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Bedside Pain Management Interventions
Souza, Kohan
140,00 € 110,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book describes bedside pain management interventions for basic clinical situations commonly encountered during the inpatient care. It aims to provide clinicians with real-world practical information, including patient selection, required equipment, and procedure guidance, that will optimize patient management. Each chapter addresses a particular procedure or a set of procedures, with specialties selected according to the subject matter. 

Physicians of any specialty practicing in hospital settings, residents, fellows in training, medical students, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, psychology, chiropractors, physical therapy and integrative medicine specialists will find this text to be comprehensive and practical.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xiv


  2. Challenges of Pain Management and Types of Bedside Interventions

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Challenges of Pain Management and the Role of Bedside Interventions

      • Arjun Ramesh, Jianguo Cheng

      Pages 3-9

    3. Clinical Assessment of Pain and Assessment of Outcomes of Bedside Procedures

      • Ankit Maheshwari, Bradford Jones

      Pages 11-19

    4. Pharmacotherapy of Pain in the Hospital: Review of Limitations

      • Alicia Grubich, Michael Pribula, Dmitri Souza

      Pages 21-26

    5. Sedation and Patient Monitoring for Bedside Pain Management Interventions

      • Wenyu Pan, Shiragi Patel, Magdalena Anitescu

      Pages 27-35

    6. Bedside Joint, Muscle, and Tendon Injections: Overview

      • Howard Meng, Priodarshi Roychoudhury, James S. Khan

      Pages 37-44

    7. Bedside Peripheral Nerve Blockade: Overview

      • Andrew T. Burzynski, Jinlei Li

      Pages 45-55

    8. Manual Medicine Interventions for Bedside Pain Management

      • Emily Hillaker, Jacob Boomgaardt, Joseph Amalfitano, Michael Lockwood

      Pages 57-66

    9. Bedside Electro-Acupuncture

      • Joseph Walker III

      Pages 67-87

    10. Bedside Pain Psychology, Spiritual and Complementary Medicine Interventions

      • Daniel Adams, Shayan Azizi, Matthew Steiner, Dmitri Souza

      Pages 89-99

    11. Patient Safety Considerations for Bedside Interventions

      • Nicholas Alvey, Narayana Varhabhatla

      Pages 101-106

  3. Technology and Tools for Bedside Interventions

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 107-107


    2. Imaging Vs Landmark Techniques for Bedside Interventions: Which Modality to Choose

      • Robert P. Owens, Maged Guirguis, Gassan Chaiban, Yashar Eshraghi

      Pages 109-119

    3. Point-of-Care Ultrasound

      • Isaac A. Zoch, Mostafa Maita, William D. Kang, Emily A. Vail, Ameet Nagpal

      Pages 121-127

    4. Neuromodulation at the Bedside

      • Tuan Tang, Alaa Abd-Elsayed

      Pages 129-133

    5. Viscosupplementation for Osteoarthritic Pain

      • Russell R. Lambert, Steven B. Jackson

      Pages 135-141

    6. Bedside Physiotherapy: Therapeutic Ultrasound and Other Physical Factors

      • Danielle L. Sarno, Erika T. Yih

      Pages 143-149

    7. Bedside Transcutaneous Drug Delivery

      • Nicholas Capaldo, Glenn Rech, Dmitri Souza

      Pages 151-157

    8. Kinesio Taping for Bedside Pain Management

      • Matthew B. Noble, Stephanie K. Noble, Stephen R. Shively, Steven B. Jackson

      Pages 159-167

    9. Bedside Interventions for Special Patient Populations

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 169-169


      2. Special Considerations for Bedside Pain Management Interventions for Elderly

        • Jung Hoon Kim, Christopher Alexander, Katherine Dawn Travnicek

        Pages 171-176

      3. Special Considerations for Bedside Pain Management Interventions for Chronic Pain Patients

        • Abhishek Vaidya, Lahari Vudayagiri, Dmitri Souza, Samer N. Narouze

        Pages 177-182

      4. Special Considerations for Bedside Pain Management Interventions for Morbidly Obese Individuals

        • Nicole Sarkisian, Dmitri Souza, Samer N. Narouze

        Pages 183-186

      5. Special Considerations for Bedside Pain Management Interventions in the Emergency Department

        • Jessica E. Tullington, Grant Hubbard, Rick Gemma

        Pages 187-196

      6. Special Considerations for Bedside Pain Management Interventions in the Intensive Care Unit

        • Brandon Roth, Deepak Agarwal, Gaurav Chauhan, Pavan Tankha

        Pages 197-206

    10. Bedside Procedures for Head, Neck and Back Pain

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 207-207


      2. Peripheral Nerve Blocks for the Management of Headache and Face Pain

        • Ryan J. Krogmann, Patrick J. Connell, Peter D. Weitzel, Dmitri Souza

        Pages 209-221

      3. Bedside Injections for Temporomandibular Pain

        • Dmitri Souza, Stephen McNulty, Samer N. Narouze

        Pages 223-229

      4. Greater Occipital Nerve Block

        • Dmitri Souza, Haroon Haque, Nkiru Mills

        Pages 231-240

      5. Intranasal Block

        • Kris Ferguson, Tyler Weeks, Antoun Nader, Dmitri Souza

        Pages 241-247

      6. Botulinum Toxin Injections for Chronic Migraine and Cervical Dystonia

        • Alexander Feoktistov

        Pages 249-261

      7. Noninvasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Electrotherapy for Headaches

        • Alexander Feoktistov

        Pages 263-269

      8. Superficial Cervical Plexus Nerve Block

        • Awnik K. Sarkar, Colleen McKenna O’Connor, Robert B. Goldstein

        Pages 271-279

      9. Cervical Medial Branch Block

        • Jacob R. Caylor, Sopyda Yin, Imanuel R. Lerman

        Pages 281-293

      10. Stellate Ganglion Block

        • Anna C. Irwin, Christian Renwick

        Pages 295-304

      11. Trigger Point Injections

        • Matthew Riley, Janki Patel, Lynn Kohan

        Pages 305-311

      12. Bedside Ligamentous Injections

        • Paul K. Cheng, Tariq M. Malik

        Pages 313-323

      13. Paravertebral Blocks

        • Brian L. Hom, Scott Masson, Ankit Maheshwari

        Pages 325-333

      14. Interfascial Plane Blocks

        • Serkan Tulgar, Hesham Elsharkawy

        Pages 335-348

      15. Bedside Procedures for Head, Neck and Back Pain

        1. Superior Cluneal Nerve Block

          • Josianna Henson, Justin Merkow, Narayana Varhabhatla

          Pages 349-356

        2. Middle Cluneal Nerve Injections

          • Jay Karri, Tuan Tang, Alaa Abd-Elsayed

          Pages 357-365

        3. Sacroiliac Joint Intraarticular and Periarticular injections

          • Mohamed Attia, Mowafak Abdelghani

          Pages 367-377

        4. Interventions for Coccygeal Pain

          • Nirav M. Patel, Harsh Sachdeva

          Pages 379-385

        5. Piriformis Muscle Injection

          • Hemkumar Pushparaj, Anuj Bhatia

          Pages 387-394

      16. Bedside Procedures for Thoracic, Abdominal and Pelvic Pain

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 395-395


        2. Intercostal Nerve Blocks

          • Wenyu Pan, Sarah C. Corral, Dalia H. Elmofty

          Pages 397-407

        3. Bedside Injections for Costochondral Pain

          • Ankit Maheshwari, Daniel Gotlib

          Pages 409-416

        4. Transversus Abdominis Plane Blocks

          • Jeffrey S. Grzybowski, Kristopher M. Schroeder

          Pages 417-430

        5. Abdominis Rectus Sheath Block

          • Jonathan M. Hagedorn, Ryan S. D’Souza

          Pages 431-438

        6. Ilioinguinal and Iliohypogastric Nerve Block

          • Dominika Lipowska James, Maryam Jowza

          Pages 439-447

        7. Genitofemoral Nerve Block

          • Melanie G. Wood, Kanishka Rajput, Robert M. Chow

          Pages 449-455

        8. Pudendal Nerve Block

          • Adi Cosic, Ankit Maheshwari

          Pages 457-462

      17. Bedside Procedures for Upper Extremity Pain

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 463-463


        2. Shoulder Joint Injections

          • Sahna Reddy, Alexander Hynes, Maxim Eckmann

          Pages 465-479

        3. Periarticular Shoulder Injections

          • Nirmal G. Aras, Michelle Puszynski, Oscar Coppes, Dalia H. Elmofty

          Pages 481-501

        4. Injections for Acromioclavicular Joint Pain

          • James Sweet, Alexander F. Bautista, George C. Chang Chien

          Pages 503-510

        5. Suprascapular Nerve Block

          • Rahul Rastogi, Justin Wikle

          Pages 511-519

        6. Brachial Plexus Blocks

          • Joseph M. Hanna, Ramsey N. Saad

          Pages 521-532

        7. Axillary Nerve Block

          • Elizabeth A. Scholzen, Kristopher M. Schroeder

          Pages 533-541

        8. Bedside Procedures for Upper Extremity Pain

          1. Bedside Pectoralis Minor and Scalene Muscles Injections

            • Reza Salajegheh, Logan D. Kinch, Cody C. Rowan

            Pages 543-553

          2. Elbow Joint, Intra-articular Injections

            • Bryant W. Tran, Michael R. Buxhoeveden, Timothy T. Wills

            Pages 555-560

          3. Periarticular Elbow Interventions

            • Bryant W. Tran, Michael R. Buxhoeveden, Timothy T. Wills

            Pages 561-569

          4. Ulnar, Median, Radial, and Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve Blocks

            • Tina M. Dailey, Mayur Vallabhaneni

            Pages 571-586

          5. Carpal and Cubital Tunnel Injections

            • Ankur A. Patel, Neal Rakesh, Navdeep S. Jassal

            Pages 587-604

          6. Bedside Injections for Wrist Pain

            • Eric M. Stockwell, Harlan B. Stern

            Pages 605-615

          7. Bedside Injections for Hand Pain: Trigger Finger, Digital Nerve Blocks, Intra-Articular Injections

            • Jason Christopher Gremillion, Yashar Eshraghi, Gassan Chaiban, Maged Guirguis

            Pages 617-640

          8. Botulinum Toxin Injections for Muscle Spasticity

            • Geoffrey R. Smith, Chelsea D. Frost, Andrea T. Aguirre

            Pages 641-663

        9. Bedside Procedures for Lower Extremity Pain

          1. Front Matter

            Pages 665-665


          2. Intra-Articular Hip Injections

            • Mohamed Attia, Mowafak Abdelghani

            Pages 667-674

          3. Hip: Periarticular Injections

            • Anita M. Lowe Taylor, Eugene Yousik Roh

            Pages 675-688

          4. Adductor Canal Block

            • Priyanka Singla, Paul C. DeMarco

            Pages 689-697

          5. Sciatic Nerve Blockade

            • Drew Jensen, Ashley Shilling

            Pages 699-709

          6. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block

            • Matthew R. Thames, Brett J. Elmore

            Pages 711-719

          7. Saphenous Nerve Block

            • Prentiss A. Lawson Jr, William A. Potter

            Pages 721-730

          8. Femoral Nerve Block

            • Grant A. Neely, Brett J. Elmore

            Pages 731-738

          9. Intra-Articular Knee Injections

            • Chinyere Archie, Anish Sethi, Rany T. Abdallah

            Pages 739-750

          10. Periarticular Knee Injections

            • Karl J. Hinrichs, James E. Wolf, Rany T. Abdallah

            Pages 751-756

          11. Genicular Nerves Blocks

            • Priyanka Ghosh, Lynn Kohan

            Pages 757-763

          12. Ankle Block

            • Peter Merjavy

            Pages 765-778

          13. Bedside Procedures for Lower Extremity Pain

            1. Intra-Articular Injections of the Foot and Ankle

              • Minton Truitt Cooper

              Pages 779-785

            2. Soft Tissue Injections of the Foot and Ankle

              • Minton Truitt Cooper

              Pages 787-796

          14. Back Matter

            Pages 797-810


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