in the Critically Ill: Continuous Vs. Prolonged Intermittent Therapies

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 241-249

    7. Neurocritical Care

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 251-251


      2. Does Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Help in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury?

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 253-259

      3. Therapeutic Hypothermia in Traumatic Brain Injury

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 261-267

      4. Decompressive Craniectomy in Traumatic Brain Injury

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 269-273

      5. Optimization of Osmotherapy in Cerebral Edema

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 275-282

      6. How Much Sedation in Critically Ill Patients on Mechanical Ventilation?

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 283-289

      7. Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: Are We Paying Enough Attention?

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 291-299

      8. Clearing the Cervical Spine in Trauma Patients

        • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

        Pages 301-307

      9. Metabolic Support in Critical Illness

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 309-309


        2. Glycemic Control in the Critically Ill

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 311-317

        3. Vitamin C in Sepsis: End of the Debate?

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 319-327

      10. The Gut and Nutrition

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 329-329


        2. Early or Supplemental Parenteral Nutrition vs. Enteral Nutrition Alone in the Critically Ill

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 331-339

        3. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in the Critically Ill

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 341-345

        4. Do Tradition-Borne Fasting Practices Apply to ICU Patients with a Protected Airway?

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 347-352

      11. Infections and Antibiotic Therapy

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 353-353


        2. Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria in the ICU: Do We Have Answers?

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 355-364

        3. Empirical Antibiotic Therapy: De-escalation Demystified

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 365-372

        4. Is It the End of the Road for Inhaled Antibiotic Therapy in Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia?

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 373-380

        5. Duration of Antibiotic Therapy in the Critically Ill

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 381-389

        6. Selective Digestive Decontamination: Helpful or Harmful?

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 391-396

      12. Organizational Challenges in the ICU

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 397-397


        2. Which Organizational Structure to Pursue? The Open vs. Closed ICU Debate

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 399-405

        3. Adverse Events in the ICU: Building and Sustaining an Organizational Culture of Patient Safety

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 407-413

        4. How Effective Are Rapid Response Systems?

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 415-422

      13. Coagulopathy and Transfusion

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 423-423


        2. Transfusion Thresholds in Non-Bleeding Critically Ill Patients

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 425-435

        3. Tranexamic Acid in the Bleeding Patient

          • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

          Pages 437-446

        4. Coagulopathy and Transfusion

          1. Dengue-Related Thrombocytopenia and Platelet Transfusion

            • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

            Pages 447-454

        5. Burns

          1. Front Matter

            Pages 455-455


          2. Thermal Injury Resuscitation

            • Jose Chacko, Swapnil Pawar, Ian Seppelt, Gagan Brar

            Pages 457-468

        6. Back Matter

          Pages 469-472


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