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Compendium of Histology
A Theoretical and Practical Guide
Rehfeld, Nylander, Karnov
75,00 €


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This book has been designed to help medical students succeed with their histology classes, while using less time on studying the curriculum. The book can both be used on its own or as a supplement to the classical full-curriculum textbooks normally used by the students for their histology classes. Covering the same curriculum as the classical textbooks, from basic tissue histology to the histology of specific organs, this book is formatted and organized in a much simpler and intuitive way. Almost all text is formatted in bullets or put into structured tables. This makes it quick and easy to digest, helping the student get a good overview of the curriculum. It is easy to locate specific information in the text, such as the size of cellular structures etc. Additionally, each chapter includes simplified illustrations of various histological features. The aim of the book is to be used to quickly brush up on the curriculum, e.g. before a class or an exam. Additionally, the book includes guides to distinguish between the different histological tissues and organs that can be presented to students microscopically, e.g. during a histology spot test. This guide lists the specific characteristics of the different histological specimens and also describes how to distinguish a specimen from other similar specimens. For each histological specimen, a simplified drawing and a photomicrograph of the specimen, is presented to help the student recognize the important characteristics in the microscope. Lastly, the book contains multiple “memo boxes” in which parts of the curriculum are presented as easy-to-remember mnemonics.

  • From Cells to Tissues

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 3-9

  • Histological Methods

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 11-24

  • The Cytoplasm

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 27-47

  • The Nucleus

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 49-75

  • Epithelial Tissue

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 79-99

  • Glandular Epithelium and Glands

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 101-120

  • Connective Tissue

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 121-146

  • Cartilage

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 147-155

  • Bone Tissue

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 157-185

  • Bone Marrow

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 187-200

  • Adipose Tissue

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 201-207

  • Blood

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 209-215

  • Muscle Tissue

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 217-245

  • Nerve Tissue

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 247-266

  • Musculoskeletal System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 269-285

  • The Nervous System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 287-313

  • The Cardiovascular System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 315-350

  • The Respiratory System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 351-377

  • The Immune System and the Lymphatic Organs

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 379-409

  • The Integumentary System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 411-432

  • The Digestive System I: The Alimentary Canal

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 433-473

  • The Digestive System II: The Associated Organs

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 475-493

  • The Urinary System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 495-515

  • The Endocrine System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 517-539

  • The Female Reproductive System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 541-568

  • The Male Reproductive System

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 569-592

  • The Breast

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 593-601

  • The Eye

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 603-638

  • The Ear

    Rehfeld, Anders (et al.)

    Pages 639-662



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