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A Century of Parasitology
Discoveries, ideas and lessons learned by scientists who published in The Journal of Parasitology, 1914-2014
Janovy, Esch
94,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Reviews key areas in ecological, medical and molecular parasitology

  • Features essays from some of the world's leading parasitologists


  • Each topic is set in context by featuring a key paper from the Journal of Paraistology over the past 100 years


List of contributors, ix

Preface, xi

A century of parasitology: 1914–2014 1
John Janovy, Jr

Part I: Systematics and Diversity
Watson, M. E. 1915. Some new gregarine parasites from Arthropoda. Journal of Parasitology 2: 27–36.

Parasitic protozoology and the scientific lessons of intellectual elegance 7
Richard E. Clopton

Linton, E. 1916. Notes on two cestodes from the spotted sting-ray. Journal of Parasitology 3: 34–38.

Helminth biodiversity research transformed by a century of evolutionary thought 21
Janine N. Caira and Kirsten Jensen

Van Cleave, H. J. 1914. Eorhynchus: A proposed new name for Neorhynchus hamann preoccupied. Journal of Parasitology 1: 50–51.

Acanthocephala in The Journal of Parasitology 1914–2014 40
Omar M. Amin

Linton, E. 1915. Tocotrema lingua (Creplin): The adult stage of a skin parasite of the cunner and other fishes of the Woods Hole region. Journal of Parasitology 1: 128–134.

A century (1914–2014) of studies on marine fish parasites published in The Journal of Parasitology 57
Victor Manuel Vidal-Martínez, Edgar Torres-Irineo and Ma. Leopoldina Aguirre-Macedo

Part II: Ecology and Life History

McCoy, O. R. 1928. Seasonal fluctuation in the infestation of Planorbis trivolvis with larval trematodes. Journal of Parasitology 15: 121–126.

An overview of the history and advances in the population ecology of parasites 77
David J. Marcogliese and Cameron P. Goater

Nadler, S. A. 1995. Microevolution and the genetic structure of parasite populations. Journal of Parasitology 81: 395–403.

History of microevolutionary thought in parasitology: The integration of molecular population genetics 93
Charles D. Criscione

Cross, S. X. 1934. A probable case of non-specific immunity between two parasites of ciscoes of the Trout Lake region of northern Wisconsin. Journal of Parasitology 20: 244–245.

The worm’s eye view of community ecology 110
Tavis K. Anderson and Michael V. K. Sukhdeo

Ransom, B. H., andM. C. Hall. 1915. The life history of Gongylonema scutatum. Journal of Parasitology 2: 80–86.

The iron wheel of parasite life cycles: Then and now! 131
Matthew G. Bolek, Heather A. Stigge and Kyle D. Gustafson

Jacobs, L., J. S. Remington, and M. L. Melton. 1960. A survey of meat samples from swine, cattle, and sheep for the presence of encysted Toxoplasma. Journal of Parasitology 46: 23–28.

Transmission of Toxoplasma gondii—From land to sea, a personal perspective 148
J. P. Dubey

Part III: Host-Parasite

Interactions—The Challenge

Todd, J. L. 1914. Tick paralysis. Journal of Parasitology 1: 55–64.

Tick paralysis: Some host and tick perspectives 167
Lance A. Durden and Ben J. Mans

Bemrick, W. J. 1961. Effect of low temperatures on trophozoites of Giardia muris. Journal of Parasitology 47: 573–576.

Giardia intestinalis biochemistry and regulation: An evolutionary tale 177
Edward L. Jarroll and Timothy A. Paget

Sarles, M. P. 1932. Development of acquired resistance in rabbits by repeated infection with an intestinal nematode, Trichostrongylus calcaratus Ransom 1911. Journal of Parasitology 19: 61–82.

The early history of immunoparasitology in the United States 189
Raymond E. Kuhn

Hall, M. C. 1926. Some practical principles of anthelmintic medication. Journal of Parasitology 13: 16–24.

Chemotherapy of helminth infections: A centennial reflection 202
William C. Campbell

Anthelmintic drug discovery: Into the future 215
Timothy G. Geary, Judy Sakanari and Conor R. Caffrey

Part IV: The First Figures Published in The Journal of Parasitology

The Journal of Parasitology as a visual experience: Ten landmark figures 229

First figure published in The Journal of Parasitology: Stanley Fracker’s proposal for quantifying the structural features of a nematode 230

First new species figure: Stenophora diplocorpa from the intestine of Euryurus erythropygus 230

First photomicrograph published in The Journal of Parasitology: A sarcocyst from an opossum 231

First transmission electron micrograph published in The Journal of Parasitology: sections of Trypanosoma equiperdum 232

First scanning electron micrograph published in The Journal of Parasitology: Surface architecture of schistosome cercariae 233

First digital light micrograph published in The Journal of Parasitology: Trophic stages of Torogregarina sphinx 234

First figure of a pathological condition: Endameba gingivalis in a pyorrheal pocket 235

First figure of a seasonal fluctuation in parasite abundance: Cercariae from a planorbid snail 236

First modern figure of a phylogeny published in The Journal of Parasitology 237

First life cycle diagram, similar to what would be in a textbook, published in The Journal of Parasitology 238

Part V: Overview and Conclusions

Reflections: Closing comments for the centennial celebration of The Journal of Parasitology 241
Gerald W. Esch

Index 243



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