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Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery Volume 50
Volume 50
Di Rocco
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

In this book, internationally recognised experts provide an update on some important basic and technical aspects of neurosurgery. Intracranial tumours are the main focus of the book with chapters dealing with ependymomas, a tumour that still offers difficulties of interpretation in terms of both pathological features and management modalities, intraventricular tumours, which require particular attention in the choice of treatment modalities, and tumours considered typically paediatric that may still present in adulthood although with different aspects. Technical approaches to difficult anatomical areas are discussed in three chapters, dealing with the orbit, the craniocervical junction and the brainstem, respectively. Two rather didactic chapters, dealing with the minimally invasive technique for the spine and the clipping of cerebral aneurysms, are intended to contribute to the training of young neurosurgeons by illustrating the surgical steps in detail. The contribution of ultrasound to neurosurgery is illustrated in two chapters that should arouse great interest. The so-called Chiari malformations is approached in a chapter emphasising the role of cranio-cerebral disproportion in their pathogenesis. Finally, a chapter devoted to the ethical attitude that should characterise the daily practice of the neurosurgeon completes the book.

Like the previous volumes in the series, this one represents an important contribution to the advancement of neurosurgical specialities.

    Front Matter
    Pages i-viii
    Download chapter PDF
    Toward the “Perfect” Shunt: Historical Vignette, Current Efforts, and Future Directions
        Anthony Podgoršak, Fabian Flürenbrock, Nina Eva Trimmel, Leonie Korn, Markus Florian Oertel, Lennart Stieglitz et al.
    Pages 1-30
    Ependymoma from Benign to Highly Aggressive Diseases: A Review
        Stephanie T. Jünger, Valentina Zschernack, Martina Messing-Jünger, Beate Timmermann, Torsten Pietsch
    Pages 31-62
    Intraventricular Tumors: Surgical Considerations in Lateral and Third Ventricular Tumors
        Chandrashekhar Deopujari, Krishna Shroff, Suhas Malineni, Salman Shaikh, Chandan Mohanty, Vikram Karmarkar et al.
    Pages 63-118
    Multimodal Approach for the Treatment of Complex Hypothalamic Hamartomas
        José Hinojosa, Santiago Candela-Cantó, Victoria Becerra, Jordi Muchart, Marta Gómez-Chiari, Jordi Rumia et al.
    Pages 119-145
    Pediatric-Like Brain Tumors in Adults
        Sandra Fernandes Dias, Oliver Richards, Martin Elliot, Paul Chumas
    Pages 147-183
    The Value of Intraoperative Ultrasound in Brain Surgery
        Mohamed A. El Beltagy, Mohammad Elbaroody
    Pages 185-199
    Clipping of Anterior Circulation Aneurysms: Operative Instructions and Safety Rules for Young Cerebrovascular Surgeons
        Carmelo Lucio Sturiale, Alessandro Rapisarda, Alessio Albanese
    Pages 201-229
    360 Degrees Endoscopic Access to and Through the Orbit
        Davide Locatelli, Pierlorenzo Veiceschi, Alberto Daniele Arosio, Edoardo Agosti, Maria Peris-Celda, Paolo Castelnuovo
    Pages 231-275
    Pros and Cons of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
        Mehmet Zileli, Habib Canberk Karakoç, Mustafa Serdar Bölük
    Pages 277-293
    Craniovertebral Junction Surgical Approaches: State of Art
        Massimiliano Visocchi, Francesco Signorelli
    Pages 295-305
    Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Small Posterior Cranial Fossa and Chiari Malformation, Types 0 and 1
        Enver I. Bogdanov, John D. Heiss
    Pages 307-334
    Values-Based Medicine Is an Ethical Concept for Implementing the Ethical Principles in Daily Practice
        Faisal Almatrafi, Ahmed Ammar
    Pages 335-346



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