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History of Surgical Repairs of Chest Wall Deformities
Pages 3-18
Chest wall deformities encompass a variety of congenital and acquired pathologies that affect the pediatric and the adult population. This comprehensive work offers detailed state of the art information on the changing paradigms in ultrastructural evaluation, diagnosis, clinical investigation, and treatment and reflects the shift towards conservative and minimally invasive treatment options. The combination of concise descriptions and high-quality images will provide the reader with a clear understanding of all relevant concepts. Diagnostic and imaging modalities are analysed in depth, and surgical procedures are explained step by step with the aid of clear, informative illustrations. Experts in the management of chest wall deformities from all over the world have contributed their experiences and approaches, making this a unique textbook in the field and an ideal reference work for clinicians and surgeons.
History of Surgical Repairs of Chest Wall Deformities
Pages 3-18
Classification of Chest Wall Deformities
Pages 19-35
Surgical Anatomy of the Chest Wall
Pages 37-53
Sternalis Muscle
Pages 55-61
Cartilage Histology in Chest Wall Deformities
Pages 63-74
Bone Mineral Density as a Marker for Pectus Correction
Pages 75-79
Biochemical and Histological Differences Between Costal and Articular Cartilages
Pages 81-99
Syndromes Associated with Pectus Deformities
Pages 101-140
Chest Wall Deformities and Musculoskeletal Defects in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Pages 141-147
Idiopathic Scoliosis
Pages 149-167
Psychologic Effects, Body Image, and Pectus Excavatum and Carinatum
Pages 169-174
Anesthesia and Pain Therapy for Surgery of Chest Wall Deformities
Pages 175-187
Preoperative Assessment of Chest Wall Deformities
Pages 191-195
Index for Measurement of Pectus Excavatum
Pages 197-201
Anthrometric Index for Pectus Excavatum
Pages 203-212
Spiral Computed Tomography
Pages 213-226
Structured Light Technique for Measurement of Pectus Excavatum
Pages 227-236
Breast and Chest Wall Asymmetries
Pages 237-243
Exercise Performance Testing in Pectus Excavatum Patients
Pages 245-252
Correlating Haller Index and Cardiopulmonary Disease in Pectus Excavatum
Pages 253-260
Cardiological Aspects of Symptomatic Pectus Excavatum in Adults
Pages 261-278
Assessment of Right Ventricular Function in Pectus Excavatum
Pages 279-287
Long Term Cardiopulmonary Effects After Surgery
Pages 289-296
Rib Cage Anomalies in Severe Osteogenesis Imperfecta – Functional Investigations
Pages 297-306
Concepts in Allergy to Pectus Metal Implants
Pages 307-311
Instruments for Correction of Chest Wall Deformities
Pages 313-325
Overview of Repair of Pectus Excavatum Type of Deformities
Pages 329-349
The Vacuum Bell Treatment
Pages 351-360
Thoracoscopic Aspects in Minimal Access Repair of Pectus Excavatum
Pages 361-371
Complications of Minimally Access Pectus Excavatum Repair
Pages 373-381
Pleural and Pericardial Associations After Minimal Access Pectus Repair
Pages 383-387
Management of Postoperative Infections Following the Minimally Access Repair for Pectus Excavatum
Pages 389-393
Recurrent Pectus Excavatum Repair
Pages 395-402
Techniques and Instruments for Pectus Bar Removal
Pages 403-413
Minimal Access Repair of Pectus Excavatum
Pages 417-429
Surgical Techniques- Pectus Excavatum: The Modified Ravitch Procedure
Pages 431-436
Welch Procedure
Pages 437-445
The Willital-Hegemann Procedure
Pages 447-456
Minimal Access Repair of Pectus Excavatum (MARPE)-Pilegaard Modification
Pages 457-465
Sternum Elevators for Minimal Access Pectus Excavatum Repair
Pages 467-474
Minimally Access Repair of Pectus Excavatum- with Sternotomy in Adults
Pages 475-483
Free Fat Transplantation for the Aesthetic Correction of Mild Pectus Excavatum
Pages 485-494
Customised Silicone Prostheses
Pages 495-501
Overview of Repair of Pectus Carinatum Type of Deformities
Pages 505-515
Nonoperative Management of Chest Wall Deformities
Pages 517-522
Dynamic Compressor System for Pectus Carinatum Repair
Pages 523-541
Minimally Access Repair of Pectus Carinatum
Pages 545-569
Minimal Access Repair of Pectus Carinatum
Pages 571-580
Thoracoscopic Approach for Surgical Repair of Pectus Carinatum
Pages 581-590
Minimal Access Repair of Pectus Carinatum: Istanbul Technique
Pages 591-597
Thoracoscopic Repair of Pectus Carinatum: Complete Cartilage Resection with Perichondrial Preservation Technique
Pages 599-602
Non-prosthetic Surgical Repair for Pectus Deformities
Pages 605-609
Minimally Access Open Repair of Pectus Excavatum and Carinatum (Robicsek Procedure)
Pages 611-626
Pectus Less Invasive Extrapleural Repair (PLIER): Saxena Technique
Pages 627-640
Poland’s Syndrome
Pages 643-653
Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy (Jeune’s Syndrome): Congenital and Acquired
Pages 655-666
Post-traumatic and Post-surgical Chest Wall Deformities (Acquired Chest Wall Deformities)
Pages 667-674
Thoracic Reconstruction in Chest Wall Tumors
Pages 675-696
Operative Options in the Management of Cleft Sternum
Pages 697-704
Repair of Cleft Sternum
Pages 707-715
Poly-Lactic Acid Plate for Chest Wall Repair in Pentalogy of Cantrell
Pages 717-721
Poland’s Syndrome Treatment with Omentum Flap
Pages 723-730
Bilateral Sternal Bar Turnover Flaps for Reconstruction of Inferior Sternal Cleft
Pages 731-734
Pros and Cons of the Nuss-Procedure
Pages 737-740
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