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3D Printing at Hospitals and Medical Centers 2nd edition
A Practical Guide for Medical Professionals
Rybicki, Morris, Grant
220,00 €


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This new edition describes the fundamentals of three-dimensional (3D) printing as applied to medicine and extends the scope of the first edition of 3D Printing in Medicine to include modern 3D printing within Health Care Facilities, also called at the medical “Point-Of-Care” (POC). This edition addresses the practical considerations for, and scope of hospital 3D printing facilities, image segmentation and post-processing for Computer Aided Design (CAD) and 3D printing. The book provides details regarding technologies and materials for medical applications of 3D printing, as well as practical tips of value for physicians, engineers, and technologists.

Individual, comprehensive chapters span all major organ systems that are 3D printed, including cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, craniomaxillofacial, spinal, neurological, thoracic, and abdominal. The fabrication of maxillofacial prosthetics, the planning of head and neck reconstructions, and 3D printed medical devices used in cranial reconstruction are also addressed. The second edition also includes guidelines and regulatory considerations, costs and reimbursement for medical 3D printing, quality assurance, and additional applications of CAD such as virtual reality. There is a new Forward written by Ron Kikinis, PhD and a new Afterword written by Michael W. Vannier, MD.


This book offers radiologists, surgeons, and other physicians a rich source of information on the practicalities and expanding medical applications of 3D printing. It will also serve engineers, physicist, technologists, and hospital administrators who undertake 3D printing. The second edition is designed as a textbook and is expected to serve in this capacity to fill educational needs in both the medical and engineering sectors.


    Front Matter
    Pages i-x
    Introduction to the Second Edition
        Frank J. Rybicki
    Pages 1-20
    Image Processing, Including Software Considerations for Medical 3D Printing
        Prashanth Ravi, Nathan Lawera, Andreas A. Giannopoulos, Todd Pietila, Frank J. Rybicki
    Pages 21-34
    Pre-processing and Preparation of Medical 3D Printed Parts
        Prashanth Ravi, Shivum Chokshi
    Pages 35-46
    3D Printing Technologies and Materials
        Peter C. Liacouras, Eugene Huo, Dimitrios Mitsouras
    Pages 47-69
    Thoracic 3D Printing
        Aakanksha Sriwastwa, Rajul Gupta, Prashanth Ravi, Shayne Kondor, Shivum Chokshi, Adnan Sheikh et al.
    Pages 71-86
    Cardiac 3D Printing
        Justin Ryan, Aakanksha Sriwastwa, Prashanth Ravi, Betty Ann Schwarz, Andreas Giannopoulos
    Pages 87-103
    Musculoskeletal 3D Printing
        Rajul Gupta, Sean P. Martin, Aakanksha Sriwastwa, Betty Ann Schwarz, Satheesh Krishna, Kirstin M. Small et al.
    Pages 105-125
    3D Printing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
        Brian B. Farrell, R. Bryan Bell, Andy Christensen
    Pages 127-154
    Case Examples of Advanced 3D Printing in Hospitals and Medical Centers
        Rajul Gupta, Victoria A. Sears, Daniel L. Price, Kyle S. Ettinger, Frank J. Rybicki, Jonathan M. Morris
    Pages 155-163
    3D Printing and Digital Design for Maxillofacial Prosthetics
        Rosemary Seelaus, Gerald T. Grant
    Pages 165-184
    Patient-Specific Planning in Head and Neck Reconstruction Including Virtual Reality
        Lee W. T. Alkureishi, Pravin K. Patel
    Pages 185-212
    3D Printing and Neurotechnology in Cranial Reconstruction
        Charity Huggins, Bradley Rabinovitz, Mehran Armand, Chad Gordon
    Pages 213-226
    3D Printing in Neurosurgery and Neurovascular Intervention
        Arafat Ali, Aakanksha Sriwastwa
    Pages 227-253
    Applications of 3D Printing in the Spine
        David Ting-Chang Wang, Arafat Ali, Rajul Gupta, Aakanksha Sriwastwa
    Pages 255-266
    Applications of 3D Printing in the Abdomen and Pelvis
        Shivum Chokshi, David H. Ballard, Rajul Gupta, Seetharam C. Chadalavada, Nicole Wake
    Pages 267-283
    3D Printing in the Management of Breast Cancer
        Tatiana Kelil, Arafat Ali
    Pages 285-298
    RSNA-ACR 3D Printing Registry
        Kenneth C. Wang, Amy E. Alexander
    Pages 299-310
    Establishing a Medical 3D Printing Lab and Considerations for Ensuring Quality of the 3D Printed Medical Parts
        Prashanth Ravi, Aakanksha Sriwastwa, Shivum Chokshi, Shayne Kondor, Frank J. Rybicki
    Pages 311-330
    3D Printing in Medical Education
        Shivum Chokshi, Ibrahim Bin Huzaifa, Aakanksha Sriwastwa, Adnan Sheikh, Frank J. Rybicki, Rajul Gupta
    Pages 331-339

Biofabricated Tissues and Organs

    Naomi C. Paxton, Paul D. Dalton

Pages 341-359
FDA Regulatory Pathways and Technical Considerations for the 3D Printing of Medical Models and Devices

    James C. Coburn, Gerald T. Grant

Pages 361-376
Augmented and Virtual Reality in Medicine

    Justin Sutherland, Daniel J. La Russa

Pages 377-391
Back Matter
Pages 393-396



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