Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Applied Environmental Metabolomics
Community Insights and Guidance from the Field
Beale et al
175,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Highlights overarching principles and considerations for researchers to leverage when planning, conducting, and evaluating environmental metabolomics research
  • Applies key insights and lessons learned from leaders in the field
  • Provides real-world case study applications of multiple environmental metabolomics techniques
  • Integrates the Metabolomics Standards Initiative into case study examples
  • Encompasses standard operating protocols for metabolomics to help new entrants to the field

Introduction to Environmental metabolomics
What is environmental metabolomics?
Overview of analytical tools and techniques used in environmental metabolomics
Statistical frameworks and tools

Theme 1 - Environmental metabolomics applied to epidemiology (environmental exposure)
Key principles and consideration of epidemiology-based environmental metabolomics
State-of-the-art review of epidemiology-based environmental metabolomics
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 1
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 2
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 3
Synthesis and Future considerations of epidemiology-based environmental metabolomics (in the form of standard operating procedures (SOPs))

Theme 2 - Environmental metabolomics applied to model organisms (impacts of environmental contaminants)
State-of-the-art review of model organism-based environmental metabolomics
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 1
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 2
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 3
Synthesis and Future considerations of model organism-based environmental metabolomics (in the form of SOPs)

Theme 3 - Environmental metabolomics applied to wild-caught organisms (ecological impacts)
Key principles and consideration of field environmental metabolomics
State-of-the-art review of field environmental metabolomics
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 1 (vertebrates)
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 2 (vertebrates)
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 3 (invertebrates)
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 4 (invertebrates)
Synthesis and Future considerations of field environmental metabolomics (in the form of SOPs)

Theme 4 - Environmental metabolomics applied to microbial communities (ecosystem health)
Key principles and consideration of microbial community-based metabolomics
State-of-the-art review of microbial community-based metabolomics
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 1
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 2
Case study example of environmental contaminant study 3
Synthesis and Future considerations of microbial community-based environmental metabolomics (in the form of SOPs)
Outlook and future perspectives for environmental metabolomics research


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