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CNS Infections
A Clinical Approach
157,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This updated and expanded second edition covers selected infections of the central nervous system of considerable current interest. Aspects that are less well documented, such as spinal cord infections, central nervous system infections in patients with cancer, tropical infections, healthcare-associated ventriculitis or meningitis, and immunological problems in the international traveler are also discussed, as these are all problems relevant to daily practice. It is a multi-authored book written by experts in the field of neurological infection. A new section on infectious neuropathies is included.


CNS Infections: A Clinical Approach is of value to the busy clinician; the neurological international community as well as all primary care doctors, internal medicine specialists and residents who take care of patients with suspected neurological infections.

  • Lumbar Puncture and CSF Analysis and Interpretation

    Gomez-Beldarrain, Marian, M.D. (et al.)

    Pages 1-17

  • Acute Community-Acquired Bacterial Meningitis

    Bhimraj, Adarsh, M.D.

    Pages 19-30

  • Healthcare-Acquired Meningitis and Ventriculitis

    Bhimraj, Adarsh, M.D.

    Pages 31-48

  • Acute Viral Meningitis

    Pomar, Virginia, MD, PhD (et al.)

    Pages 49-59

  • Acute Viral Encephalitis: Herpesviruses and Enteroviruses

    Sánchez-Menoyo, José Luis, M.D. (et al.)

    Pages 61-85

  • Tropical Viral CNS Infections

    Handique, Sanjeev K., M.D. (et al.)

    Pages 87-128

  • Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System

    Carod-Artal, Francisco Javier, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 129-156

  • CNS Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Infections

    García-Moncó, Juan Carlos, M.D. (et al.)

    Pages 157-179

  • Parasitic Infections of the Central Nervous System

    Brutto, Oscar H., M.D.

    Pages 181-197

  • Infections of the Spinal Cord

    Carod-Artal, Francisco Javier, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 199-232

  • The Human Borreliosis: Lyme Neuroborreliosis and Relapsing Fever

    Halperin, John J., M.D. (et al.)

    Pages 233-249

  • Neurosyphilis

    Salazar, Juan Carlos, M.D., M.P.H. (et al.)

    Pages 251-273

  • Drug-Induced Aseptic Meningitis and Other Mimics

    Morís, Germán, M.D. (et al.)

    Pages 275-300

  • Central Nervous System Infections in Patients Immunocompromised by Antineoplastic and Other Immune-Modulating Therapies

    Pruitt, Amy A., M.D.

    Pages 301-325

  • The Neurological Spectrum of HIV Infection

    Corral, Iñigo, M.D., Ph.D. (et al.)

    Pages 327-356

  • Neuropathies of Infectious Origin

    Sainz, Aida Rodriguez, M.D. (et al.)

    Pages 357-368



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