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While medical specialists in disaster mitigation, preparedness, and response are needed worldwide, the initial phase of disaster response is almost entirely dependent upon local resources—making it essential that all healthcare personnel have a working knowledge of the field and stand ready to integrate into the response system. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine, 3rd Edition, is the most comprehensive reference available to help accomplish these goals in every community. It thoroughly covers isolated domestic events as well as global disasters and humanitarian crises. Dr. Gregory Ciottone and more than 200 worldwide authorities share their knowledge and expertise on the preparation, assessment, and management of both natural and man-made disasters, including lessons learned by the responders to contemporary disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Australian and western U.S. wildfires, European heatwaves, the Beirut explosion, recent hurricanes and typhoons, and the global refugee crisis. |
Features: |
1 Introduction to Disaster Medicine
2 Public Health and Disasters
3 Role of Emergency Medical Services in Disaster Management and Preparedness
4 Role of Emergency Medicine in Disaster Management
5 Role of Hospitals in Disaster
6 Pandemic Preparedness and Response
7 Health In Complex Emergencies
8 Disaster Medicine in a Changing Climate
9 Children and Disaster
10 Psychological Impact of Disaster on Displaced Populations and Refugees of Multiple Traumas
11 Ethical Issues in Disaster Medicine
12 Issues of Liability in Emergency Response
13 Disaster Response in the United States
14 Disaster Response in Europe
15 Disaster Response in Asia
16 Building Local Capacity and Disaster Resiliency
17 Local Disaster Response in the United States
18 State Disaster Response: Systems and Programs
19 Selected U.S. Federal Disaster Response Agencies and Capabilities
20 Global Disaster Response and Emergency Medical Teams
21 Civil-Military Coordination in Disaster Response
22 Evaluation of emerging data to inform disaster response
23 Disaster/Emergency Management Programs
24 Emergency Department Design
25 Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
26 Public Information Management
27 Informatics and Information Technology in Disaster Medicine
28 Medical Simulation in Disaster Preparedness
29 Disaster Mitigation
30 Disaster Risk Management
31 Vaccines
32 Occupational and Environmental Medicine: An Asset in Time of Crisis
33 Worker Health and Safety in Disaster Response
34 Disaster Preparedness
35 Policy Issues in Disaster Preparedness and Response
36 Mutual Aid
37 Disaster Nursing
38 Patient Surge
39 Accidental Versus Intentional Event
41 The Incident Command System
42 Scene Safety and Situational Awareness in Disaster Response
43 Pre- and Post-Disaster Needs Assessment
44 Operations and Logistics
45 Disaster Communications
46 Mobile Disaster Applications
47 The Role of Social Media in Disasters
48 Volunteers and Donations
49 Personal Protective Equipment
50 Role of Bystanders in Disasters
51 Disaster Surveillance Systems
52 Use of Geographic Information Systems in Crises
53 Management of Mass Fatalities
54 Disaster Management of Animals
55 Urban Search and Rescue
56 Triage
57 Patient Tracking Systems in Disasters
58 Mass Gatherings
59 Infectious Disease in a Disaster Zone
60 Pharmaceuticals and Medical Equipment in Disasters
61 Displaced Populations
62 Palliative Care in Disasters
63 Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
64 Disaster Education and Research
65 Practical Applications of Disaster Epidemiology
66 Measures of Effectiveness in Disaster Management
67 Counter-Terrorism Medicine
68 The Psychology of Terrorism
69 Thinking Outside the Box: Health Service Support Considerations in the Era of Asymmetrical Threats
70 Integrated Response to Terrorist Attacks
71 Coordinated Attack
72 Active Shooter Response
73 Hostage Taking
74 Civil Unrest and Rioting
75 Introduction to Explosions and Blasts
76 Suicide Bomber
77 Improvised Explosive Devices : IED and VBIED
78 Conventional Explosions at Mass Gatherings
79 Nuclear and Radiation Disaster Management
80 Dirty Bomb (Radiological Dispersal Device)
81 General Approach to Chemical Attack
82 Biological Attack
83 Future Biological and Chemical Weapons
84 Directed-Energy Weapons
85 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Quarantine
86 Decontamination: Chemical and Radiation
87 Military Lessons Learned for Disaster Response
88 Integration of Law Enforcement and Military Resources with the Emergency Response to a Terrorist Incident
89 Tactical Emergency Medical Support
90 Operational Rescue
91 Operations Security, Site Security, and Incident Response
92 Medical Intelligence
93 Dignitary Protective Medicine
94 Introduction to Natural Disasters
95 Hurricanes, Cyclones and Typhoons
96 Earthquake
97 Tornado
98 Flood
99 Tsunami
100 Heat Wave
101 Winter Storm
102 Volcanic Eruption
103 Famine
104 Landslides
105 Avalanche
106 Introduction to Nuclear and Radiological Disasters
107 Nuclear Detonation
108 Radiation Accident—Isolated and Dispersed Exposure
109 Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown
110 Introduction to Chemical Disasters
111 Industrial-Chemical Disasters
112 Nerve-Agent Mass Casualty Incidents
113 Vesicant Agent Attack
114 Respiratory-Agent Mass Casualty Incident (Toxic Inhalational Injury)
115 Asphyxiant (Cyanide) Attack
116 Antimuscarinic Agent Attack
117 Mass Casualty Incidents from Hallucinogenic Agents: LSD, Other Indoles, and Phenylethylamine Derivatives
118 Opioid Agent Attack
119 Caustic Agent Mass Casualty Incident, with Special Emphasis on Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
120 Mass Casualties from Crowd-Control Agents
121 Cholinergic Agent Attack (Nicotine, Epibatidine, and Anatoxin-A)
122 Anesthetic-Agent Mass Casualty Incident
123 Introduction to Biologic Agents
124 Bacillus Anthracis (Anthrax) Attack
125 Yersinia Pestis (Plague) Bioterrorism Attack
126 Francisella Tularensis (Tularemia) Attack
127 Brucella Species (Brucellosis) Attack
128 Coxiella burnetii (Q Fever) Attack
129 Rickettsia prowazekii Attack (Typhus Fever)
130 Orientia Tsutsugamushi (Scrub Typhus) Attack
131 Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) Attack
132 Vibrio cholerae (Cholera) Attack
133 Shigella dysenteriae (Shigellosis) Attack
134 Salmonella (Salmonellosis and Typhoid Fever) Attack
135 Burkholderia (Glanders and Melioidosis) Attack
136 Chlamydophila psittaci (Psittacosis) Attack
137 Escherichia coli O157:H7 Attack (Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli )
138 Viral Encephalitis caused by Alphaviruses
139 Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Attack
140 Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Attack
141 Variola Major Virus (Smallpox) Attack
142 Influenza Virus Attack
143 Monkeypox Attack
144 Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Attack
145 Henipavirus Attack: Hendra and Nipah Viruses
146 SARS-CoV (COVID-19 and SARS)
147 Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Attack
148 Clostridium botulinum Toxin (Botulism) Attack
149 Clostridium perfringens Toxin (Epsilon Toxin) Attack
150 Marine Toxin Attack
151 T-2 Toxin (Trichothecene Mycotoxins) Attack
152 Ricin Toxin from Ricinus communis (Castor Bean) Attack
153 Aflatoxin (Aspergillus Species) Attack
154 Coccidioides immitis (Coccidioidomycosis) Attack
155 Histoplasma capsulatum (Histoplasmosis) Attack
156 Cryptosporidium parvum (Cryptosporidiosis) Attack
157 Explosions: Fireworks
158 Rocketpropelled Grenade Attack
159 Conventional Explosion at a Hospital
160 Conventional Explosion in a High-Rise Building
161 Conventional Explosion at a Nuclear Power Plant
162 Tunnel Explosion
163 Liquified Natural Gas Explosion
164 Liquified Natural Gas Tanker Truck Explosion
165 Petroleum Distillation and Processing Facility Explosion
166 Introduction to Fires and Burns
167 Structure Fires
168 Wildland Fires and the Wildland Urban Interface
169 Tunnel Fire
170 Gunshot Attack: Mass Casualties
171 Sniper Attack
172 Introduction To Structural Collapse (Crush Injury and Crush Syndrome)
173 Train Derailment
174 Subway Derailment
175 Bus Accident
176 Aircraft Crash Preparedness and Response
177 Air Show Disaster
178 Asteroid Impacts, Orbital Debris and Spacecraft Re-entry Disasters
179 Building Collapse
180 Bridge Collapse
181 Human Stampede
182 Mining Accident
183 Submarine or Surface Vessel Accident
184 Aircraft Hijacking
185 Aircraft Crash into a High-Rise Building
186 Maritime Disasters
187 Cruise Ship Infectious Disease Outbreak
188 Massive Power System Failures
189 Hospital Power Outages
190 Intentional Contamination of Water Supplies
191 Food-Supply Contamination
192 Ecological Terrorism
193 Computer and Electronic Terrorism and Emergency Medical Services
194 Disasters in Space Travel: From Earth to Orbit, and Beyond
Index/Front Matter
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