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Childhood Glaucoma
A Case Based Color and Video Atlas
Gupta, Mahalingam
230,00 €


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The book provides a comprehensive treatise on all aspects of congenital and pediatric glaucoma. Pediatric glaucoma, due to dependence on anaesthesia facility, are usually managed only in tertiary eye care centers. Being a difficult entity for comprehensive evaluation, many ophthalmologists lack adequate experience in diagnosing and managing this specialized group of patients. Pediatric glaucoma are an important cause of ocular morbidity and visual impairment, which if diagnosed in time, pays dividend in terms of improved quality of life, visual outcome and less disability associated life years in this young age group. Early diagnosis, prompt and effective treatment and rehabilitation play an important role in final visual outcomes. The book covers all important aspects of pediatric examination beginning from clinical examination, diagnostic investigations and treatment protocols. Certain examinations like intraocular pressure measurement, gonioscopy, detailed fundus examination need sedation/ anaesthesia. The video based procedural modules aim to explain standard protocols for performing basic examination in children, such as, under anaesthesia or sedation. It has a case based approach for all types of childhood glaucomas, which helps the residents, glaucoma fellows and practicing ophthalmologists alike to identify different types of childhood glaucomas, plan respective management and refer early, whenever indicated for these conditions. The book will serve as a ready reckoner, an authentic reference book and a teaching tool for practicing glaucoma specialists, general ophthalmologists, ophthalmology residents and glaucoma fellows.

The editors have extensive experience in dealing with pediatric glaucoma and contributed years of teaching and research in this field. This book primarily consists of images, diagrams, case presentations and illustrative videos wherever required. It illustrates the clinical findings of different pediatric glaucomas and hence acts as a practical teaching tool by providing a plethora of clinical pictures in adjunct to a short case scenario.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xvii


  2. The Genesis of Childhood Glaucoma

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Embryology and Pathophysiology of Childhood Glaucoma

      • Rahul P Vijayakumar, Nayan Gupta, Karthikeyan Mahalingam

      Pages 3-10

    3. Classification of Childhood Glaucoma

      • Antriksh Wahi, Aayush Majumdar, Karthikeyan Mahalingam

      Pages 11-19

    4. The Role of Genetic Testing in Childhood Glaucoma

      • Arif O. Khan, Antriksh Wahi

      Pages 21-27

  3. Clinical Evaluation

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 29-29


    2. Tonometry

      • Amisha Gupta, Pawan Kumar, Shikha Gupta

      Pages 31-42

    3. Childhood Glaucoma: Gonioscopy

      • Ananya Kaginalkar, Shikha Gupta, Viney Gupta

      Pages 43-54

    4. Fundus Evaluation in Childhood Glaucoma

      • Abhishek Singh, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

      Pages 55-64

    5. Pediatric Perimetry

      • Kumar Kartikay Rajaura, Abhishek Singh, Viney Gupta

      Pages 65-78

    6. Examination Under Anesthesia

      • Ridhima Bhatia, Puneet Khanna, Karthikeyan Mahalingam

      Pages 79-84

  4. Primary Childhood Glaucoma

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 85-85


    2. Primary Congenital Glaucoma

      • Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

      Pages 87-94

    3. Juvenile Onset Open-Angle Glaucoma

      • Harathy Selvan, Abhishek Singh, Viney Gupta

      Pages 95-110

  5. Secondary Childhood Glaucoma with Non Acquired Conditions

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 111-111


    2. Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome

      • Arnav Panigrahi, Shikha Gupta, Viney Gupta

      Pages 113-124

    3. Peters Anomaly with Glaucoma

      • Monika Arora, Ananya Kaginalkar, Radhika Tandon

      Pages 125-133

    4. Congenital Ectropion Uveae with Glaucoma

      • Vinit Tanwar, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

      Pages 135-141

    5. Aniridia with Glaucoma

      • Brajesh Lahri, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

      Pages 143-150

    6. Lens-Associated Glaucomas

      • Abhijeet Beniwal, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

      Pages 151-159

      1. Sturge-Weber Syndrome and Associated Syndromes with Glaucoma

        • Ananya Parampalli Ravindra, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 161-171

      2. Miscellaneous Secondary Childhood Glaucomas

        • Ananya Parampalli Ravindra, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 173-188

    7. Acquired Secondary Childhood Glaucoma

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 189-189


      2. Postsurgical Glaucoma

        • Niranjana Balasubramaniam, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 191-201

      3. Uveitic Glaucoma

        • Deeksha Rani, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta, Pradeep Venkatesh

        Pages 203-211

      4. Post-Traumatic Glaucoma

        • Harathy Selvan, Sudarshan Kumar Khokhar, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 213-226

      5. Glaucoma in Retinopathy of Prematurity

        • Nawazish Shaikh, Ruchir Tewari, Parijat Chandra

        Pages 227-234

      6. Steroid-Induced Glaucoma

        • Toshit Varshney, Pankhuri Dudani, Viney Gupta

        Pages 235-243

      7. Retinoblastoma with Glaucoma

        • Neiwete Lomi, Nimmy Raj, Navneet Sidhu

        Pages 245-250

    8. Ancillary Investigations

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 251-251


      2. Anterior Segment Imaging in Childhood Glaucoma

        • Somya Kumari, Abhishek Singh, Shikha Gupta, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Viney Gupta

        Pages 253-267

      3. Posterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography

        • Rahul Sangwan, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 269-283

      4. Heidelberg Retinal Tomography

        • Harathy Selvan, Abhishek Singh, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 285-297

      5. In Vivo Confocal Microscopy in Childhood Glaucoma

        • Manasi Tripathi, Ram Kishore, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 299-304

      6. Specular Microscopy in Childhood Glaucoma

        • Monika Arora, Abhishek Singh, Arnav Panigrahi

        Pages 305-312

      7. Histopathology in Childhood Glaucoma

        • Seema Sen, Venkatesh Nathiya

        Pages 313-320

    9. Management and Rehabilitation

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 321-321


      2. Medical Management in Childhood Glaucoma

        • Shakha, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 323-331

      3. Combined Trabeculectomy with Trabeculotomy

        • Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Antriksh Wahi, Shikha Gupta

        Pages 333-341

      4. Goniotomy

        • Ashok Kumar Singh, Sushmita Kaushik

        Pages 343-348

      5. Management and Rehabilitation

        1. Illuminated Microcatheter-Assisted Trabeculotomy

          • Tanuj Dada, Saurabh Verma

          Pages 349-355

        2. Gonioscopy-Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy

          • Shikha Gupta, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Antriksh Wahi

          Pages 357-365

        3. Ab Interno Goniectomy with Trabectome

          • Suneeta Dubey, Prerna Garg

          Pages 367-374

        4. Glaucoma Drainage Devices

          • Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta, Viney Gupta

          Pages 375-386

        5. Cyclodestructive Procedures

          • Vaibhav Namdev, Karthikeyan Mahalingam, Shikha Gupta

          Pages 387-394

        6. Cataract Surgery in Buphthalmic Eyes

          • Sudarshan Khokhar, Saumya Kumar, Deeksha Rani

          Pages 395-401

        7. Assistive Devices for Children with Glaucoma

          • Suraj Singh Senjam, Vivek Gupta, Praveen Vashist, Radhika Tandon

          Pages 403-421


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