Non ci sono recensioni
Pages i-x
Pages 1-5
Pages 7-13
Pages 15-24
Pages 25-38
Pages 39-58
Pages 59-72
Pages 73-82
Pages 83-119
Pages 121-154
Pages 155-167
Pages 169-176
Pages 177-182
Pages 183-190
Pages 191-214
Pages 215-225
This atlas is a detailed and complete guide on imaging of the dentomaxillofacial region, a region of high interest to a wide range of specialists. A large number of injuries and patient’s treatment involve the facial skeleton.
Enriched by radiographic images and illustrations, this book explores the anatomy of this region presenting its imaging characteristics through the most commonly available techniques (MDCT, CBCT, MRI and US). In addition, two special chapters on angiography and micro-CT expand the limits of dentomaxillofacial imaging.
This comprehensive book will be an invaluable tool for radiologists, dentists, surgeons and ENT specialists in their training and daily practice.
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