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Contemporary Management of Temporomandibular Disorders
Fundamentals and Pathway to Diagnosis
Connelly, Tartaglia, Silva
140,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is a comprehensive, state of the art guide to the contemporary diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) that will help to compensate for the frequent lack of experience and inadequate training among health professionals who encounter patients with jaw joint problems. The opening section describes the whole patient philosophy essential for treatment success, examines ethical and legal considerations, and discusses all aspects of anatomy. Pathophysiology, clinical assessment, and imaging evaluation, including by means of modern MR imaging and CBCT, are then considered in detail. Finally, the diagnostic criteria for the full range of TMDs are thoroughly explained and the urgent need to appreciate temporomandibular disorders as the chronic pain conditions they are is addressed. Complementary volumes are devoted to non-surgical treatment of TMDs and to total temporomandibular joint replacement and other surgical procedures, respectively. Each book will be of high value for the multidisciplinary team necessary for successful management of TMDs, including dentists, surgeons, primary care doctors, pain doctors, and allied health professionals.

  • Temporomandibular Disorders: Comprehensive Management

    Fricton, James

    Pages 3-21

  • Medico Legal Consideration

    Kowalski, Michael

    Pages 23-39

  • The Temporomandibular Joint Through the Lens of Comparative Anatomy

    Arzi, Boaz (et al.)

    Pages 41-50

  • Detailed Anatomy of the Temporomandibular Joint

    Dellavia, C. (et al.)

    Pages 51-70

  • Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Temporomandibular Joint

    Gallo, L. M. (et al.)

    Pages 71-88

  • Neuroanatomical Signatures of Acute and Chronic Orofacial Pain

    Bruegger, M.

    Pages 89-102

  • Pathophysiology of Temporomandibular Disorders

    Stegenga, B.

    Pages 105-120

  • Clinical Evaluation

    Tartaglia, Gianluca Martino (et al.)

    Pages 121-142

  • CBCT Evaluation of the TMJ

    Tamimi, Dania (et al.)

    Pages 143-172

  • Imaging Internal Derangement: State-of-the-Art MR and Prospects for Ultrasonography

    Katzberg, Richard W. (et al.)

    Pages 173-204

  • Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Disorders Using DC/TMD Criteria

    Michelotti, Ambra (et al.)

    Pages 205-227



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