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Clinical Rheumatology
100,00 €


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Clinical Rheumatology is a book written by a clinician for clinicians. It covers all the essential clinical aspects of Rheumatology in an engaging, clear, and concise manner, thereby fulfilling an unmet need. The focus of this book is to cover clinically pertinent and practically relevant issues while pruning unnecessary detail. Patient photographs, tables, and boxes enhance readability. The bedside clinical and investigative approach is discussed in a lucid fashion illustrated by clinical photographs, flowcharts, and algorithms. The evidence-based treatment is spelt out in an easy to comprehend fashion. Key messages have been listed at the beginning  of each chapter.

 The book is intended for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, residents, fellows, and clinicians who want to gain practical knowledge and clinical insight into rheumatic diseases. The book is likely to appeal to internists, rheumatologists, physiatrists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, as well as orthopaedic surgeons. They will find their day to day questions answered in a knowledge format that can be applied straight away. Senior clinicians will find it a ready reckoner and a handy manual to refresh and update their knowledge. Basic scientists will find it useful to gain clinical insight into the rheumatic diseases they research without being intimidated by the size of the text. Teachers will find it full of helpful teaching messages. Clinical Rheumatology is a must-have book for all those who deal with rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxi


  2. Bedside Approach to Musculoskeletal Complaints

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 1-8

  3. Laboratory Investigations in Rheumatology

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 9-23

  4. Low Back Pain

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 25-30

  5. Osteoarthritis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 31-39

  6. Gout and Other Crystal Arthritides

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 41-49

  7. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 51-65

  8. Spondyloarthritides

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 67-80

  9. Psoriatic Arthritis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 81-86

  10. Reactive Arthritis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 87-89

  11. Seronegative Arthritis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 91-93

  12. Adult Still’s Disease

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 95-97

  13. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 99-102

  14. Connective Tissue Diseases: The Concept and Approach

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 103-108

  15. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 109-122

  16. Sjogren’s Syndrome

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 123-128

  17. Systemic Sclerosis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 129-141

  18. Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, and the Overlap Syndromes

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 143-145

  19. Antiphospholipid Syndrome

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 147-154

  20. Inflammatory Muscle Diseases

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 155-16

  21. Vasculitis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 163-175

  22. Osteoporosis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 177-184

  23. Behcet’s Syndrome

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 185-189

  24. Soft Tissue Rheumatism and Regional Pain Syndromes

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 191-196

  25. Fibromyalgia

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 197-199

  26. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 201-203

  27. Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 205-208

  28. Tuberculous and Septic Arthritis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 209-213

  29. Viral Arthritis

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 215-219

  30. Sarcoidosis: Rheumatological Considerations

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 221-225

  31. Emergencies in Rheumatology

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 227-233

  32. Joint Aspiration and Injection

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 235-240

  33. Pregnancy, Lactation, Contraception, and Fatherhood in Rheumatic Diseases

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 241-247

  34. Immunisation in Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 249-251

  35. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and the Rheumatologist

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 253-256

  36. Web Resources in Rheumatology

    • Rohini Handa

    Pages 257-260


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