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Catania’s Primary Care of the Anterior Segment 3rd ed
Armitage, Catania
Taylor & Francis
120,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book has become an iconic textbook in eye care over many years with multiple editions having originally published in 1986. Considered one of the classic, definitive books for comprehensive anterior segment diagnosis, treatment, and management, this new third edition includes a new chapter on pre- and postoperative management of cataract and refractive surgery and glaucoma, which are major parts of primary care optometry today, along with updates on proprietary therapeutic drugs, and technology additions such as amniotic membranes, injectables, and minor in-office procedures. It contains high-quality photos, six appendices, 336 clinical photos/diagrams/illustrations, and 74 tables throughout the textbook.

Key Features

• Provides immediate and succinct information necessary for diagnosing, treating, and managing all anterior segment, primary glaucoma, pre- and postoperative management of cataract and refractive surgery, and non-surgical ocular conditions

• Includes 215 color photos to allow the clinician to use the clinical knowledge and assist with diagnosis and treatment options in the clinical setting

• Features a unique presentation format as all the clinical information is organized in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) format for quick referencing and practical use by the primary eye care practitioners

Chapter l.  General Clinical Considerations in Anterior Segment Care
Chapter 2.  Clinical Considerations on Anterior Segment Pathology and Immunology
Chapter 3. Diagnoses of the Eyelids, Lacrimal System, and Orbit
Chapter 4. Diagnoses of the Conjunctiva, Sclera, and Episclera
Chapter 5.  Diagnoses of the Cornea
Chapter 6.  Diagnoses of the Anterior Chamber, Angle Structures, and Ciliary Body
Chapter 7.  Pre and postoperative management of  cataract and refractive surgery patients
Chapter 8.  Primary Care Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management of Glaucoma
Chapter 9. Systemic Considerations in Anterior Segment Care: Diagnostic Entities by Medical Specialties and Classifications


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