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What Does the Presence of Seminiferous Tubules Inside the Tunica Albuginea Mean?
Pages 1-8
This book presents the morphology of different non-tumoral lesions of the testis. By showing the differential diagnosis of each lesion, it offers clinicians vital support with diagnosis and treatment. The book is divided into seven main parts: genetic and developmental pathology of the testis; infertility; vascular pathology of the testis; inflammatory pathology; pathology of the rete testis and epididymis; pathology of the vaginal tunic and paratesticular structures; and a final part dealing with miscellanea. Each chapter includes carefully selected figures and a variety of diagrams highlighting the main characteristics of a specific lesion to facilitate its diagnosis.Based on the authors’ experience with hundreds of biopsies, surgical specimens and autopsies, the book presents material that has been gathered over the past 40 years, providing an essential tool for pathologists, urologists, andrologists and pediatricians who face diagnostic problems.
What Does the Presence of Seminiferous Tubules Inside the Tunica Albuginea Mean?
Pages 1-8
Disorders of Sexual Development from the Pathologist’s Perspective
Pages 9-16
Clinical Syndromes Associated with Streak Gonads with Epithelial Cords
Pages 17-23
Clinical Syndromes Associated with Dysgenetic Testis
Pages 25-31
True Hermaphroditism (Ovotesticular DSD)
Pages 33-40
Usefulness of Histological Studies in Patients with the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Pages 41-49
Differential Diagnosis of Tumors in the Adrenogenital Syndrome
Pages 51-57
Fetal Gonadoblastoid Testicular Dysplasia: An Early Defect in Testicular Tubulogenesis
Pages 59-65
Differential Diagnosis of Sertoli Cell Nodules
Pages 67-74
Meaning of the Finding of Testicular and Paratesticular Calcifications
Pages 75-82
Helpful Data for Evaluating an Undescended Testis in Childhood
Pages 83-91
The Most Frequent Histological Findings in the Adult Testis When Testicular Descent Was Performed in Childhood
Pages 93-100
Testicular Dysgenesis Syndrome (TDS)
Pages 101-109
Differential Diagnosis of Macroorchidism
Pages 111-122
Macroorchidisms Secondary to Functioning Tumors during Childhood
Pages 123-130
Value of Testicular Biopsy in Nonobstructive Azoospermia
Pages 131-142
Obstructive Mechanism Lesions Simulating Primary Testicular Lesions
Pages 143-150
Fertility in Patients with Chromosome Abnormalities
Pages 151-162
Fertility Potential of Patients with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Pages 163-170
Ultrastructural Pathology of the Spermatozoa with Genetic Basis
Pages 171-181
Spermatic Cord Torsion and Infertility
Pages 183-190
Clues to the Analysis of Testicular Lesions in Infertile Patients with Varicocele
Pages 191-200
Surgical Treatment of Varicocele
Pages 201-208
Testicular Involvement in Noninfectious Vasculitis
Pages 209-217
Vascular Pathology Related to Extracellular Material Accumulation
Pages 219-228
Interpretation of Testicular Non-granulomatous Lymphoid Infiltrates
Pages 229-239
Histological Basis for the Interpretation of Granulomatous Orchitis
Pages 241-251
Rete Testis Dysgenesis as a Marker of Undescended Testis
Pages 253-260
Congenital Cystic Pathology of the Rete Testis
Pages 261-268
Acquired Cystic Transformation of the Rete Testis (Cystic Ectasia of the Rete Testis)
Pages 269-277
Acquired Pathology of the Rete Testis
Pages 279-285
Congenital Cystic Pathology of the Epididymis
Pages 287-296
Reactive Pathology of the Epididymis
Pages 297-304
Metaplasias of the Testicular Tunica Vaginalis
Pages 305-310
Reactive Mesothelial Hyperplasia Versus Mesothelioma
Pages 311-317
Paratesticular Tumor-Like Congenital Lesions
Pages 319-326
Paratesticular Tumor-Like Acquired Lesions
Pages 327-339
Intratesticular and Paratesticular Patterns of Mesonephric Remnants
Pages 341-348
Testicular Changes in Elderly Men
Pages 349-361
Treatment-Related Testicular Changes
Pages 363-376
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